MEEaudio MeeTec A151 IEM (2nd Generation) Preview

Discussion in 'IEM Measurements' started by purr1n, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Padre Island CC TX
    MEEaudio A151 IEM (2nd Generation) Preview



    Just some quick impressions before I throw up measurements. A touch bassy with UERM like middle and upper mids (call it DF tuning, or not). I didn't have a problem getting a good seal with the stock provided tips. Note that the nozzle diameter size is very small. Bass was strong from the mid-bass down to the sub regions. The bass did not intrude into the midrange at all. A peak somewhere just below the silbilance region, which should be around 7kHz. I can't decide if the mids are recessed or not, but I think it's more a matter of the mids in relation to some elevated peaks around 3k and 7k. Just a guess. The FR irregularities are easily bearable for me, considering the $40 street price.

    I do prefer these from my warmer more laid back sounding Sony X (or warm sounding laptop outputs) than from my phone which is more neutral. The Sony X also happens to have EQ sliders at 2.5k and 6.5k which can be moved a notch down. Impressive plankton retrieval, but doesn't have quite the clarity of UERM or Jupiter. There seems to be a veil throughout the entirety of the audio band. Bass is murky. Would be interesting to see distortion plots. Stage is flat and two-dimensional. Stereo width is good and overall stage isn't closed in or constrained.

    At $40, a very good value.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  2. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Measurements below. There is really nothing in the measurements which show why these would be less clear and veiled than the UERM or Jupiters. Maybe a bit higher D2 around 3kHz, but nothing else. The distortion characteristics (high third harmonic or D3) are a huge giveaway that these are balanced armature drivers. I thought there would be a little bit more bass in the measurements, but the small diameter nozzles and tips may have prevented a good seal.

    See general measurement notes before digesting the plots below:

    MEEaudio A151 IEM (2nd Generation) Frequency Response

    MEEaudio A151 IEM (2nd Generation) Distortion

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
  3. MLegend

    MLegend Friend

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Very interesting to finally see these measured on someone elses rig. I love the 1st gen A151 which are WAY darker but I find them perfect for heavy metal. Apparently these use an updated version of the same driver. Makes me wonder how the 1st Gen would measure since there are no measurements for it besides the FR on the back of the box.
  4. ginsbu

    ginsbu New

    Oct 9, 2015
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    I hear the same with mine. I don't find anything particularly bothersome about their FR, but the veil is pronounced and pervasive—it would have me looking for something else if I used IEMs more. For my occasional use and the $25 I paid, I can't complain.
  5. EraserXIV

    EraserXIV Friend

    Oct 7, 2015
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    I had the 1st gen as a pair of IEMs for running. Overall I initially thought they were a decent value for a single BA with a nice warmer signature and OK mids. Echoing the other comments, there is a noticeable veil that I eventually was no longer able to tolerate, I would rather not listen to music while running than listen to the veil (call me a snob) so I gave them away.

    Currently using the Vsonic GR01, which is a nice warmer and fuller rendition of the TWFK dual-BA IEM (Brainwavz B2, Fischer DBA-2), but still with gobbs of clarity and resolution. I think the GR01 is quite underrated, though unfortunately hard to find nowadays (the Vsonic VC1000 is the same IEM, just repackaged).

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