IC: West MI Stereo Meetup

Discussion in 'The Meeting Place' started by Greg121986, Oct 17, 2023.

  1. Greg121986

    Greg121986 Almost "Made"

    Nov 15, 2016
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    Grand Rapids, MI
    Longshot here, and also haphazard minimal plan in place so far. Wondering who in the forum is on the West side of Michigan (Grand Rapids) and if anyone is interested in minimal effort meetups. I only recently moved here but I am hoping there may be some people in the area with interest in hanging out and bullshitting about music, beer, and/or Scotch. I do not really know the group, but my buddy informed me that there were a few people in the area who held monthly or quarterly meetups and I would like to find people to add to this group, or create a new group. The details still need to be established.

    As I am told, the crux of the existing group meetup is what I found most interesting. Everyone who attends picks 3 songs from the same artist and everyone listens to the songs in full. It is an exercise in evaluating ones stereo, but more so an introduction to new music. They usually rotate between houses in order to experience everyone's system as well. COVID caused some issues and is the reason why I missed my one chance to meetup with this group so I have not been able to participate in this myself.

    So the thought is, I host at my apartment with my stereo and/or headphone setup in Grand Rapids. We listen to 3 songs from each artist and discuss if necessary. Additionally, if someone wants to hear a particular component (DAC, Amp, etc.) then we can also find the time to swap gear. This would be a recurring event so the opportunity to alternate hardware will persist. If someone else wishes to host we do that at some point as well. This is not a commercial event where we rent a hall and everyone gets hammered, unfortunately. But we are close to downtown so breweries and excellent food are within easy reach.

    Anyone else in the area?
  2. Islander36

    Islander36 New

    Jan 18, 2024
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    New-ish to SBAF, and just saw this post. Been lurking for quite a while.

    I'd be interested in exploring this idea. I'm not super local to GR, but drive through there often enough. I live in Traverse City, and am pretty new to this level of 2-channel audio. I'd love to be able to meet other folks, chat, drink some beers/bourbon, and learn more about what makes for great listening.

    Also, you've inspired me to reach out locally and see what similar groups are here in TC. We have a pretty good vinyl store (RPM Records) and I will ask about it next time I'm there.

    Let me know if you ever got anything going there, and if you are still looking for others.
  3. Polemarkos

    Polemarkos Facebook Friend

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Holland, MI
    I'm sorry I missed this post last year. I'm in Holland / very short drive to GR and always up for meeting other local enthusiasts. I know one other SBAF'er in GR but I don't want to speak for him/his interest in a wider group. I'm down for any format, and may even be able to host at some point, but I have young kids so my default schedule is pretty full. I'm not going to pretend I can take a leadership role in getting something going but I'm happy to be as enthusiastic a participant as my schedule will allow.

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