Campfire Audio Andromeda Review: Holy Cow, This is a Dream, Awesomesauce!

Discussion in 'IEMs and Portable Gear' started by purr1n, May 13, 2016.

  1. thegunner100

    thegunner100 Hentai Master Chief Pyrate

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Nice find on the attenuation adapter. 3ohm OI would be ideal for me personally but the 35ohm input impedance is still on the low side for tube amps imo. -20dB reduction is pretty significant though, and you could potentially run into headroom problems with lower powered amps.

    For reference, the IEMatch is 16ohm input impedance, -12/-24dB gain, and 1/2.5 ohm OI.

    Btw, what did you end up doing with your Deca?

  2. jowls

    jowls Never shitposts (please) - Friend Pyrate

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Deca is still on its way back to me. It will be put in the octagon with Andromeda when it arrives. I think it is going to be more a battle of signatures than anything else though.

    I wasn't actually intending to buy Andromeda but I came across a second hand one for a killer price. It's still early days, but now that I have it I kind of question whether I need anything else ;)
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
  3. thegunner100

    thegunner100 Hentai Master Chief Pyrate

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Oh, I meant if you had your Deca turned into a custom or not. From what I remember listening to your pair and the loaner pair, I feel like the Andromedas are on a higher technical level than the Deca.
  4. jowls

    jowls Never shitposts (please) - Friend Pyrate

    Oct 3, 2015
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    They are still universals. Tonality > technicalities for me. I have a feeling Andromeda may complement/contrast my BW/HD600 a little better though...

    I have just ordered the garage1217 adapter. I will give it a run with BW2/Andromeda and try to demo with Jotunheim too.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
  5. likearake

    likearake Acquaintance Contributor

    Oct 14, 2015
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    There are a few audio/headphone stores in Sydney that will stock them although the first batch disappeared pretty fast... was lucky that they opened one up for me to try. Actually in single ended if was just very good, but in balanced it is really excellent (I can't compare with the same cable, but I am assuming the litz cable is no slouch). Although I haven't tried the prohibitively expensive daps that people rave about like the AK380, LPG, etc.

    I wouldn't recommend buying it blind, especially since it is not dissimilar to ZX2 kind of sound, but I find myself reaching for it even at my home listening room where I have a Gungnir Multibit / Valhalla 2 / HD650 or HD800, so it is a pretty enjoyable pairing for me! Sounds like I will have to give the ALO CDM a shot although it could be dangerous for my wallet if it is really that good...
  6. Audioviel

    Audioviel New

    Sep 18, 2016
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    Essen, Germany
    I hope, you have ordered a 3.5mm plug with Hifiman style.
  7. Cellist88

    Cellist88 Friend Pyrate

    Nov 11, 2015
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    Go v2+ balanced it is 3.5m hifiman style but the 2.5mm input for the alo is ak balanced.
  8. Audioviel

    Audioviel New

    Sep 18, 2016
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    Essen, Germany
    Get it, sorry for being a smartass.
  9. Muse Wanderer

    Muse Wanderer Friend Pyrate BWC

    Oct 7, 2015
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    I received the repaired Yggdrasil and Ragnarok this week after a 3 month wait. After selling my Monitor Audio GX100 speakers and HD800S, the only proper transducer I have are the Andromedas that are run from a Samsung galaxy S5 phone! (I haven't yet committed to a DAP and I am in no hurry at moment as the impending Utopias are the priority).

    Sound from S5 is vey well balanced with good bass flowing seamlessly into mids with sparkling intoxicating highs. I miss the details though, the nuance and magic of my old system when paired with HD800S or speakers.

    After plugging in the Yggdrasil (+Wyrd) and Rag I put the Andro plug into the Rag single out, graded at 3.3 ohm output impedance, via an adapter. I was concerned about hiss as the S5 does hiss a fair bit. I was pleasantly surprised that the Rag single out has barely any discernable hiss!

    The S5 has an output impedance of 1 ohm according to some reports. This explains its nice bass signature that is truly addictive. Resolution, clarity, micro / macro detail, dynamics and transient response take a hit though. The music is very very digital sounding when low in volume sounding harsh and coarse.

    The 3.3 ohm of the Rag has a touch less bass and sounds slightly leaner. The bass is way more extended, fast and detailed. The rest of the sound is simply excellent. Mids and treble to die for, great dynamics for BA, tons of resolution and nuance.

    After 4 days on, the Yggdrasil imparts a sound that is truly sublime and breath taking. The difference is huge compared to day one. Listening to Bach's St Matthew passion conducted by Herreweghe lifts up a veil around each and every note. I can listen to the actual sound of voices bouncing off walls within the recording venue during silent passages. Exactly the same feeling is felt around 5 minutes into Bruckner 5th symphony final movement when the intruments stop for 2 seconds. The space of the hall can be felt as the notes decay realistically sending shivers down my spine (ahh that Yggdrasil effect).

    There is also no sign of digitalised chunky sound of the S5 when Marta Argerich strikes the keys during piano pianissimo passages in her great rendition of Chopin's preludes. The sound is simply smooth and silky with no noisy gremlins in the background.

    Despite a slight leaner sound the Yggdrasil Rag SE combo pair really well with the Andros. I am now quite curious about how a balanced connection will fair with its much lower output impedance.

    For now I will dedicate as much time as possible enjoying it single ended and getting blown away with the microdetail and microdynamics!
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2016
  10. Cellist88

    Cellist88 Friend Pyrate

    Nov 11, 2015
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    Its funny because I use my old s5 for the andros as well and I understand what you mean by the Addictive bass signature. I am using an ALO CDM(as dac/amp and geekout v2+ infinity) with it, and I'm glad to report that even with an io of less than 1, it sounds very very good with great layered bass that kicks like a mule, seductive mids and transparent highs. Its the thing I like the andros from less than 1 ohm. I added an IFI Iematch to the chain to add 2.5ohms and I understand what you mean about the bass sounding leaner. Mids sound drier and treble is clean and more detailed, but because it doesn't sound as full, and I feel it kills the depth of the andros, sounding more 2d.

    So I took the IFIematch, and switched to the balanced jack(THOUGH it hisses almost twice as much...alo cdm has pretty low hiss). Everything in the sound still had great air and the sound tightened up a great deal, with sharp resolution and clearer bass. I think this so far this is the best sound, although I find that I can barely turn the volume pot past the point of channel imbalance(very little) because of the added power of balanced.

    I think you might have a similar experience with more hiss(due to more power)...and the rag being a stronger amp than the alo, you might not have fine gradients of volume, and might have to listen to higher volumes than normal. Since the sound tightens up in balanced, I predict that you'll keep everything you love about the sound signature you have currently with the Yggdrasil/rag combo, with added bass pleasure that will not sound tubby, but super tight....along with better imaging.

    I've been meaning to post about the andro pairing with ALO CDM and Geekout v2+ Infinity, but I want to try all the combinations with GO v2+ Infinity(balanced/unbalanced), IFI iematch, ALO CDM(as DAC/AMP, AMP, Tube rolling(sonotone 5719/Stock tubes...but no mullard 6112s to be found), SE, Balanced) before I come to conclusions.

    So far Ordered a 2.5mm to 3.5mm balanced adapter to try the iematch with the balanced jack to deal with the hiss and try higher ios. Also a 3.5mm trrs to 2.5mm trrs balanced cable is on its way to use the Geekout v2+ Infinity balanced.

    It spooks me because even in single ended, the pairing of the Go v2+ and ALO CDM with the andromedas sound just amazing...will report back once I get all the interconnects.
  11. Muse Wanderer

    Muse Wanderer Friend Pyrate BWC

    Oct 7, 2015
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    At least I am not the only one who feels that the Galaxy S5 phone pairs so well tonally with the Andros. I am a bit taken aback as I usually abore lush sounding setups. However the Andro feels like it shines with the S5 having a bassier texture and meatier mids.

    So now I am stuck with a ultra low-fi S5 sounding tonally better to Yggdrasil Rag but failing at everything else! o_O

    The Rag on low gain gives excellent control of volume as I turn the knob quite a bit to get the right sound amplitude. The absent hiss was an added bonus but it will probably crop up with a vengeance paired to its balanced out.

    Once I get a DAP, probably the WM1A that has an alleged 0.92 output impedance (1 ohm is the magic number apparently), I will get a balanced cable for the Andros and fit it onto Rag via adapter with or without a resistor. Once dialed up tonally, this could be stellar.:headbang:
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2016
  12. Muse Wanderer

    Muse Wanderer Friend Pyrate BWC

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Geez guys.... I have to say that this sound has grown on me. Andromedas driven SE by Yggdrasil-Rag sounds heavenly!

    Whenever I plug the Andros into the S5, I am missing the tonality of this superb combo. It is perfectly neutral to my ears. I have realised that the S5 imparts this lush sound that is definitely addictive but it's too warm. It may well be day 7 Yggdrasil warm up time that is imparting its Moffat bass to the full. I may also have grown accustomed to a warmer sound straight out of my phone over the past 3 months, so my brain is kind of taken aback at the change in tonality and now am I realising that this is actually very good. I might be a recovering warmaholic these past few days! ;)

    The Andros have comply foam tips with wax guard and are inserted deep but in comfortable position. I picked a few music selections these past few hours including: R. Strauss Also Sprach Zalazustra (Reiner), Wagner's Siegfried Funeral March (Solti), Bach cello suites (Fournier), Beethoven string quartet in C minor op131 (Emerson), Beethoven piano sonata 28 in A major (Levit), Bruckner 5th symphony (Wand), Debussy Le Mer (Boulez), Les Vois Humaines (Savalle), Moon Shaped Pool (Radiohead), Hell Freezes Over live.

    The bass is well bodied and present throughout with expected wide variation between recordings.

    So I searched for the recording that showed the HD800S deficiency for the first time to my ears. A CD recording of Bach's Goldberg variations by a string trio made up of a violin, viola and double bass. I listened to this trio live 1 year ago in the exact same venue that the CD was recorded. I purchased the CD at the same time as it was an album debut day for the trio. I arrived home late in the evening and put the album through my Yggdrasil Rag driving the Monitor Audio GX100 speakers. The sound was equivalent to the live sound I just heard an hour or two back.

    Next day I listened via the HD800S and was suprised with disbelief at how the violinist sounded. At the venue I was seated at the 4th row few metres away from the trio in the centre and at the same level. The violinist was on the left, the viola on the right and the double bass in the centre. With the HD800S the violinist seemed like being on a virtual skateboard, playing the violin at times near, at times far away depending on whether the lower or higher frequencies were played. The viola and double bass took centre prominence and over-powered the violin in its higher frequencies. I looked at those expensive headphones and realised that their sound was theirs rather than the musicians. These headphones changed this simulated reality and imparted the wrong information, the wrong data, as a result of their recessed upper mids. That was the beginning of the end for the HD800S personally and I wrote about this experience here.

    The Andromedas driven by Yggdrasil Rag tonally sound as good as the speakers (now sold) to my ears. The bass is similar to the live version with the caveat that a year has now passed from the live listen. This is not lean, it is not warm, just neutral to my tastes, ears and preferences. Definitely not for bassheads, but neutralheads should check it out.

    The Andromedas are now my closed isolating headphone at home when I need a break from wife, kids, TV, in laws, pets and the world around me.

    What a find!

    After getting the Utopia driven by Yggdrasil Rag I have to reevaluate the Andros' sound again!
    The Andros do sound a bit lean with Rag via SE but they are still a very enjoyable pairing. They lack that extended rounded bass that the Utopia imparts to the music. Still a good listen for strict neutralheads but the sound may be better via other sources.
    These IEMs are a tough nut to crack to get its sound right I have to say!
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2016
  13. Cellist88

    Cellist88 Friend Pyrate

    Nov 11, 2015
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    very nice! I'm just happy people still listen to classical music these days....makes me not regret going into my profession.
  14. brencho

    brencho Friend Pyrate

    Dec 18, 2015
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    received a zx2 from @Cellist88 here (thanks man!) and it kicks the pants off the iphone6. wasn't quite sure what to expect but it's amazing, way more nuance and detail but still super smooth to listen to. for those of you using ALO with or without other stuff strapped to it, is that on the go as a big wad of bricks or at your desks? i could easily see the ALO to be a great solution if you move around a lot between work, home, etc.

    to echo @jowls question earlier, for folks that have used jot, does the ifimatch thingy help to correct whatever complaints you had or is it just too bright a pairing?
  15. Cellist88

    Cellist88 Friend Pyrate

    Nov 11, 2015
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    Glad you like it! i miss it already, and am thinking about grabbing a wm1a now because i miss the sound so much. The ALO is quite big...literally the size of a brick and don't use it on the go/ probably can't use it on the go. 1 it is sensitive to rf interference, 2 it gets pretty hot because of the tubes, 3 you probably don't want to put it in your pocket(though not possible because you'll be blocking the sides used for heat Dissipation).

    Its really good because it is transportable and works great on the desk. I got it because I move from place to place a lot like germany to new york to switzerland etc, and I tried to go for a transportable setup with the best sound possible. Even when travelling, I can't listen on the airplane(too noisy), Train(too short/i'm too tired usually sleeping), so its mostly for when I'm relaxing in a hotel room/fixed position. Works really great and once these cables come it'll be fully balanced with the GO v2+.

    Only flaw in my thinking is.......1. I am using the andros and not cans, so why not just a dap. 2....I prefer the dac section of the ZX2 to the GOV2+ for iems...3. The new Sony has no hiss....and has balanced, and probably slight improvements to the sound.

    Even without balanced cables, the SQ is not close, esp in soundstaging, tonality, etc, and even with less than 1 ohm(also hisses less than ZX2), andros sound fantastic(same company so why wouldn't it). With the IEMatch, it really kills the bass and dries the sound out, and introduces harshness. I don't like it very much.

    Even though the sq might be better, think in hindsight, should have gotten the sony. Maybe I'll just sell my CDM after warrior shares some impressions of his incoming gold brick Lol.

  16. brencho

    brencho Friend Pyrate

    Dec 18, 2015
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    nice man, thanks for the extra thoughts. that thing looks perfect for transportable use like you describe. i should check it out one day.
  17. Warrior

    Warrior RIP 2021 Pyrate

    Mar 8, 2016
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    @Cellist88 If you are going to sell the CDM, hit me up. I've been eyeing it for a while. Been on the fence, but a used one may nudge me over to making the purchase.
  18. fierce_freak

    fierce_freak Friend Pyrate

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Western New York
    I'm thinking of getting a Freya for my rig (when it releases hopefully they'll have a few accidental black finishes) for use with speakers, but I was also pondering taking an output from freya into something like a ue linedrive (any alternatives?).
  19. Grahad

    Grahad Guest

    Tis the season of purchasing indeed. ;)
  20. landroni

    landroni Friend Pyrate

    Aug 12, 2016
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    You may want to reconsider the SE out from the Ragnarok. My understanding is that the summing used has an effect, and that Ragnarok (as an inherently balanced design) definitely sounds better when used in balanced mode. Indeed some suggest that the SE out on Ragnarok is merely a convenience output. So maybe the Andromedas sound otherworldly from balanced out?

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