Schiit Saga Thread

Discussion in 'Preamps' started by HitmanFluffy, Feb 2, 2017.

  1. tranq

    tranq Friend Pyrate Contributor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Magni 3 comes with preamp outputs. RCA cables from magni 3 into Vidar.

    So RCA cables from one of sagas outputs into Magni 3's input, turn magni 3 to max, then run an RCA cable from the magni 3 outputs into vidars SE inputs. Low gain on magni is 3db, high gain is 17db. Saga volume control controls it all.

    Edit: from magni 3 literature on

    "Powered Monitors Welcome, Too
    Magni 3 includes preamp outputs. This means you can connect it to your desktop powered monitors for a complete system—or even connect it to a speaker power amp and use it as a preamp. With its built-in time-delayed start-up and instant shut-down, there’ll be no glitches or pops through either headphones or speakers, either."

    Edit 2. I ran Vidar off of magnis low gain, I didn't test high gain

  2. Jerry

    Jerry Friend Pyrate

    Apr 8, 2017
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    Just wanna check if anyone ever had their volume knob come off?

    I can't seem to put it back to place. Doesn't seem to fit.


  3. willsw

    willsw Friend Pyrate

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I opened my unit up to look at something and must have taken the knob off, but don't remember any trouble putting it back on and it has been secure since. Is there a set screw to tighten on the side of the knob?
  4. Jerry

    Jerry Friend Pyrate

    Apr 8, 2017
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    Hot're right. Thanks a lot man!
  5. Azookey

    Azookey New

    Jun 11, 2019
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    If I'm never reaching max on the Saga volume control, is using a Magni for gain adding anything? Meaning, if I have enough voltage with the Saga alone, is there a difference with the Saga at a lower volume but then followed by the Magni adding volume?

  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Using Magni is not likely doing anything unless there is a mismatch between your source and amp which requires more gain.
  7. tranq

    tranq Friend Pyrate Contributor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Yeah, Magni has gain, saga doesn't.

    Magni will add its own coloration to the sound if it's in the chain. I have no idea if you will like it or not. I'm not recommending it either way. Just threw it out there as a way to get more gain into Vidar without buying a Freya or some other preamp with gain.
  8. ohshitgorillas

    ohshitgorillas Friend Pyrate

    Nov 27, 2015
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    I have an OG Saga and I am about to pull the trigger on a Bottlehead Eros 2 but I'm a bit worried about impedance matching: the Saga's input impedance being 10kohm and the Eros 2's output impedance being 4kohm, they recommend something with at least 15kohm... so would this then be a poor match, and I should look elsewhere for a phono preamp if I want to keep my Saga? Or is it not something I should really worry too much about? I've also considered a Cornet 3, a friend has one and it's very good, but I would prefer the Bottlehead, as I am a fan of having something I can modify, as well as something with some amount of shielding and not just a cheap plastic case...

    edit: response from Doc B:
    10K input impedance should work fine. The bass might be the tiniest bit more warm and full into a 10K ohm input impedance compared to something like 50K ohms where it might be a little more controlled, but I don't think it will be a deal breaker. Where you might go too far with that is if the input impedance was as low as the 4K output impedance of the Eros, or lower. Then you might start to hear a tiny bit of distortion with loud passages. I have used an Eros with our Mainline headphone amp, which has an input impedance almost as low as the Saga, and it sounds great.

    pulled the trigger that's endgame for me
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2019
  9. willsw

    willsw Friend Pyrate

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Using my Saga again and thought about buying a new remote to prevent couch cushion disappearance. But then I decided to handle it myself.

    Attached Files:

  10. toddrhodes

    toddrhodes Friend Pyrate

    Sep 13, 2017
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    Hi all. I think I'm overthinking this, but wanted to ask here just in case. I'm expanding my current 2-channel setup, including an OG Saga, run in tube buffer mode, to include a home theater AVR. Ideally, I want to send the Front L/R pre-out through an input on the Saga, so I can continue to use my current setup as-is for everything but movies and games. These days, a preamp with "home theater bypass" would work best here but I really don't want to go that route as I'm just too satisfied with how the Saga works with everything else I have.

    So, I believe the way to approach this is to run the AVR front channel outs into the Saga and find "unity gain" on the Saga. But as it really has no gain to speak of, does that mean that when watching a movie, I'd just max out the volume knob on Saga and let the AVR vary the input voltage to Saga with its own internal volume control? Not sure if that makes sense, but for some reason it does in my head. And if I am thinking correctly, then I can effectively take advantage of my least favorite aspect of OG Saga - that remote volume control doesn't override the manual volume knob. Because at that point, I can leave the manual knob cranked. Though, I suppose I will have to be extra careful when switching back from HT mode, since that would not be a good scenario to have it cranked to full. That's why I'm hesitant to think this way?

    Any thoughts are appreciated. I'll have the AVR in a couple days to play with it, but I'm just trying to figure out in advance what I should expect.
  11. Alcophone

    Alcophone Acquaintance

    Jun 24, 2018
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    Jason on Head-Fi:
  12. Ksaurav402

    Ksaurav402 Friend Pyrate Contributor

    May 7, 2019
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    sorry if i sound dumb but we can use preamp only if we have a separate sound processor and an amplifier, right?
    if we are using AVR as one box solution to run passive speakers then we can't use these preamps, am I missing something?
  13. rlow

    rlow A happy woofer Pyrate Contributor

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Yes you need a separate power amp with the preamp, which is what @toddrhodes is currently running. He wants to run the AVR to control everything from and power his Center/surrounds, but have his main speakers be driven by his current 2 channel setup. To do that in tube buffer mode though he will need to match the volume of Saga with his AVR. In passive mode on the Saga it’s easier because you just max the volume. In tube mode however there may be a small difference (although likely not much). If the AVR has any individual channel level adjustments, they can probably just be reduced slightly on the L/R channels to match the level of the other channels. And if it has any kind of auto-calibration, I would just max out the Saga and then let the calibration take care of it.
  14. toddrhodes

    toddrhodes Friend Pyrate

    Sep 13, 2017
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    Thanks all. I just need to make sure I turn the volume back down when I take it off that input, lol. But that makes perfect sense, and I greatly appreciate the help! This has been a fun little project and with any luck, I'll get to hear it tomorrow.
  15. Denis Binder

    Denis Binder New

    Jun 17, 2020
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    The new Saga S is a half-width, remote-controlled solid state pre-amplifier with relay-switched volume control and a choice of single-ended passive or active operational modes
  16. HotRatSalad

    HotRatSalad Friend Pyrate

    May 4, 2018
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    I have an original saga I always ran passive not using tube buffer. It's been said it's ok to run the saga without a tube if you just run passive correct ? I have the socket populated with a LSST tube just as a place holder. Recently have the urge to add the saga to my headphone chain so I can run modius and modi multibit to Asgard 3 and SW51+ without jumping through hoops lol. I am going to stack it under Modius/Asgard 3 probably. My question is if I leave the socket empty is it BAD if you enable the tube buffer ? If i stack i'll be pulling the LSST and i've been known to get inebriated and press wrong buttons while I listen.
  17. denny_dow

    denny_dow Acquaintance Contributor

    Aug 13, 2021
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    I am sorry to drag this out from the chest, but I am considering a Saga currently on sale by a forum member and would like some advice. I have in mind connecting the Saga to SW51+ and Vista Audio Spark v2, both of which have 10kOhm input impedance. why would that be problematic with the Saga? if I understand correctly, the active mode will give 180 Ohms output impedance (passive is another story of course).

  18. JimOfOakCreek

    JimOfOakCreek New Banned

    Jul 24, 2017
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    I have an original Saga bought in 2017. I’ve been rolling vintage tubes and enjoying the experience. I have about 20 tubes, not all NOS but all test strong. Recently I bought an LISST to play with. This is a very very nice option. If you have a Saga but haven’t tried an LISST I highly recommend it.

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