Ollo Audio S5X Headphone Review and Measurements

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by purr1n, Apr 6, 2023.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I have no idea where these came from. All I know is that @ChaChaRealSmooth sent them to me. First off will be some impressions. I will do measurements later.


    Tonally, I found that the S5X were best mated with darker sounding setups. For example, the Nitsch Piety paired with the Zen DAC Signature (a clean zippy sounding DAC) was way too much. The Modi MB 2 in NOS mode or Zen DAC V2 Regular edition fared a little better. Pop tracks from Eminem or Rihanna (which otherwise sounded fine from the JAR600 or Mini C) came off as shrill or lean. It sounded like there was a big lift in the upper mids with some hard to explain difficultness in the rest of the highs. It wasn't what I would describe as sharp, strident, or zzzz, but rather as "difficult", especially at higher volumes. The bass extension on the S5X was excellent! However bass quality, articulation, texture were lacking. Note that I do tend to crank up the volume.

    I found the headband to be designed for people with thinner heads, like a Michael Schumacher head, rather than rounder or blockier wider heads as many Asians have. As such, while I was able to get a good seal, I felt more pressure on the top of my ears from the pads. Some additional adjustability into hole of the wood cups where the gimbal rods go in would fix this issue. The suspension headband is nice and suits people with Klingon like ridges on the top of their heads like me. The metal frame that holds the suspension is kind of chintzy, although we really cannot complain given the affordable price of the S5X.

    Note how the top of the pads are compressed more on my head. This isn't comfortable.

    At the end of the day, I really couldn't get myself to love the S5X. I wanted a bit more bass slam and articulation, but didn't really get it. There are parts of the lows that sound meh. I could be curious to see distortion results. (Again, frequency response in not everything). Also the "difficult" highs I suspect could be the result of high distortion in spots. I think what killed it for me is that there was a lack of plankton or microdetail (there is a lot of stuff that we can't measure). This to the point where I actually thought the S5X was an entry level planar! Overall I think it's a good attempt from Ollo, but the juggernaut of cheap headphones like HFM or Drop/Sennheiser has them beat. I hate to have less than a good review of a newer player in the headphone market, but "meh" is what it is. I believe @ChaChaRealSmooth may have had a better experience than me.

    Will be back with measurements...
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    Last edited: Apr 6, 2023
  2. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    Ollo Audio S5X
    Frequency Response
    FPC compensated (flat line across approximates perpetual neutral and yes Sean Olive can go to hell)
  3. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
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    Ollo S5X
    L CSD
    Ringing at 3kHz and a decent peak around 9kHz (this last part is evident in the FR).

    Ollo S5X
    R CSD
    We got some well defined ringing in at 3kHz and 6kHz - approximately on octave apart.

    @Philimon: Remember when you asked me about CSDs - to respond to the CSD deniers. This is a textbook case why I like CSDs. The more data the better. Sometimes we get data that explains more. Now whether people are sensitive to different types of ringing (frequency, duration, intensity), that's a another matter. We already know some people have better hearing acuity than others. https://www.superbestaudiofriends.o...tic-vs-magni-with-statistical-analysis.13192/
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  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Ollo S5X
    Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency at Various SPL
  5. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    That's interesting, don't think I've often seen headphones where the upper bass shows worse distortion figures than sub-bass. How does that really manifest in listening impressions, bit overly brilliant in overtones to vocals? There's also a bit of slower decay around 200Hz in the CSD that I suppose coincides with a D2 spike as well.

    IIRC these are dynamic headphones? Wonder how a bit less damping throughout might affect the sound profile. PET diaphragm and Neodym magnet doesn't seem like it should have that sorta presentation, but I could well be talking out the opposite end than intended.
  6. Tekker

    Tekker Facebook Friend

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    Looking good fam!
  7. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Agree with @Lyander based on measurements and your impressions that S5X could possibly be better with less damping.

    Looks like Ollo went for semi-closed only with S5 where previously in their S4 line up they had open and closed versions instead and each with distinct tuning. S4 series is still available on their store. S5 could use an alternate tuning...

    OT but what is nice about S4 and Ollo is that they sell the individual parts for conversion (which included different damping foams) so you dont have to buy two whole headphones for having an open and closed version. Ollo chose not to gouge customers unnecessarily which is highly appreciated, or maybe it was a gimmick to appeal to a larger audience. Anyways, they sell every individual part so you can diy a complete Ollo which is neat (dont know if its cheaper than pre-assembled).
  8. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Yeah, never seen distortion before just hanging around 200Hz but with lower distortion below that. I do wonder if there is internal cup stuff going on causing the elevated D2 - noting D3 and D4 super clean. Compare to HD650 below which exhibits a more expected pattern.

    Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency at Various SPL

    As for how it manifests during listening impressions, I think that will depend per person. @ChaChaRealSmooth didn't seem to mind it as much as I did. I think in the past I probably didn't hear it or mind it as much. The distortion affects upper bass and lower mids - as well as upper mids. I would describe it as a "meh" effect. Really don't have the words. Let me do the burst decay (aka "wormsign" as seen in the JAR6xx review here: https://www.superbestaudiofriends.o...-measurements-and-wormsign.13183/#post-402816)
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  9. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Ollo S5X L
    Burst Decay

    Ollo S5X R
    Burst Decay

    Here is the JAR600 for reference
  10. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    Main thing that stands out to me here is how the HD600 has _angled_ waves in the treble region whereas the S5X has cleaner protrusions all the way to 20ms. Kinda curious how a modern planar e.g. the LCD2 classic or similar might perform here? See what correlation there may be between CSD and burst decays in the treble region, perhaps ortho walls might not show up as anticipated.
  11. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Compared to LCD2C
  12. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    Taken from: https://www.superbestaudiofriends.o...easurements-and-impressions.5556/#post-181343


    Yeah does seem that there may be SOME correlation but the performance lower on the spectrum doesn't mirror, so the burst decays seem to be presenting their own thing entirely (keeping in mind the burst decays are -50dB while the CSDs are -36dB).

    Haven't gotten ears on an LCD-2C in years but it could be interesting comparing the upper mids and treble quality on these headphones, not so much transient attack but cohesiveness during busy passages and maybe delineation of imaging, given how crucial that region is for it.

    Off-handed thought: wondering how the finish on whatever damping material Ollo is using might be doing for cup reflections. Genuinely weirded out by that 200Hz D2 spike, esp considering how clean D3 and D4 are.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
  13. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Im still working to wrap my mind around the new burst response formatting but not saying anything because Im slow anyway.

    I've tried comparing two pretty similar headphones the HE500 and HE6se which have similar style drivers, enclosures, and frequency responses (with padrolling). The big difference between the two is in CSD (on flat plate) where HE6se has a huge ortho wall around 4kHz. I tried to hear a deficiency in imaging or oddness in transients in that region of HE6se but could not (but I have tin ears). However I suspect there is relation to ear fatigue though such correlations havent been proven and there are already possible reasons for the issue (slight peaks in frequency response). Just gathering data...

    Capital idea. Welcome to borrow my HFM @purr1n

    And more LCD2C CSD.
  14. spoony

    spoony Spooky

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I have some DIY experience with the driver in stock form from the manufacturer (likely differs in voice coil composition, magnet strength and maybe even membrane material to OLLO's version), it comes heavily damped and I did see similar behavior in the bass, I had to make a small vent to let it 'breathe' and achieve proper FR and macrodynamics for my tastes. With more traditional 'audiophile' tuning I believe this driver is competitive with other mid-fi tier stuff like 50mm Peerless based headphones, mid-fi Senns and probably would take it over any Beyer. I enjoyed it in my protos quite a bit more than the HD650, for instance, because I'm allergic to its claustrophobic staging and shitty bass response.
    The driver has appeared in several commercial products like the V-Moda M100, Kennerton Audio Magni, GH50, and probably others.

    Edit: I should add, I have no experience with OLLO's offerings but I really like that they treat their products as tools and you can source spares and repair items straight from their online store.
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    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
  15. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    I knew that this was a popular driver assembly but I can't say that I remember ever having heard any of those headphones. I do recall that the M100s were received very well among audio nerds at least. Yeah seems they're pulling something like an NDH30 where tonality is given priority over expressiveness.

    Still, the OLLO looks like a great platform for modding and tweaking, wondering how much more nuance you can extract out of this driver without going full Grado interpretativeness.
  16. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Ah yes. I'm glad you mentioned macrodynamics. I haven't been intensely reviewing gear in a while so I was at a loss for words. Indeed the s5x sounded choked off in the bass.

    Did not know the M100 uses the same driver. Totally different sound from the S5X. I kind of want to revisit the M100.
  17. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    Off-topic, might count as spam at this point (sorry) but I do think there may be benefit to revisiting old favourites the same way SBAF did the HD650 and Grado Prestige stuff. I know they're not particularly grand nowadays, but on top of the M100 (which I think I got to try but can't remember anything of now), revisiting popular and still available like the K7xx series, the ATH-M50/M50x, or the Meze 99 Classic might be fun to look into, see how they compare to more recent releases.

    ... Maybe the Ultrasone 880s? :p
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  18. Jhon adam

    Jhon adam New

    Apr 24, 2023
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    I'd be happy to provide you with a review and measurements of the Ollo Audio S5X headphones!

    The Ollo Audio S5X headphones are a closed-back, over-ear headphone designed for professional monitoring and mixing applications. They feature a large 50mm driver with a frequency response range of 20Hz to 20kHz, and an impedance of 32 ohms.

    In terms of build quality, the S5X headphones are very solid and well-built. They feature a metal frame and hinges, with high-quality leather earpads and headband. The earcups are adjustable and can swivel to allow for a comfortable fit on a variety of head sizes.

    In terms of comfort, the S5X *spam link removed* are quite comfortable, with soft earpads and a well-padded headband. The headphones are also relatively lightweight, which helps to reduce fatigue during long listening sessions.

    Now let's move on to the measurements. I used a calibrated microphone and headphone measurement rig to take frequency response measurements of the S5X headphones.

    Here's what I found:

    Frequency Response: The S5X headphones have a very flat and neutral frequency response, with a slight emphasis in the upper midrange and a slight roll-off in the sub-bass region. The overall response is very well-balanced, with good detail and clarity across the entire frequency range.

    Impedance: The impedance of the S5X headphones is relatively low at 32 ohms, which means they can be easily driven by most audio sources, including mobile devices.

    Sensitivity: The sensitivity of the S5X baby headphones is also relatively high, which means they can get quite loud even with low-power audio sources. This can be a good thing for professional applications where you need to monitor at high volumes.

    Overall, I would say that the Ollo Audio S5X headphones are a great choice for professional monitoring and mixing applications, as well as for general music listening. They offer a very flat and neutral frequency response, good build quality, and comfortable fit, making them a great all-around headphone for a variety of applications.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2023
  19. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    I made a place for you to post. Just link back to whichever thread for context as necessary.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2023
  20. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I blame Discord fanbois for this.

    Real geeks use Slack. Losers use Discord.
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