Comments on Profile Post by SoupRKnowva

  1. Lyander
    OPM 2 is so disappointing so far from an animation standpoint. Of all the studios they go and pick JC f'ing Staff when flipping Madhouse did S1. Might as well have gone ufotable.

    Boogiepop and Others turned out excellent though, which is kinda worth it?
    Apr 24, 2019
  2. Aelms
    @Lyer25 Can’t agree with what I’ve seen.

    There hasn’t been a single extended fight scene up until now that calls for the same animation quality as the last few S1 episodes. Since the animators that did those were outsourced to key animators outside Madhouse, there’s no reason JC can’t do the same when the time comes. We can save our complaints for when the season is complete.
    Apr 24, 2019
    Lyander and SoupRKnowva like this.
  3. SoupRKnowva
    I honestly don’t even care if s2 is bad, s1 is perfect. I just finished a rewatch last night
    Apr 24, 2019
    Lyander likes this.
  4. insidious meme
    insidious meme
    At least I have the manga to roll to. Webcomic is back too.
    Apr 24, 2019
    Lyander and SoupRKnowva like this.
  5. Friday
    Yeah so far S2 feels like they're just coloring in the manga scenes and adding audio without actually animating the movements. S1 is fantastic though
    Apr 24, 2019
    Lyander likes this.
  6. Lyander
    Haha, sorry for the nerd rage, I'm one of those sakuga nitpickers. So far I'm still willing to give S2 a chance but just based off the two episodes I've seen so far I'm keeping my appendages crossed.

    Also I just have an allergy to that specific JC Staff look after Taboo Tattoo. Bleh.
    Apr 24, 2019
  7. SoupRKnowva
    I haven't even started S2 since I heard it was disappointing, though now maybe I will since i just finished the rewatch of s1, no better time.
    Apr 24, 2019
  8. SoupRKnowva
    I also find the discussions so many fans of anime have about studios to be not particularly relevant. Sure some studios have a great deal of creative control, where directors start new studios to work on their own projects, but that is the exception not the rule.
    Apr 24, 2019
    Lyander likes this.
  9. SoupRKnowva
    JC Staff, and most other studios, have made great shows and poor shows. It will in most cases come down to budget and the creative team, eg; the director, series composer, lead writer, lead animator, etc
    Apr 24, 2019
    Lyander likes this.
  10. Aelms
    S2 is definitely worth the watch imo and keeps things coherent for anime-only watchers. There are some very good analysis on what studios do well on YouTube, but I agree that in general fans are too apprehensive (sans when it’s Deen and A1, because they’ve been failing fans for over a decade).
    Apr 24, 2019
  11. Lyander
    I will admit that talk of studios is relatively narrow and that you're right in that basically every studio has its fair share of flops, but some are more likely to lay an egg than others, e.g. Deen and A1. I give everything benefit of the doubt if premise interests me enough, but so far OPM 2's been less than encouraging.
    Apr 24, 2019
  12. Lyander
    Will concede that I'm being very critical because I absolutely loved S1 and was more than hyped for 2. Didn't know about the studio change until after I saw episode 1 because I seldom follow news like that, making it jarring because I was looking forward to more Madhouse.

    Don't mean to be an ass, just because it didn't suit my tastes doesn't mean it won't others' :))
    Apr 24, 2019
  13. SoupRKnowva
    I don’t understand all this hate for s2 at all, I got all caught up this evening and it seems great so far.
    Apr 26, 2019
  14. Lyander
    Some people are stupidly opinionated about the silliest things, which has NEVER happened before :P

    To be fair there are anime people love that I just hated and vise-versa. I will admit fault for ranting when I could have just shrugged it off— don't let my nerd rage spoil a good series for you :))
    Apr 26, 2019
  15. SoupRKnowva
    no i get that, my confusion comes from you enjoying the first and not enjoying the second, they are extremely similar shows.
    Apr 26, 2019
    Lyander likes this.
  16. Lyander
    Just the look and feel of things, basically. It's a relatively faithful adaptation of the manga, but the animation doesn't match the quality of S1.

    Also I just hate the HDR-looking style JC employs.
    Apr 26, 2019
  17. Friday
    It's too faithful to me, in that they don't actually flesh out movements and just substitute with special effects. Like I said earlier, pretty much the manga with colours and audio thrown in.
    Apr 27, 2019
  18. Friday
    I could rewatch S1 no problem, but S2 feels like they're just going through the motions (or the panels, to be precise), to the point that 90s anime seem to have better action.
    Apr 27, 2019