IEM general discussion thread

Discussion in 'IEMs and Portable Gear' started by Griffon, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Got my PW Audio Copper 28 cables back after one of the MMCX connectors became wobbly and intermittent. He replaced them with ones that don't have a round spring, but that consist of 4 curved "tangs" created by cutting a cross pattern into the male cylinder that goes into the IEM (Andromedas). Hope this makes sense - I should really take a photo (=1Kwords) but I just packed them away with dessicant as I won't be taking them on my vacation.

    Couldn't find a picture of it, but it's like the TS9 Right Angle below (not the MMCX, which has the round spring commonly seen).

    They're really tight now and require a firm grip to rotate. Feels like about twice the torque required to rotate the connectors on the stock cable. Is this any cause for concern? Would using these connectors eventually enlarge the female connectors, making them connect poorly with other connectors?

    Peter mentioned when I first ordered them that he was using new MMCX connectors because the old ones had issues. These new ones were the ones that I sent back for repair. Guess he had to go for something even tighter.
  2. deafdoorknob

    deafdoorknob Almost "Made"

    Nov 8, 2016
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    that's what my PW cable came with and you know that i am a cable swapper ;) i have been swapping it amongst my iems and so far so good, tho i do excercise extra care when pulling it out, making sure that my grip is firm and the pull very "linear" so it doesnt bend or flex anything. good luck
  3. Torq

    Torq MOT:

    Jan 15, 2016
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    The ALO Audio Reference-8 IEM cable has to be the most microphonic little bastard I've ever used*.

    Consider a shirt-clip mandatory (I had to resort to using this to make this cable usable - where I don't need one at all with their Litz cable), and be prepared to spend some time fit it to your ears "just so".


    *I usually make my own cables, but I still haven't set up my electronics workstation after my move.
  4. shotgunshane

    shotgunshane Floridian Falcon

    Staff Member Pyrate Flathead IEMW
    Sep 26, 2015
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    The ALO/Campfire 'stock' Litz cable is my favorite cable- looks great and has fantastic flexibility. I wish they would sell it in 2 pin configuration. The reference 8 is surprisingly stiff and very microphonic. Not practical at all.
  5. Grahad2

    Grahad2 Red eyes from too much anime

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Null Audio's new Ethos line seems to use the same or if not a similar OEM for the cable. It's on the W900 if I'm not wrong (or unless AAW changed providers yet again). Comes in 2pin versions.
  6. shotgunshane

    shotgunshane Floridian Falcon

    Staff Member Pyrate Flathead IEMW
    Sep 26, 2015
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    They are similar but the AAW version (on the tour demos) seem cheaper and less well made.
  7. Galm

    Galm Still looking for Little Red Riding Hood

    Feb 17, 2017
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    After reading through this thread and the ie800 impressions thread I just thought I'd add my two cents.

    I've tried SE846s, AKG K3003i's and plenty of lower end iems.

    The ie800s were just easily my favorite. I have no idea why, but I just love the entire sound signature, I felt it worked perfectly to balance all the genres I like. (Which are a little bit of most and a lot of rock tbh) So much so that I'm tempted to buy the Sennheiser ie800 Dior Homme edition just because I love how they look. I won't... But I actually 100% would if they had a longer cable.

    I use them with Mojo which I know is not beloved around here, but it sounds way better than my Oppo HA-2 to my ears and there aren't many other options as portable that I liked. (Bifrost Multibit handily outclassed the Mojo though imo).

    Idk, I always get the upgrade bug for my computers and headphones, but my iems and studio monitors (jbl lsr4328p's) are like the only two items I've been completely satisfied with for years.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2017
  8. TheBarnard

    TheBarnard Friend

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Anybody have experience with the Fiio F5? Seems like a potentially good dynamic-based beater iem for gym and stuff
  9. blackships

    blackships Friend

    Oct 2, 2015
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    I haven't heard the ie800, but I've read such mixed things about it. People either seem to love or hate it, with most seeming to hate it.
  10. TomHP

    TomHP Facebook Friend

    Nov 24, 2016
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    I have one, yes. Can't give you an unbiased opinion though given my involvement :)

    You're probably right, I haven't lined up the measurements, but from what I've seen from the Andromeda, they should be pretty close in FR. Sub 200Hz boost of roughly 6 dB and a bit too much of a peak around 7-8 kHz resulting in exaggerated airyness.
  11. Galm

    Galm Still looking for Little Red Riding Hood

    Feb 17, 2017
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    It's a pretty V Shaped sound signature. But I tend to like those.

    The worst part about it is the cable, the microphonics are almost comical at times depending on what you're wearing. The new Dior Homme collection ie800s are about to come out, maybe those will have better cables.
  12. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider

    Sep 30, 2015
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    So I was down at the local electronics market to pick up a fan to replace the burnt out one cooling the CPU on my PC and dropped into a recently opened CIEM store. Turns out they carry AAW and 64 Audio so I was able to try the W900 and U18T. I wasn't planning on a listening session, so unfornately didn't bring my Andros with me. But I think I was able to get a reasonable impression from memory.

    The W900 were exactly as @Torq described: seamless. Cohesive from bottom to top, and with phull phat natural bass. Now I know what I'm missing with BA bass. At first they didn't sound remarkable in any way, which many have said is a good thing. Never would have guessed it was a hybrid. Only other hybrid I've heard was the Dorado (I think, very briefly) and it was like having 2 totally different IEMs strapped together and stuck in my ear (others seem to find it well integrated, might just be me). The tonality of the W900s upper mids and highs seemed to be more correct than the Andro, even directly out of my lowly Samsung A8, which can sound a bit digitially and tinny. A very pleasant and involving listen. The shell on the demo pressed a bit on the outer edge of my left concha, but there looked to be enough clearance with the dynamic driver to shape it for a custom. Not that I'm in the market for a 2 kilobuck IEM, but ...

    The U18T was much more in your face and though not disorienting as was mentioned re the tia Fourté, I can sort of imagine what that might be like. Definitely lots of air. A bit U-shaped FR compared to Andromeda and W900. Super resolving, and a bit too much detail to take in at first. But towards the end of my list of test tracks, I was starting to become accustomed to it and was able to settle into the music more, rather than having it blazing into your head. (Kind of like the stupid WOW settings they have TVs set to in big box stores, but in a good way).

    I think the Andromedas are resolving enough for me, but the W900s sounded very nice. I hope I can forget how great the bass sounded ...

    The store also carries UE (they had the stall at the local audio show last year where I heard the UERR). It's common to pass out packets of tissues on the street for advertising in Taiwan and Japan.

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
  13. EricR

    EricR New

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Some context and clarity for those who may have missed my original post being mentioned above:

    For me the Tia Fourte was disorienting - for the first 15 minutes or so. Then something clicked. Since then other gear seems somehow lacking in depth and vividness.

    Agreed that the W900 frequency response was cohesive top to bottom - in no way did it hint or tell of its hybrid design. Very impressive. Though to my ears not so much for the presentation (stage, placement, timbre, decay, etc.). I consistently heard the differing driver technologies at work in this regard.

    This sets the Tia Fourte apart for me. Impressive clarity and detail, a warmish but reasonably flat FR well extended at both ends, along with cohesiveness and coherence on all fronts.

    Can a headphone be both musical and technical at the same time?

  14. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Luckily for me, I plugged my Andros into my ears last night, went through my test tracks, and listened happily until it was time to turn the lights out and go to sleep :punk:
  15. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Listening to Dire Straits, Six Blade Knife, and started wondering what the bass would sound like out of the W900s. Damn you @Torq! :mad:
  16. Grahad2

    Grahad2 Red eyes from too much anime

    Jan 26, 2017
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    There's a reason why even though I have an Andro I still mainly use the MG6pro.

    The bass tactility and timbre of the best dynamics are just nothing short of awesome sauce.
  17. mscott58

    mscott58 Friend

    Oct 13, 2015
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    Hey all - Sorry for the basic question, but could use your collective input. I have a friend who knows I'm into HP stuff, and he is looking for a new set of earphones to replace his old Bose unit that finally bit the dust. Frankly, this is not in my sweet spot as I don't have much personal experience in this area.

    Here's the spec's:
    - Wired (not the type to remember to charge a wireless unit)
    - Inline microphone for use with iPhone
    - Able to be used while at gym (so some sweat resistance)
    - Budget of $150-200 (or less if possible - he's a recently minted PhD, so has little $)
    - Fairly hardy (often just shoves them in his pocket)

    I'd used Etymotics and Shure's many, many years ago in this type of use, but again, I'm not current. After a quick web-scan I was thinking the Ety Hf3, Westone W10, Shure SE215/315, Bose Quiet Comfort 20.

    Help! Any and all input greatly appreciated.

  18. Khai

    Khai New

    Nov 23, 2016
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    If he's a gym rat like moi, i'd steer away from any wired earphones of any sort. From experience, the cable connectors will corrode and turn green. That's what happened to my Shure 535 few years ago and eversince then i've basically stopped listening to my own tunes during workouts. Having said that i can't vouch for any of these sweat resistance wired earphones. Maybe they will function as advertised. On hindsight, maybe he should just do with the regular Apple earbuds that came with his iPhone.

    Wait till you get a listen to those W900s through the Sony wm1z...... ;)
  19. Aleatorius

    Aleatorius Friend

    Oct 16, 2016
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    I like using the Pinnacle P1 whenever I know I'm going to be working up a sweat - if they're patient they could probably pick up a used set for $100 or an Amazon lightning deal, otherwise they could buy new/warehouse deal.
  20. mscott58

    mscott58 Friend

    Oct 13, 2015
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    Thanks! You're not the first one to mention the Pinnacle P1 - so good to hear there's some consensus. Cheers

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