SuperBAF Can'tJam (Not CanJam / Changfest) 2016 Meet Impressions

Discussion in 'The Meeting Place' started by Draxcer, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Pyruvate

    Pyruvate Friend

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    Hehe, that's no modi.

    Glad the meet was a success, wish I could've made it, but I was stuck here for the weekend.
  2. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
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    We had three speaker setups in two rooms. There would have been more if @OJneg was still around in the area. BTW, the speakers were cranked up, and the rest of the venue, the headphone rooms were still fairly quiet.

    Marten / EAR / VPI.
    DSC_3183 (Custom).JPG
    DSC_3150 (Custom).JPG

    Fostex BLH
    DSC_3137 (Custom).JPG

    There were super impressive. @JK47 and @struggles started on them last Monday using secret Nagaoka back loaded horn plans. These horns are much bigger and longer than the Madisound BK-16 kits and demonstrate what these Fostex drivers are truly capable of. I could not believe the potential that these drivers have. Super cohesive sound, far better high SPL capability than I would have expected. A good amount of bass. A sub would have been the final touch.

    DSC_3138 (Custom).JPG


    Altec Horns + 12" Woofers + Schiit. I wanted to test drive the Schiit two channel stuff. The Schiit two-channel is real. I plan on using their stuff for speakers for sure. We are talking about extreme value here. Very resolving. High Gauravidians. But then again, I am not surprised because two-channel has usually equated to extremely poor value for most gear.
    DSC_3164 (Custom).JPG
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  3. crazychile

    crazychile Eastern Iowa's Spiciest Pepper

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    Jan 19, 2016
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    That looks like it was a real fine time. I might need to fly out if you have one next year, or maybe If the Chicago guys organize something......
  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Was thinking NY and SF Bay Area, as long as there is interest. The key to successful high quality meets of this size is to not overdo it and cause meet exhaustion.
  5. DrForBin

    DrForBin Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    The Great NorthWet

    SF Bay Area, please, please, please!!!
  6. Ryu

    Ryu Friend

    Oct 5, 2015
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    See you this time next year.
  7. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
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    Padre Island CC TX
    2017 SF Bay Area
    2018 New York

  8. Cakecake

    Cakecake Guest

    2017 New York
    2018 SF

    let's alternate coast to coast :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2016
  9. Ice-man

    Ice-man Friend

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    Oct 12, 2015
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    Damn, after reading the impressions I really feel like I've missed something special. Big props to those who traveled far to get there and I hope you guys enjoyed the schiit out of this get together. Maybe next time guys, I'd love to make it.
  10. Hiyono

    Hiyono New

    Nov 6, 2016
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    Thanks for setting up the meet. It was good to see many familiar face I havent seen in many years.
  11. songmic

    songmic Gear cycler East Asia edition

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Kudos to everyone who made this wonderful event possible. Just looking at the pics makes me green with envy to those who were able to attend. Sadly, flying across the Pacific to attend such meets is currently out of the question for me, at least until my residency is over. Really wish I could bring my stuff and meet all of you friends in person someday.

    Long live SBAF!
  12. MuppetFace

    MuppetFace Sultana of Seafoam Green - Moderator

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    This kinda stuff really puts the "friends" in SBAF! Hopefully one day I can be part of the Cali festivities! :cool:

    Yes, Audio Zenith has slightly modified the PMx2 to make it even better. I actually have one of these new sets, and it's really special.
  13. netforce

    netforce MOT:

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Had a great time, first time going to a SBAF event and I enjoyed seeing the locals and new faces. I packed some gear a bit last minute and when I arrived I put down my gear at Draxcer's table. Took a few pics but accidentally deleted them when transfering to my computer so I just have these to share.

    The table with some of my gear

    Geek Wave shell compared to my QP1R. Nice to see it coming along, the Geekout V2+ was what I believe I heard and did quite like what I was hearing. Keep up the good work LH and thanks for attending.

    The Campfire IEMs were without a doubt my personal favorite headphones I heard at the meet. Good fit, deep and impactful subbass and a really nice sound for the Lyra 2, Dorado, Vega. Didn't hear the rest but if I remember correctly the Dorado had just a tad more forward treble and the Vega was a tad lax in comparison. I would probably grab the Vega.

    Then I lost the rest of the pictures but the large DNA amp was my favorite amp at the meet, playing it balanced on my Ether was a treat, the Utopia and Elear were also quite nice to hear with it though I still kind of dislike their long stock cables.

    I had quite a number of Audeze's at home but their carrying cases are rather cumbersome and I wasn't sure if there was interest in hearing Audeze so I didn't bring them which I kind of regret looking back.

    Overall there was so much gear and the environment was wonderful to listen and to talk. Thanks to the guys who made this meet possible and I hope to make more events in the future!
  14. Ryu

    Ryu Friend

    Oct 5, 2015
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    "Really special" is definitely how I would describe them.
  15. PTS

    PTS Friend

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Jason was talking to me (you can see my reflection in the laptop) and I like the HE-6 very much indeed.
  16. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
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    I had a chance to speak with Alex and listen to the latest iteration. Alex doesn't stop. The PMx2 has a full bodied sound - the anti HD800 - and the smoothest response of any headphone I've heard. A little bit of a BBC dip too. The biggest difference this time around is that the midrange distortion heard on the PM-1 seems to be all but eliminated. I would be interested to see if measurements bare these observations out. Gilberto took measurements of a ton of headphones, I think he got measurements of these.

    Highly recommended for those seeking sound like those of good multi-way speakers with well behaved drivers and well implemented crossovers.
  17. songmic

    songmic Gear cycler East Asia edition

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Speaking of smooth, how does it compare to a modded HD650?
  18. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    It's smoother. HD650 response by multi-way speaker standards is still quit ragged, especially on the top end.
  19. JK47

    JK47 Guest

    Here's just a quick mini impression.

    Mind you, I've been up since 4am and have consumed 15 beers over the span of 3 flights, I like beer.

    @struggles mentioned to me that he would like to maybe do an enclosure for the 6.5" Fostex Sigma driver. I already had the Madisound BK-16 which he had already heard. I asked him how much the material would cost for a plan I had saved on my computer ,and we came out with a $200 estimate.
    Done deal, Sunday night a week ago from today I said let's get 'er done. Monday afternoon we were cutting 5x5 sheets of 18mm Baltic birch. The original plan called for 15mm, but I found a plan for the beefier 18mm. Usually the plan calls for you to just glue the pieces to each other, but @struggles being the perfectionist he is said we should do this right and carry the spirit of Nagaoka-san's original design of glue and wood only. Some other plans use screws and nails to hold the maze of baffles and walls together, but not ours. All glue and "biscuits."

    Not only on the wide surfaces, but on the 18mm edges. Without question this build was made to spec and held there. Right angles remain square and true, zero slop period. Below are biscuits, I should have taken pics of he biscuits edges too, but f**k I was tired, I hope you get the idea. This wasn't a slap together, hope and pray build. IMG_0104.JPG

    Early mockup below. You can see where I missed a board and we mocked it up.

    We got very close to finished late Friday night, and came in Saturday morning of the meet to finish up.

    Lessons learned : don't give me a belt sander

    : don't give me an orbital sander

    : don't give me a spray gun with shellac

    We played a little with the bottom mouth as you can see with the pic above. It went from very boomy in the mid- bass to lean and light. We found a compromise and went with it. The mouth we used was a hybrid of the original Nagaoka D-37 enclosure and an updated mkIII version another fellow from Japan has come up with.

    I would like to say @struggles isnt a craftsman, he's a Master Craftsman. No question about it, constantly striving for perfection. This was a great learning experience for me, and life lesson in perseverance.

    I hardly spent any time in the headphone rooms at all. Even with the best of the best gear at SBAF meets disposal. Listening to @struggles horn system has turned me into a 2 channel convert, his horn system is a true beast.

    I enjoyed each speaker system at the meet. Marv's rich warm, low end tilted powered by Schiit system, to the mid focused Marten analog rig. Man that was some awesome stuff. I wish we had brought some more caps/ crossovers parts etc, and had all 3 systems working together in a huge array powered by that VPI TT. That would have been epic...

    Thanks guys for putting on the show, thanks @struggles for putting together the enclosure with me, transportation of the gear to and from, the amazing Fostex T500 mkII super tweeters that really brought the Sigma's to a higher level, building the lunch pail L-pads, along with the modded Nagaoka D-37 enclosure. Providing the amazing lean and clean Almarro SET amp. Thanks @shaizada for bringing the Almarro to our attention. Truly an underrated mighty might.

    Materials approx $200. Master craftsman to help cut assemble and plan... PRICELESS !!!

    What a truly great feeling of community. The pizza party in room 1678 hosted by the crazy analog Canucks (I'm a member as well), and the boys from NYC, Portland, Maryland, and local organizers, it was great, actually words can't describe. Too many thanks to go out, but I wish everybody that was there in body and spirit, a happy listening experience.

    Rock on SBAF 2016 super meet !!!
  20. Cakecake

    Cakecake Guest

    Those supertweeters are $1000 each :eek:

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