Get a hearing test if you disagree with me

Discussion in 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' started by Gallic Dweller, Sep 8, 2021.

  1. Gallic Dweller

    Gallic Dweller Acquaintance

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    rhythmdevils - your opinion doesn't just diverge almost completely from my own opinion but against every other opinion I read before buying -the Oppos so your comment was totally disingenuous wasn't it. Can you find one other opinion that agrees with your own - to use your 'americanism' - I find your response douchy.

    When I can find the time I shall try a few of my own ideas on the Oppo but until then I shall enjoy not having aching ears from my other (soon to be sold) headphones.

    Whatever you think about your hearing until you have a proper hearing test you will not know the reality of your hearing - why do you over react? thought is not reality, only reality is real. Have you ever had a properly conducted hearing test, if not then you do not know what your level of hearing is.

    I have to go today and make an appointment for my wife to have hearing aids for both ears. My wife had two things she loved to do - long distance walking and listening to music. To quote Joni - 'time and fate and other thieves' have robbed her of both. If you look at lots of audio forums there are so many who can no longer enjoy music - sad for my wife and sad for all those others - that's life.
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  2. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

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    I think we all hear things differently and if we all heard the same, things would be boring.

    The PM-2's are not going to be everyone's cuppa tea. It has rolled off highs, can sound muted...I just think RD likes a livelier sound. If that is due to his hearing or other conditions, I really don't care, it is just that is the way things are. We are all here to present our experiences and share and should not be bashing each other for our different experiences.
  3. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    It is not ok to question other member's hearing in this hobby. And it is especially not ok here on SBAF, and especially not coming from some rando who's new to the forum, and even more so not ok when your reason is that you disagree with someone's impressions of a headphone. You can disagree with my impressions all you want. You cannot question my physical hearing and tell me to take a hearing test because you disagree with my impressions.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
  4. loadexfa

    loadexfa MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    So what? One of the things I like about this forum is we are usually good about "let's get a variety of impressions" rather than "here is the authority/consensus, you should agree". I've had multiple times where my impression didn't match the hype and used to think something was wrong on my end. Over time I've learned to trust my ears and taste, they don't need to match anyone else, my gear is for my enjoyment, not theirs.

    This come across as dismissive and patronizing. Have you seen other posts where RD compares gear in detail? "I think you have a hearing deficiency" is a rude conclusion to draw, especially based on the available data.
  5. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    I do all the time.

    What about mental. Brain burn-in was mentioned in this thread.
  6. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    no you don’t and no one else does either. What are you trying to achieve with this post? You are very confused here.

    and no amount of “brain burn in” will change the amount of treble the pm-2 is capable of.
  7. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Some levity. Weak, my bad. I seriously didnt know questioning other’s hearing acuity was taboo. I thought it was the basis for relating impressions on an audio forum.

    Just a little annoyed youre not acknowledging armaegis’ experience by saying yours is common sense while extolling virtues of hifi cables.

    Just want more discussion and consideration.
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  8. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    What the f**k is wrong with this thread? I posted my impression of the PM-2 and a theory as to why it sounded like that. @Armaegis disagreed based on a very different way of thinking about audio. That's what happens on audio forums. It is in fact the point of this forum.

    I post impressions about all kinds of things, headphones, DAC's, amps, and yes, HEADPHONE CABLES! That is the point of this forum. If you don't want to read impressions of gear I suggest you go somewhere else.

    And no, we do not ever question someone's physical hearing ability when they dislike a piece of gear that you like, much less literally tell them to take a hearing test. That is bottom barrel, even below head-fi discussion. We discuss impressions of gear and why that gear sounds that way. That is what should be happening in this thread. I respect @Armaegis we've both been around forever and I could care less if he disagrees with me, it changes nothing, I stil respect him while acknowledging our different perspectives. None of this should be personal. He could be right, I could be wrong. I don't really care.
  9. loadexfa

    loadexfa MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    I'm guessing parts of this thread will end up moved elsewhere. Not sure which mods do that or I'd tag them. Internet arguments are always super productive and here I am adding to it...

    Questioning someone's hearing sounds to me like "I hear that differently so you probably have defective hearing". I don't know what to say if you don't find that dismissive and rude. Doesn't sound too different than, "if your experience doesn't match mine, you must be broken".

    Even if someone can't pick up the same details, nuance, etc that doesn't necessarily mean they need their hearing checked (speaking broadly, not about RD who can describe minute differences in sound much better than I can). Hearing is weird in that way and some of this is training. I'm noticing my ability to describe what I hear getting better as I age but supposedly my hearing is slowly getting worse as it does for us all.

    Eh, I thought it got noisy and nit-picky, comparing apples to oranges. It's fine if a suggested hypothesis doesn't resonate but seemed like an odd position to push if you don't have experience in modding/tuning headphones. (If that assumption is inaccurate then apologies Armaegis, I didn't notice modding expertise included in your argument).

    I've heard differences with cables sometimes. I guess that means you should ignore what I hear. :D
  10. Qildail

    Qildail Friend

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    The worst part of this is it's ten hours old before I saw it, so I missed out getting the fresh popcorn...
  11. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I made a post on this somewhere on this site on differing opinions. In my experience of audio forums going back almost a decade:

    If something sounds different to two different people, it's almost always because those specific samples actually do sound (and measure) differently.

    Couple of notes to the above:
    • Hearing damage is rarely the cause (we all have some sort of hearing damage)
    • With newer people, it's often they hear the same thing but have different preferences.
    • Some people are less sensitive to distortion or treble peaks. (I have a dip in hearing response at 5kHz)

    Anyway, I went back in time and pulled from data for the PM-2:

    In keeping with the spirit of dada, I now present you with the Chevalier du Balibari, because Stanley Kubrick is cool, and Barry Lyndon is a piece of shit.
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    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
  12. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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  13. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    ^ Hahahaha. My life is now complete.
  14. Kunlun

    Kunlun cat-alyzes cat-aclysmic cat-erwauling - Friend

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    You guys can still hear?

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  15. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

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    If you have good and experienced ears, you probably have hearing damage. That's the way it works in this hobby or business.
    @purr1n and I were talking about how some legendary equipment designers probably did not hear the "flaws" of their own gear earlier today. It didn't really hurt them one bit.
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  16. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    As I get older I'm getting so much ear hair to the point it is just as bad has my chest hair if I don't remove it. I swear that my hearing would get worse if I don't get rid of my ear hairs. I'm being serious, people having tons of ear hairs is gross.
  17. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend

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    Have you considered laser or electrolysis?
  18. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    No, I pluck them out. Don't wanna mess up my IEMs.
  19. bixby

    bixby Friend

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    I heard pot may help some mild cases of tinnitus. Confirmed. :cool:
  20. GoodEnoughGear

    GoodEnoughGear Evil Dr. Shultz‎

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    Interesting. I find it aggravates my sibilance issues. Also I can hear slap echo in stark relief and loud sounds are uncomfortable.

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