Jan 14, 2018 NY Meet Impressions

Discussion in 'The Meeting Place' started by thegunner100, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. thegunner100

    thegunner100 Hentai Master Chief

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Big thanks to @Boops for hosting the meet this time, and to everyone for traveling to the meet on this cold day. Also, thanks to @Ziva for bringing us the delicious donuts. As always, I don't get to listen to much during these mini meets. At most, I think I probably got less than 15 minutes worth of listening in? At this point though, listening to gear isn't that important for me anymore. It's all about hanging out and meeting people from the NY region. These mini meets are really what make Super Best Audio Friends special.

    Anyways, I forgot to take a group photo and sorry we didn't organize for a dinner afterwards. I'm still quite tired and out of it from recovering from a cold. Next month though, we should definitely all meet up either Saturday or Sunday for Canjam and dinner afterwards.

    You guys better post some good impressions to make up for my lack of listening!!!



  2. Maxx134

    Maxx134 Dunning–Kruger effect poster boy

    Oct 27, 2015
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    Yes thanks you guys for making this happen.
    Time always fly too quick in these meets so I see why never enough time to both listen and conversate but it was a great meet.
    Maybe we need a round 2 meet to properly finish, lol.

    We had alot of really good headphones this time around, and the setups were very good as well..
    This made everything seem great and way more a preference choice.

    At least we got to hear all the many nice headphones.

    I will list a few in order of preference:

    1-Focal Clear:
    It was surprising to hear how well balanced the Focal clear was...
    Clear is a clear winner to me.
    It carried a sense of very convincing tonality and you could hear the Utopia traits of realism in it details, not just throwing out details, but showing it in a convincing way.
    Soundstage was better and almost satisfying so it still need tubes to climb but a definite improvement.

    2 -LCD 2C:
    It was also quite surprising to hear how good the LCD 2C was.
    It is better than what I have read about it.
    This can was a high performer.
    Most probably reason why it not taken seriously is because of
    The very alive,large, and rich sound signature added on to its resolve.
    So its not as reference but more on fun side with nothing lacking or bad. Would need to own one to find out more as meet is not ideal situation.
    This is very desirable.

    3- ZMF Auteur :
    It was also a treat to hear how well the ZMF Auteur was.
    I think it's nicer than the Eikon I had.
    This time around, both the signature And the soundstage are perfected in a sweet spot for a very desirable headohone, more so than any ZMF so far,
    (Yes there is always a but)
    The resolution is not on par with a Focal Clear or PMx2.
    Still, it pluses make up for a can that is musically more livable than both.

    4- PMx2:
    I finally heard the PMx2 as well and now know how good it is.
    Very very neutral, balanced,clean, resolving.
    Just a nice can.
    It is superior to most cans technically and only slight lack I would say is the soundstage size.

    5- HD650/600/variants:
    Quite a few different HD650 models and moded models here.
    I was Impressed at the nice performance level of them.

    The LFF modified Code-LEX(@LFF modded HE-5LE) and the stock HE5LE were there.
    They were both enjoyable, with the modded one slightly less trebles and bass, so was more neutral.
    This model similar to a level of a hd650 to me.

    The order I listed was my order of preference.

    Cheers and thanks again guys for making this happen and it really wasnt enough time to get to know everyone so would be nice to have more meets.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
  3. bozebuttons

    bozebuttons Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    First off thanks to @Boops for hosting @Ziva for the donuts,@thegunner100 for organizing duties.


    1-Focal Clear:
    It was surprising to hear how well balanced the Focal clear was...
    Clear is a clear winner to me.
    It carried a sense of very convincing tonality and you could hear the Utopia traits of realism in it details, not just throwing out details, but showing it in a convincing way.
    Soundstage was better and almost satisfying so it still need tubes to climb but a definite improvement.

    2 -LCD 2C:
    It was also quite surprising to hear how good the LCD 2C was.
    It is better than what I have read about it.
    This can was a high performer.
    Most probably reason why it not taken seriously is because of
    The very alive,large, and rich sound signature added on to its resolve.
    So its not as reference but more on fun side with nothing lacking or bad. Would need to own one to find out more as meet is not ideal situation.
    This is very desirable.

    3- ZMF Auteur :
    It was also a treat to hear how well the ZMF Auteur was.
    I think it's nicer than the Eikon I had.
    This time around, both the signature And the soundstage are perfected in a sweet spot for a very desirable headohone, more so than any ZMF so far,
    (Yes there is always a but)
    The resolution is not on par with a Focal Clear or PMx2.
    Still, it pluses make up for a can that is musically more livable than both.

    4- PMx2:
    I finally heard the PMx2 as well and now know how good it is.
    Very very neutral, balanced,clean, resolving.
    Just a nice can.
    It is superior to most cans technically and only slight lack I would say is the soundstage size.


    The LFF modified Code-LEX(@LFF modded HE-5LE) and the stock HE5LE were there.
    They were both enjoyable, with the modded one slightly less trebles and bass, so was more neutral.
    This model similar to a level of a hd650 to me.
    Stock phone was a HE500 hardwired with wireworld eclipse6 focus A pads not a HE5le.

    I agree with Maxx134 thoughts of the above.

    EC Aficionado is the real deal expansive & deep soundstage ,good instrument separation.

    Abyss Phi ,top headphone in all aspects other then the fit,worked really well with the Aficionado.

    Cradons Hardwired HD800 was also sounding pretty good with Boops EC amp

    One thing I noticed with the Gungnir Multibit that it was a little soft & not as well defined as the Yggdrasil on Bass reproduction.

    These are meet impressions so don't get your panties in a bunch if you don't Agree:)
  4. Rthomas

    Rthomas Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Guys who makes those black headphone cases with the foam cut outs?
  5. bozebuttons

    bozebuttons Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Mine was made by HiFiman, not sure about the 2 in the bottom photo
  6. sphinxvc

    sphinxvc Gear Master (retired)

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 28, 2015
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    I didn't get to hear anything, but it was fun to see everyone! @Ziva's the man for bringing Dough! doughnuts. I was texting @AdvanTech today about how we should try to organize a 2-channel meet. Maybe once my OBs are done. @Gaspasser, you should totally come up with some local Friends if we do that.
  7. Marc Shivers

    Marc Shivers Acquaintance

    Dec 28, 2017
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    It's this case: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PDEZIPA/

    I bought them rushed when I realized last-minute that I didn't have any way to carry all those headphones. They're big enough to fit HD800s, and I'm pretty happy with them.

    Edit: Note that the case only has padding to hold the headphones in place sideways; the headphones touch the top & bottom of the case (or at least the HD800s do), so if you're looking for a case that will be drop-proof, these aren't them.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2018
  8. Colgin

    Colgin Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    First off, great seeing everyone. I actually was able to stay a bit longer than usual for these types of meets, but the time still seemed too short and I wished I could have spent more time chatting with everyone.

    In addition to enjoying all the gear and setups, I was particularly focused on doing some good comparisons among the LCD-2c, Clear and PMx2, as those were the principal contenders for me for my next purchase. (Note I already own the PM-2 so the PMx2 is an upgrade cost for me.)

    I don't have too much more to add to @Maxx134 ' excellent comparison above. I would say that as much as I liked the LCD2c and am still considering it as an additional purchase, I found it a little veiled/hazy/hashy compared to the Clear and the PMx2 (and this was with the Vegan pads, which I agree were an improvement). But still excellent tonality, decent soundstage and great bass umph when called for. At the $599 price a real bargain and had not to purchase regardless of whether or not I really need it.

    Clear was my co-favorite along with the PMx2.My only slight concern is whether they might be fatiguing over longer periods of time, whereas I know the PMx2 do not fatigue me from my loaner time with them. Still, I like the dynamic punch and clarity of this with still very even tonality. Different than PMx2 but equally appealing.

    While I liked things about each of the LCD2c and Clear more than the PMx2, for me, the PMx2 was probably the closest to a goldilocks-type best compromise. Very resolving although possibly not quite as resolving as the Clear. Soundstage is not the widest but very good staging/instrument placement. On the wrong amo, it was a bit of a disappointment (@GanGreinke 's Schiit Vidar into a power amp the name of which I forget). But when played balanced into @GanGreinke 's RME ADI-2-Pro (PRT enabled) it was one of the most engaging sounds for my taste, albeit a little warm and perhaps not to everyone's preferences. I think that was the sound I was going for and if I cannot find it cheaper I will likely just buy the ADI-2-Pro.

    So, among those three my favorite was the PMx2 and I sent in my PM-2 to afterwards for the upgrade (which I am awaiting anxiously). But each of the other two has their strengths and I have no trouble with others preferring one or the other over the PMx2. And the fact that many preferred the LCD-2c further evidences what a bargain (in this pricing environment at least) it is.

    I loved @Cradon 's HD800 (modded) setup. Probably my favorite overall setup, but probably a gazillion dollars to replicate plus whatever crazy, inimitable modding magic he does. And I say this as someone who is not a HD 800 fan.

    @bozebuttons 's Susvara was also one of the best out of headphones I cannot afford. I had not liked these at CanJam last year but out of the Studio another story. Still, don't like the Hi-Fiman fit and finish but would otherwise love to own these but for the price.

    ZMF Auteur was not my favorite althougfh it seemed fine technically. It seemed a bit thin to me at least out of @thegunner100 's ZDT. And the fit and finish were not to my liking although that is totally subjective.

    Hopefully I will see some of you shortly at CanJam next month.
  9. bazelio

    bazelio Friend

    Nov 16, 2015
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    What was the Allnic connected to, speaker wise?
  10. thegunner100

    thegunner100 Hentai Master Chief

    Sep 25, 2015
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    No speakers, just headphones.

    @Colgin Glad you were able to decide on something!
  11. Maxx134

    Maxx134 Dunning–Kruger effect poster boy

    Oct 27, 2015
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    The PMx2 had a more natural image placement and was way more neutral than The other two.

    The Clear had a brighter top end and more lively dynamics but the PMx2 can do dynamics good with more power paired amp.
    Those two are at a similar level.
    I did not feel the Clear had a better soundstage but rather a different soundstage.

    Either unit would be excellent.
    Yet the only thing I felt the Clear did better was give a slight sense of more realism in its (midrange)tonality.
    A very slight hint of the Utopia trait of "certainty" in it's midrange tone.
    Although the tone was skewed a bit elevated at the extremes.

    It is a shame all the guys didn't hear the HD800 on the Allnic.
    This combo is the epitome of what has been said in past,
    that pairing the HD800 with the right amp can make It climb higher to challenge a stat like the 009.

    The HD800 is jaw dropping on the Allnic,
    but then the Yggdrasil feeding two amps had slight issue.

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