Donald North Audio Supernaut Review and Impressions

Discussion in 'Headphone Amplifiers and Combo (DAC/Amp) Units' started by purr1n, Dec 19, 2023.

  1. ChaChaRealSmooth

    ChaChaRealSmooth SBAF's Mr. Bean

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    Dec 6, 2018
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    Not replacing the Stratus.

    *puts on Voldemort hat* Oh it is much better than a Starlett. I'm not taking the piss when I say that I immediately wanted to buy one upon hearing it and have already paid the deposit, and this is coming from someone who has waxed poetic about the Starlett. I've been on record here saying that as good as Starlett is, it realistically can deliver maybe 50% of the Stellaris on a good day. The Supernaut gets a lot closer to the Stellaris; my 8-ball says the latest Stratus V4 and the Supernaut would be roughly equal in performance.

    As for why I don't own a Stellaris, ask anyone who owns a Stellaris how much the 2A3 tube market has cost them. In a way, Donald completely outplayed me; I said I'd never replace the Starlett unless he made an amp that sounded better that still uses cheap, readily available tubes. Well.....

    This exactly.

    I haven't heard the Studio B in particular, but I will say that to me most Eddie Current amps compared to their DNA counterparts sound fundamentally different in house sound. Eddie Current tends to have a "drier" sound, while DNA sounds a bit more wet. I've also noticed that both amps stage different; Eddie Current to me has more well-defined boundaries to the stage compared to DNA, which is nebulous. One is not necessarily better than the other; if I had to use an analogy (keeping in mind that I do not think this analogy really encapsulates what I'm trying to say), Eddie Current is more like a large room/concert hall and DNA is more like a well-done outdoors concert venue. Both amps have very good imaging.

    Edit: I will also say that the differences are not huge. DNA "wetness" is more of an inner warmth, an inner sense of tubeyness that doesn't manifest itself outside in gross ways. EC "dry" is also like this; it's an inward quality that doesn't manifest in a way where it sounds gross and gritty.

    What the Supernaut does is somehow take some of the advantages pentodes/tetrodes give (transient speed and impact, not just in the bass) while retaining a lot of the SET sound that DNA amps have. I'm not sure how this is possible given the KT66 are run in triode. The stage and everything else really is very much DNA; I wouldn't really even say it inches closer to the EC sound, although it is definitely accurate to say that the Supernaut is the most bold of the DNA line. My comments about sprinkling a bit of that EC Ultralinear I have is really in relative terms. Keep in mind Supernaut still very much has the DNA wetness and inner tube warmth.
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    Last edited: Dec 23, 2023
  2. penguins

    penguins Friend, formerly known as fp627

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    Disagree with first half... I mean, on an absolute scale - anything past something between a clock radio and built in TV speakers up to a custom 6 figure setup is diminishing returns in terms of cost/performance... agree with 2nd half though.

    Back on track for the thread though - I will echo what has been said already and say that to me at the meet - this new amp was much closer to an upgraded Starlett that has performance roughly similar to a Stratus. It didn't remind me of a Stratus variant, a similarly priced amp (guessing $4-5k, Donald can correct me if I'm wrong) from a different manufacturer, or whatever else. Supernaut also sounded quite different than a lot of the other amps that were there at the meet [[edit: but as the meet organizer I'm going to withhold a lot of the comparative comments I had]]. I will honestly say without any reservation that this amp great, regardless of if I happened to put the meet together or not. (and to be 100% transparent, I took a small loss organizing the meet even after SBAF and only SBAF was nice enough to help sponsor the meet... so I'm not with holding any comments due to financial motivation)
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2023
  3. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    I'll repeat myself from the SoCal meet thread. I only listened to the Supernaut with the easy to drive ETA prototype cans fed by Donald's Sonic Frontiers CD player, that he said probably had the same tubes in it from the SoCal meet at Marv's house years ago. I could only move between 1-2 on the volume, NOT 1-2 o'clock, and only listened to one unfamiliar CD track, but I had to take off the headphones because it was sooooo f'ing good, and I don't want to buy one. My first words to Donald were, "the music sounds effortless"... No fuss, no mud, no hissssss, rassssp, just clean, clear, music.
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  4. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

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    I mean, that was my point. People disagreed with me, I don't know why, but basically a $4k or $4.5k amp is hopefully better than a $2k amp. And don't get me wrong, the $2k amp is still unbelievable. I mean, I have one and it is completely fantastic. And I can totally understand Marv when he says stuff like, "Like a Starlett with weightier attack and transients." That makes total sense to me as a Starlett owner. Maybe others disagreed with my use of "romantic" or "polite" comments, but they go along with what Marv said.

    And YES, the 6DG6 tubes are basically 6W6 tubes, which yes, were designed for car radios (think '40's AM). It is quite unconventional (how many other amps you know use this tube?). And it is a fine sounding audio tube. A real sleeper. And a KT66 is quite a conventional and popular tube for both hi-fi and high powered guitar amps. From Dynaco to Hiwatt. And I too would rather pay to replace a 6DG6 or KT66 over a 2A3 myself.

    I look forward to more impressions.
  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I believe the reason for this, the $4k+ cost, is because it is with the upgraded Audio Note transformers, not the standard ones in the Starlett or Stratus (standard).

    All things being equal, the "class" or "league" of these kinds of amps are largely going to be predicated upon output transformer. (This is why you hear may say outrageous stuff like "roll output transformers" to excessive tube rollers who start putting in anything that fits, including their...)

    @ChaChaRealSmooth: can you clarify?

    If not, I'd chalk it up to inflation. $16 for Kung Pao Chicken, even in South Texas.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2023
  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I was posing a question to @ChaChaRealSmooth. I have not heard it. However, I get a really strong sense of where @ChaChaRealSmooth and @JK47 come from, almost psychically, from a lot of shared experience. (@JK47 doesn't say much beyond "this is guud" or "it sucks to be you", but I still get it)

    However, by all means, if you felt the Supernaut was romantic and polite sounding, it's important, it's paramount that you state so. Sure you may be further questioned on source, headphones, but this is the essence of SBAF. Getting to the bottom of things and allowing readers with shared experience with gear to triangulate for themselves. I feel that we have a really mature group capable of such discussions.
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  7. ChaChaRealSmooth

    ChaChaRealSmooth SBAF's Mr. Bean

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    Dec 6, 2018
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    So the transformers are the same class as the new Stratus transformers but with a different spec to work with the KT66 tubes. The Supernaut can be thought of as having the same quality of components as a Stratus (like Duelund capacitors, which are also not cheap).

    Also, the Starlett is no longer "just" $2k (I believe it hovers around $2.5k). Inflation takes a toll on everyone.

    I get where you're coming from. How many times have we seen something come out that is expensive but is actually ass? Or really poor value; I felt the Woo WA33 "Elite" edition (which is $16k!!!) was maybe about as good as a Stratus, which costs about a quarter of the money. Hell, for less than half of that you can still buy a Stellaris which blows it away.

    I think people mainly disagreed with you because Donald has proven both to be capable of making really awesome gear and is an upstanding, honest guy. This is just a guess however.
  8. theveterans

    theveterans Facebook Friend

    Jun 6, 2018
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    Agreed! This reminds me of what I wrote about the Supernaut from the SoCal meet. Usually with the typical El34 to KT family of tubes we should be greeted by a more in-your-face macrodynamic focused, more simplistic presentation (analogous BF2 vs Yggdrasil A1/A2) but somehow Donald managed to bring a lot of the nuances of the very best SET implementation on a KT66 tube circuit. To me he has somehow eliminate the negative qualities of the EL34/KT tube family, keep their strengths only and impart DNA house sound to it!

    As for context this what I wrote on the SoCal meet regarding the Supernaut:

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  9. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

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    I was saying the Starlett is romantic and polite. Maybe that is where the the confusion is coming from. I'll stay outta this thread from this point on and just observe.
  10. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

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    And yes he is! My point being that he made an exceptional amp out of tubes not many people might not be their first choice. The mastery in not only the design, but also the build quality, the attention to detail...I mean, he uses custom wound OT's for the Starlett because nothing out there would be as satisfactory. Just adding more clarification. If anyone interpreted that I was insinuating that Donald is not capable of making really awesome gear, then my fault for not being totally clear.

    PS - I have two pieces of gear that are DNA, and the other is not an amplifier of any kind.

    ok...that was all
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  11. roshambo123

    roshambo123 Friend

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    As someone who has never owned a DHT amp, would someone like to layout a theoretical cost analysis of buying and owning Stellaris over five years vs. Supernaut? Like what are we really talking about here
  12. abraxas666

    abraxas666 Friend

    Jul 28, 2016
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    I for one would not volunteer for such exercise. My personal view on this is I have a Stratus v3, if I am going to buy this amps worth of tubes moneywise then I might as well just buy a Stellaris. So I stick with the bang for the buck offerings.
    If you know you tend to overthink things, your looking at a lot of tube nervosa down the road.
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  13. earnmyturns

    earnmyturns Smartest friend

    Sep 25, 2016
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    Initial investment: basic Stellaris ~ 2x Supernaut (based on what I know about Stellaris costs and the hints here about Supernaut)
    Tubes: If you ignore all of us here who obsess about exotic 5U4G and 2A3 tubes, Stellaris sounds really good with stock tubes. But if you fall down the rabbit hole, exotic 2A3 tubes are (many) multiples any KT66 pair I've been able to find online. 5U4G can be a bit of an obsession too, but I was quite surprised with how good the TAD (possibly original Psvane) 5U4G works on my Stellaris Special. To make a non-extortionate recommendation for Stellaris tubes that sound significantly better (to me) than stock: TAD 5U4G (~$50), NOS Sylvania 6BK7G (lots out there on the usual venues, very low prices), Psvane Acme 2A3s (~$600 matched pair from various outlets) but IMO worth it for improved space and layering.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  14. Souldriver

    Souldriver Almost "Made"

    Mar 29, 2022
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    ::Turns blind eye to GEC KT66s:: but at least there are many more reasonable and new offerings.
  15. JK47

    JK47 Friend

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    I have a matched triplet of those...
  16. earnmyturns

    earnmyturns Smartest friend

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    You mean like these :D
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  17. Souldriver

    Souldriver Almost "Made"

    Mar 29, 2022
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    When i first looked it was for my lampi golden atlantic. They were $250 a matched pair. Whats best bought those up and then it was $350. I decided to stay away because that slowly crept up to $450. @rhythmdevils listed his and i jumped as his were still reasonable. Since then it is now $650 so i am very happy i have my pair but if i even want the lampi and the DNA then ooof my wallet! Luckily that lampi takes a million different tubes that all drastically change its character so it doesnt need the GECs

    But to be honest i have not heard other kt66 tubes but I know there is a good variety as theyre also used in guitar amps. Though here are my impressions of the GECs as it is relevant to the amp (though mine was in a dac) and i would like to hear what others get from other 66s.

    GEC KT66: Warm and enveloping. Great stage but not exaggerated. They may fall in the SBAF branded category of "warmy poo" except for its ability to still carry details throughout. And it does this in a very ethereal way. Light, delicate, spooky holographic, not slow but not the quickest. A wonderful round feel without feeling like anything is rounded off. Thick bass, toasty mids, with an airy delicate top end. There is a haunting quality that ensnares you. To be even more obtuse, it is that childhood memory of spending time with your family on Christmas day in from of a roaring fire.

    Really with the way the Supernaut is described it seems like they both would just enhance each other's strengths.

    Back on topic, is this new amp able to roll similar tube types? EL34/KT77, 5881, 6L6, etc? Or are DNA amps really built for only what it says on the box?

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  18. Donald North

    Donald North Friend

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Enjoy the KT66
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  19. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    Holy shit guys please don’t go autism with the tubes. There’s a reason why Donald made the decision to use KT66.
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  20. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

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    Although KT66 tubes draw higher heater amps than EL34 and 6L6 types, the bias point and plate dissipation is much different. So the PT would need to be different or have different taps on the output to accommodate the other tube types. So I would stick with the tubes the amp was designed for. Anything else would likely be less than optimal.
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