Sony MDR-Z1R

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by mrweirdude, Sep 1, 2016.

  1. Vanheim

    Vanheim Acquaintance

    Mar 28, 2016
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    He calls the R10 "the least Japanese sounding headphone" he's ever heard. Now he's a guy who owns and loves the HD650 but didn't like it with the schiit Valhalla as it sounded "dark, flat and boring" to him. He likes Violectric and recommends their products over schiit cuz "hail master race, Germany's technology is the world's greatest!". Seems like a nice guy tho.
  2. MuppetFace

    MuppetFace Sultana of Seafoam Green - Moderator

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    To my knowledge he's never qualified what "Japanese sounding" means beyond it being a synonym for "shit."

    You've got:
    The highly colored mids and extremely light bass of Audio-Technica's woodies.
    The heavy bass and slightly recessed mids of higher end Fostex.
    The well extended, vapor-like but etched Stax Lambda sound.
    The smoother qualities of the higher end Stax.
    The brain rattling low end and lifelike textures of the TakeT piezoelectric.

    I mean even within Sony itself, their "house sound" has changed quite a bit from the early 90s to now.

    But really, the R10 is about as Japanese as it gets. Its sound is largely derived from a combination of biocellulose and specially hewn cups from hundred year old trees whose wood has been used in temples all over Japan. Like a lot of "earlier" Japanese headphones, the bass is comparatively restrained, the mids are sweet and somewhat euphonic, the highs have a certain glassy quality. It emphasizes tone and texture and euphonics over being ruthlessly revealing and mining for information.

    Truth be told, if I had to pick a headphone that represented Japan the MOST, it would likely be the R10.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
  3. Lurker

    Lurker Facebook Friend

    Oct 10, 2015
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    His gripe seems to be less with the sound and moreso with the technology.

    "Yes, I remember what I said. What I meant was, for the price of an R10 I could have bought two SR009s but I didn't's a Japanese, later in the video I also say and I quote "If you want to buy a Japanese, only buy the R10". I could't find the exact minute, will have to re-watch to find it.

    It would be quite stupid of me to hate on Japanese Headphone Technology without proper reasoning, of course there is a reason behind my disparaging tone. There's a lot to cover which I have in some of my earlier videos and many posts on a forum called "Head-FI" so, I don't have to time to cover everything but the biggest issue is they don't understand Acoustic Engineering. They think Membrane materials make no difference, they rely on insignificant characters such as the Wood to make any real world differences to fidelity when in reality all it does is affect the response. I have consistently mocked upon their Magnet structures for the Electrodynamic Transducers, across all brands. The lack of thought they put into Magnetic Intensity by locking down the Assembly is astonishingly shallow for any Engineer who knows how to extract maximum Field Strength. Their Electrostatic system was a complete rip-off Eugen Beyer technology from the 1920s that they used with no credit. The Membrane material science link also applies for all Technologies. There's so many examples I could list but it would take a lot of time to cross-reference my Videos and Posts.

    The R10 and the CD3000 especially for the Magnetic structure are the only Japanese Headphones devoid of that albeit the BioCellulose is a complete derivative of the Polymeric Revolution for Electrodynamic Transducers made in the 1960s by Beyerdynamic. I didn't mention it as it didn't seem that significant but the idea remains the same and could be a topic of argument but I didn't want to stretch on it. Preference over a certain Headphone is irrelevant as we are talking about Raw fidelity."

    He has the Stax Sigma, various Sonys and he likes the Fostex TH610. His "hatred" towards Japanese headphones appears to be more of an excessive joke he likes to throw out every once in a while to come of as edgy and provocative.
    It seems he likes bass and warmth with a slight treble emphasis. His favourite headphone is the DT48 because he dislikes everything that is unoriginal. He EQs all of his headphones. He doesn't like hype. He likes dynamics. However he appreciates all kinds of headphones. He, He,
    He's alright.
  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sounds like he is slightly autistic. Japanese ripped off this from Beyer in 1892, Japanese ripped off that from Beyer in 1478. I don't know if the dude understands that one of great things about audio is that there really aren't that many ways to do things and companies and designers tended to "rip off" each others ideas without the post modern IP lawsuits nonsense of today. I mean at some point, I'm thinking he's going to pull off his Mission Impossible mask, revealing himself to be Kevin Gilmore, and say Cavalli Audio ripped off something from someone else, even though you could say Dr. Gilmore "ripped off" designs from STAX or solid state designs from the 70s. Ultimately, everyone in audio ripped off Western Electric.

    Please don't even post links to this kind of shit. We ourselves are already autistic enough.

    P.S. I'd rather hear from you guys directly, than from videos or posts that you guys heard about from other people.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
  5. MuppetFace

    MuppetFace Sultana of Seafoam Green - Moderator

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    Funny thing is, Stax was one of the first companies to consider soundstage a priority in engineering, which led to the Sigma models (the big ridiculous looking boxes). Prior to that, headphones weren't really engineered with simulating listening spaces in mind. They were originally developed as diagnostic tools to listen to transmissions, and that carried over to when they were more widely used for music.

    The DT48 is one such headphone. A relic from the war era that sounds like hot garbage with actual music.

    I mean, to each their own, and maybe he's nice? But stuff like that is basically a red flag that tells me "this person is a contrarian, and his opinion shouldn't be trusted."

    Oh, and being anti-hype? The DT48 is a HUGELY hyped vintage 'phone in many circles.
  6. pedalhead

    pedalhead Friend

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Yup, fair 'nuff @Marvey . May be able to post my own impressions soon as I think I've persuaded myself to take a punt on an Amazon order with a 30-day return policy. I wouldn't usually do things this way, but it appears impossible to get a listen to these in the UK. They're certainly not appearing at any of the trade shows.
  7. Madaboutaudio

    Madaboutaudio Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    His body language and the way he fold his arms while talking and rubbing his nose. And the way he put downs Japanese Audio. He gives me an impression of a snob, this time an audiophile snob.
  8. Tyll Hertsens

    Tyll Hertsens Grandpappy of the hobby - Special Friend

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  9. Claritas

    Claritas Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    DT48 is like "the little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead..." That's why it's so polarizing.
  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    More like dead gray rotting corpse with intestines sticking out.
  11. takato14

    takato14 God of Ruin

    Sep 26, 2015
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    come on its not THAT bad guys

    it just has a 10dB driver resonance smack dab in the middle of the natural human ear canal resonance

  12. pedalhead

    pedalhead Friend

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Received a Z1R from Amazon today. It's pretty bonkers that Sony think this is an appropriate tuning for a flagship headphone. Jude was right, this thing needs the bass EQing down. Using JRiver's basic built-in PEQ, -3dB at 60hz and 170hz at least makes it listenable. Without it, there's all sorts of crappy resonance that ruins things. +3dB at 10kHz give it some much needed air as well. Early days, but at least it's bearable now.

    ps. using a mixture of Jodie, Metrum Hex and a DiDiT DAC212SE
  13. Rthomas

    Rthomas Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Can't believe you bought these already! :D

    Are you going to keep them?
  14. pedalhead

    pedalhead Friend

    Oct 2, 2015
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    lol yeah well Amazon have a good return policy :)

    Not sure yet. Will give it a few days. I'm wondering if these have been tuned with live acoustic music in mind. Seem to be a better fit in that direction so far.
  15. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    If the treble isn't real nasty, you might be able to get away with some light internal damping.
  16. Warrior

    Warrior RIP 2021

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Damn... These look right up my alley. Too bad I'm not a headphone guy as much as iem. I may have to add a 2nd headphone to my very small headphone collection, if you can call it that.

    I may have just found a reason to sell my Noble yawn, K10s.
  17. Vtory

    Vtory Audiophile™

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    Sep 12, 2016
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    Quite interesting that actual impression of Z1R can be heard!
    I'm really wondering how z1r reproduce similarly or differently from R10, which I generally respect in terms of design philosophy and engineering effort (not quite so about qualia q10 though).

    How Sony people explained about z1r's acoustic design (I read the related article in Head-fi) sounded reasonable, but I am curious whether it could lead to better sound in reality.
  18. WNovizar

    WNovizar Facebook Friend

    Feb 26, 2016
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    @pedalhead please post a more complete impression, particularly paired with any schiit multibit offerings,
  19. pedalhead

    pedalhead Friend

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Sorry @Vtory , I've never heard the R10.

    My ears & ability to articulate aren't as good as many on here, but here are the things jumbling around my head...

    - high mids/lower treble sound well balanced to me.
    - no midrange honk or push
    - lovely build, light, comfortable
    - bassy tuning can be fun on some tracks (eg acoustic, jazz)
    - works well at low volume levels
    - seems to respond quite well to EQ

    - bass boost for the kids, can overwhelm everything especially at higher volume levels
    - rolled off above ~9k, lacking in air. "Dark".
    - mids a bit smooth, unoffensive, lacking in detail and tonality of modded HD650.
    - generally lacking in micro-detail retrieval compared to HEK
    - bass has some texture, but not at HEK level
    - expensive

    Honestly @WNovizar , I don't think the subtleties between dacs will change any of the above.

    I've heard enough of the Z1R to know for me it won't be a keeper so I'll be sending it back to Amazon soon.
  20. WNovizar

    WNovizar Facebook Friend

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Now that's disappointing to say the least. Back to hunt used HD800 I guess....

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