Elrog 300B Review - The Best 300B Ever?

Discussion in 'Modifications and Tweaks' started by purr1n, Jun 25, 2023.

  1. MisterRogers

    MisterRogers Ethernet Nervosa

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  2. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    On a hunch, let's look at transient response of a 100Hz sine stimulus.
    • 100Hz square waves at 2.998Vrms +/- 0.001Vrms drift
    • 300 ohm load
    • Zooming in at the first rise in the square
    • FFT stopped when the ripple is maxxed (noise)

    WE 300B

    EH 300B #1

    EH 300B #2

    Elrog 300B #1
    correction: should indicate 3.38V instead of 3.28 on the first downward cycle overshoot

    Elrog 300B #2

    Do we see anything interesting???

    Probably need way more data to say for certain. The Elrog have greatest initial overshoot and the least overshoot on the end of the second cycle.

    Anyway, I wish more people with APx555s would actually do science. These are just half-baked ideas I'm coming up with. Many ideas I've come up with in the past 10 years with respect to measurements are not fully baked. I had always wished more people would take them up (like ex-Microsoft VPs who once commanded thousands of people but now with a lot of time on their hands who purport to be interested in science). The fact is, "SINAD" is boring, really doesn't tell us much, and is for script-kiddies (in hacker speak, people who use only automated / prepacked tools instead of truly discover).
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    Last edited: Jun 27, 2023
  3. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Oh, a better way to present / visualize the differences.


    or this if we want red to represent greater overshoot (up or down)
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  4. CEE TEE


    Pyrate IEMW
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    This could help explain sense of dynamism (initial hit) and speed/space versus richness/warmth/easier going.

    Similar to how your burst tests at different frequencies help understand headphone driver qualities/sound.

    If we can do this for tubes in some different spots from 20Hz to 20kHz also, it might be very revealing.

    (There is something I'm working on that is best explained by impulse response to account for sonic differences as well.)
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  5. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    I am well and truly out of my depth but would like to ask whether there's any significance to the tail end of the IRs being on a general downslope? I'm also seeing that the tail ends are resembling square waves somewhat, like there are groupings of twos with more pronounced dips between each grouping? Could be staring at ghosts there, no clue if I'm being very silly just now.

    First four in order.



  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    ^ higher order distortion and noise.
  7. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    This is probably the most interesting thread on SBAF and no one is noticing.
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  8. atomicbob

    atomicbob dScope Yoda

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    System Synergy to match Personal Preference is something that many miss in pursuit of measurements as a guiding principle for component selection. Learning to listen and then actually doing it requires effort that many are not inclined to undertake.

    I see 10 to 20 dB less 2nd harmonic distortion in the WE300B vs. the Elrog which might infer more dryness of sound for the WE300B.

    So much to yet be learned. I would like to see Distortion vs Frequency profiles of these tubes including the following:
    1) THD+N (traditional)
    2) 2nd harmonic (voicing)
    3) 3rd harmonic (voicing)
    4) 4+HD+N (crap factor)
  9. GuySmiley'sMonkey

    GuySmiley'sMonkey Almost "Made"

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    It's certainly interesting. Not many can justify a >$2k spend on audio consumables, though, so perhaps this thread is sadly perceived as less than relevant to most.

    Would be interested to see the results of a survey of the cost of SBAF user rigs.

    Edit: Actually, I went ahead and created a survey here.
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    Last edited: Jun 29, 2023
  10. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    I'm kinda with @GuySmiley'sMonkey on this one, but at the same time even with me likely never going THIS far down the rabbit hole it really ought be at least academically curious to more people. Actually attempting to quantify vintage tube magic's not something I've ever seen done in a convincing manner.
  11. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    That’s not what makes it interesting. It’s this:
    THAT is exactly what makes this interesting. Am I buying $2k of tubes these days? No, I’m 100% solid state on my main system and I have a couple backups for my ZDS at work. However, I’ve not seen anyone try to create a “tube magic” metric.
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  12. GuySmiley'sMonkey

    GuySmiley'sMonkey Almost "Made"

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    Oh, I totally agree. The correlation of measurements and auditory experience has always been a big part of SBAF and I find it fascinating to the extent that I can understand.

    My point, which wasn't well made, is that people who aren't in the market for expensive tubes might possibly ignore the thread entirely (based on its title) as they perceive it as irrelevant. I wasn't trying to belittle your comment or the work Marv has put in. Sorry if it came across that way. I'm just speculating why "no one is noticing" that it's the "most interesting thread" on SBAF.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2023
  13. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    The funny thing is that while D2 may imply a dryer sound for the WE, subjectively, the Elrogs have a much dryer sound! Definitely, a lot of be learned!

    Sadly no one cares. 12-13 years ago I wished someone would have figured stuff like this out to help people like myself make purchase decisions, to narrow down the offerings. Most smart guys designing audio stuff believe that a lot is hidden in transient behavior. The problem is that measuring these things requires good trained ears, research, going down rabbit holes that yield no results (the sucky part about research), and coming up with ways to process and present the data. All this is hard work. A random idiot with only an APx555, no matter how lofty their credentials, can't do this stuff.

    One thing I've noticed over my time in the hobby is that people have cared less and less about the science of sound. Anyone with an APx555 or device "APx555 cachet" (remember, it used to be NWAVGUYs analyzer) can take a measurement, draw crayons, and come out written conclusions that may or not may have anything to how things are perceived by humans, toss out a few numbers from 1-10 (or pose Pink Panther) and people just eat it up. A good example is RTings.

    It's really just the state of the world. I've surmise few people even care about RTings. TikTok is a better resource for product evals given the popularity of the Fuji X100 series today.

    Well, RTings really isn't that bad because they provide an a huge suite of measurements. I can tell if I won't like a panel almost solely based on their off-angle light dropoff and color-shift test. And I do like their color accuracy tests. I could care less for any of the others.
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    Last edited: Jun 29, 2023
  14. atomicbob

    atomicbob dScope Yoda

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    Probably rash of me to suggest an attribute correlation based on a single point distortion measurement. More useful for input would be a distortion vs frequency profile such as this one:

    Studio B Gold Lion tubes 0dBu 300R load
    20210531 Studio B Gold Lion A05 THD+N  THD  2nd 3rd 4+HD+N vs freq 0dBu 300R.png
    Blu THD+N
    Grn 2nd harmonic
    Yel 3rd harmonic
    Red 4+HD+N (crap factor)

    Observe a relatively constant H2 over frequency but a definite decrease of H3 from low to high frequencies. Crap factor is relatively constant, increasing at low frequencies but remaining below H2 and H3 below 700 Hz.
  15. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    So just so I'm clear, these are pre-Thomas Mayer ELROG under test? Anyone have experience with the current ER300Bs, be they the "plain jane" ER300b, MO, or fancy pants TM versions?
  16. atomicbob

    atomicbob dScope Yoda

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    I hope to acquire a pair to audition and measure. Depends on @VinylSavor production queue.
  17. schiit

    schiit SchiitHead

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    I have to agree on transients being important, and disagree on nobody cares.

    I think literally everyone cares about metrics that can help them make better audio decisions.

    The problem is they need to be boiled down to something that is digestible. Not a single number, but also not 8,000 words of audiophile prose, and not 20 arcane charts. It doesn't have to be 100%. It can be 80%. It can do nothing more than iindicate a direction, and that's already better than marketing buzzword bingo and CAD drawings of MELF resistors and single-metric tabulated rankings and figuring out WTAF some of these reviewers are talking about.

    This is a communication problem. Solve it and win. Seriously.

    I've given some thought to it, proposed some graphic panels to boil it down, but in the end I can't participate. I'm a manufacturer, nobody would believe me.

    Hopefully someone here can figure it out. Or take something proposed and run with it.

    But, as noted in the comments this week, it takes more than just running with it--it takes more content. Quite a bit more. And that means time. And commitment. And that's a helluva lot of work. I'd really like to help, but I am afraid if I'm involved it becomes partisan and contentious.
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    Last edited: Jun 29, 2023
  18. jexby

    jexby Posole Prince

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    ^ Jason, you need a to hire a nom de plume tube fool for over minimum wage (ie. graduate student) and get a thesis and it's documentation generated as part of a PhD program.
  19. schiit

    schiit SchiitHead

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    Sigh, I would be happy just doing research. But that's a totally different track.
  20. Taguro

    Taguro Almost "Made"

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    I have the current Mo version. Using for around 2 months now. Don't know if it's that "tube magic" but have had no desire for anything else after getting these. I have ordered a Stellaris prior to getting the Elrogs which I fully intend to hold my end of the deal with Donald, but SJR + Elrogs are amazing, and one can be perfectly happy with these + any decent headphone which doesn't require a nuclear power plant to drive (like Susvara).

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