Vivaldi: The Four Seasons short reviews.

Discussion in 'Music and Recordings' started by wnmnkh, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    (click the image to save the original file. Due to file size restriction, the compression factor of this file is 30 instead of 20)
    11. Antonio Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni
    Label : Deutsche Grammophon
    Lead violinist : (multiple) Pinchas Zukerman, Isaac Stern, Shlomo Mintz, Itzhak Perlman
    Conductor(director) : Zubin Mehta
    Ensemble/Orchestra : Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
    Setting : Large Orchestra
    Instruments : Modern instruments
    Recording/release year : 1983
    Recording type : DDD (Live recording)
    Medium : Redbook
    Recording quality : 9/10
    Availability : easily obtainable via Amazon and other big sites.
    Overall Score : 9/10

    Unlike other recordings, lead violinists are four in this live recording, with each violinist leads each sections. Unfortunately, there is no change in arrangement and interpretation. It is typical, slow tempo modern performance done by an large orchestra with modern instruments. But, I think performances of violinists are excellent, especially Summer section led by Pinchas Zukerman.

    But real gems of this recording are thunderous applause at the end of each sections. They are incredible to hear, and I am so glad the mastering engineers decided to not cut applause parts. These applause parts alone push the recording into 9/10.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2015

  2. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    (click the image to save the original file. Due to file size restriction, the compression factor of this file is 50 instead of 20)
    12. Baroque Treasuries: Vivaldi The Four Seasons
    Label : LaserLight Digital
    Lead violinist : Bela Banfalvi
    Conductor(director) : N/A
    Ensemble/Orchestra : Budapest Strings
    Setting : Small Orchestra
    Instruments : Modern instruments
    Recording/release year : 1990
    Recording type : DDD
    Medium : Redbook
    Recording quality : 9.5/10
    Availability : easily obtainable via Amazon and other big sites.
    Overall Score : 8.5/10

    Very well-recorded recording. It's slightly fast tempo compared to other ordinary recordings, and both lead violinist and the rest of the Orchestra played really well. Like many modern performance recordings, this one is also very easily approachable.... actually this one is perhaps way too polite (despite slightly fast tempo). But it's good enough.

    Of course, like many LaserLight Digital repackages, the liner notes are... well.. let's just say it only has album art cover.
  3. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    I also improved the starting post of the thread, and put some information about two classical music labels Naive and Brilliant Classics. Naive has multiple The Four Seasons recordings, and the recording from 2014 Vivaldi Edition from Brilliant Classics is also incredibly good.
  4. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    Well, I got another Reinhold Barchet vinyl, and it has exact same defect as my other copy. Something had gone terrible wrong during pressing I assume.
  5. lm4der

    lm4der A very good sport - Friend Pyrate

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I have this one too. Nice summary. I personally prefer chamber orchestras for Baroque, but this one has a place.

    Also, I love the one by Trevor Pinnock, The English Concert.
  6. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    Yes, I also reviewed Trevor Pinnock here too. Other than maybe too restrained, it is also a wonderful recording.
  7. lm4der

    lm4der A very good sport - Friend Pyrate

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Ah, thanks, not sure how I missed it. Another nice summary! Keep 'em coming.
  8. knerian

    knerian Friend Pyrate

    Sep 25, 2015
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    San Francisco
    I love this thread due to your enthusiasm. You said #7 is second best overall, what's your number 1 pick? Or are you building up to it and saving it for the end?
  9. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    Actually No.1 position is tied by two recordings. No, they will be revealed.... soon-ish.
  10. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    (click the image to save the original file)
    13. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons (For Harp and Orchestra)
    Label : Telarc
    Lead violinist : Yolanda Kondonassis (harp)
    Conductor(director) : Rudolf Werthen
    Ensemble/Orchestra : The Orchestra of Flanders (a.k.a I Fiamminghi )
    Setting : Ensemble
    Instruments : Period instruments + harp
    Recording/release year : 1998/1999
    Recording type : DDD
    Medium : Redbook (DSD recording, but for weird reason there is no SACD)
    Recording quality : 10/10
    Availability : easily obtainable via Amazon and other big sites.
    Overall Score : 9/10

    Instead of an lead violinist, we have a harpist instead, attempting to push a harp as a main instrument.... but it is more like the harp simply replaced the harpsichord with some more added roles. One of the reasons, I assume, is that players still try to make a fast tempo recording instead of traditional slow one, which probably makes the transcription not allowing the harp to completely replace the lead violin's role. The end result is that a harp does takes main role when playing slow passages, and takes harpsichord's role when playing fast passages.

    Still, harp is a prominent instrument in this recording, and it is definitely refreshing to hear something completely new. The ultimate downfall is that sometimes the recording sounds too thin. Overall highly recommended.

    Despite this is real DSD recording, there is no SACD release for this recording, which puzzles me.
  11. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    (click the image to save the original file. Due to file size restriction, the compression factor of this file is 45 instead of 20)
    14. Vivaldi : Le Quattro Stagioni Nos 1-4; L'estro Armonico No.9
    Label : Supraphon
    Lead violinist : Josef Suk
    Conductor(director) : Libor Hlavacek
    Ensemble/Orchestra : Prague Chamber Orchestra
    Setting : Large Orchestra
    Instruments : Unsure, sounds like modern instruments mostly.
    Recording/release year : 1975/1992
    Recording type : ADD
    Medium : Redbook
    Recording quality : 8/10
    Availability : Rare. I see not many copies around. Soon you will be only able to download mp3 files only for this recording. A couple of copies available at Amazon with different (worse) album artwork.
    Overall Score : 8.5/10

    Definitely modern performance, and even then it is on slower side. Well, I don't mean 'slow' is a bad thing. Sure, it is not what Vivaldi wanted, but the slower performance can sound great and amazing if done in delicate and beautiful manner.

    And this recording does that... except I still feel sound sometines slightly thin and lacking body despite the fact that it is done by a large orchestra. Other than that, this is for people who would like slower, more relaxed the Four Seasons.
  12. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    (click the image to save the original file. Due to file size restriction, the compression factor of this file is 35 instead of 20)
    15. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons (For Harp and Orchestra)
    Label : CBS Recording
    Lead violinist : Pinchas Zukerman
    Conductor(director) : Pinchas Zukerman
    Ensemble/Orchestra : Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
    Setting : Small Orchestra
    Instruments : Modern instruments + harpsichord
    Recording/release year : 1981/1981
    Recording type : DDD
    Medium : Redbook
    Recording quality : 10/10
    Availability : easily obtainable via Amazon and other big sites.
    Overall Score : 7.5/10

    I said I like Pinchas Zukerman's lead on Summer section of "Antonio Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni" by DG at 11th review. So this is a recording of him being both lead and direction. Overall playstyle is modern performance.

    Well, except I don't like this much. It seems... the whole sound just lacks strength or any define body in it. If you like Pinchas Zukerman, sure... but there are better recordings.
  13. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    (click the image to save the original file. Due to file size restriction, the compression factor of this file is 40 instead of 20)
    16. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons, RV 278 & RV 357
    Label : RCA
    Lead violinist : Vladimir Spivakov
    Conductor(director) : Vladimir Spivakov
    Ensemble/Orchestra : Moscow Virtuosi
    Setting : Medium Orchestra
    Instruments : Modern instruments + harpsichord
    Recording/release year : 1990/1990
    Recording type : DDD
    Medium : Redbook
    Recording quality : 9/10
    Availability : easily obtainable via Amazon and other big sites.
    Overall Score : 8/10

    I always feel weird about this recording.
    Maybe something is wrong or biased inside of me, but I can't get rid of the feeling that the recording sounds like... homogeneous. Sometimes I am almost convinced the whole performance is done by a single personal instead of an orchestra.

    Otherwise this is another good modern performance recording, with prominent violin sounds.
  14. Ferrum

    Ferrum Acquaintance

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I bought the Richard Tognetti / BIS album tonight in 26/96 and its fantastic. Me like

  15. Clear Water

    Clear Water Friend Pyrate Contributor

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Honolulu, HI
    My favorite is the Giardino Armonico. I'm interested to see where you place them :)
  16. lm4der

    lm4der A very good sport - Friend Pyrate

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Same here, my fav.
  17. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    It seems it will take a bit longer, since USPS decided to lose this particular shipment. Will order another copy soon.
  18. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    fabio second.jpg
    (click the image to save the original file. Due to file size restriction, the compression factor of this file is 40 instead of 20)
    17. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons
    Label : Virgin
    Lead violinist : Fabio Biondi
    Conductor(director) : N/A
    Ensemble/Orchestra : Europa Galante
    Setting : Ensemble
    Instruments : Period Instruments
    Recording/release year : 1998-2001/2003
    Recording type : DDD
    Medium : Redbook
    Recording quality : 10/10
    Availability : easily obtainable via Amazon and other big sites.
    Overall Score : 9/10

    This is a famous Fabio Biondi's second recording.
    Both his recordings are.... let's say very 'fun'. It means there are a lot of gimmicks and techniques combined with unique arrangement and energetic playstyle.
    This is "THE" fastest recording I've ever encountered.... which pretty much explains the tempo and overall interpretation.

    I do feel it is a bit weird. Compared to Fabio's first recording, it sounds a bit less artistic and sometimes it feels rigid. Probably these are the reasons that it's his first recordings went many reissues and eventual slight high-res treatment while this one doesn't. Which is unfortunate since I also like this recording a lot.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2015
  19. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend Pyrate

    Sep 29, 2015
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    fabio first.jpg
    (click the image to save the original file. Due to file size restriction, the compression factor of this file is 30 instead of 20)
    (Latest cover art for the latest reissue. Supplied by the label)

    18. Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni / Les Quatre Saisons
    Label : OPUS111/Naive
    Lead violinist : Fabio Biondi
    Conductor(director) : N/A
    Ensemble/Orchestra : Europa Galante
    Setting : Ensemble
    Instruments : Period Instruments
    Recording/release year : 1994/1999
    Recording type : DDD
    Medium : Redbook, 24/44.1 version available at
    Recording quality : 10/10
    Availability : easily obtainable via Amazon and other big sites. A lot of reissues, so check the date.
    Overall Score : 9.5/10

    Since I did a review on second recording, I decided to do his first recording as well.

    Sure, gimmicks and stuffs... but interpretation is completely different that you won't believe it's same guy and same ensemble. Compared to the second recording, it sounds more beautiful while a bit slower.... Still, it is very fast recording compared to modern performance.

    I personally like this version more, and definitely it is one of my top 10 recordings.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2015
  20. joch

    joch Friend Pyrate Contributor

    Oct 8, 2015
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    the other side of the big ocean
    I don't actually remember the playing being a bit "disciplined" but it's not something I'd look for as a non-aficionado. I'll have to give it a listen again now, I wonder if it's because the use of period instruments (reason I got the Pinnock CD).

    It's a fine recording.

    Thanks for writing this up.

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