Some stuff about bad mouthing SBAF (who cares)

Discussion in 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' started by animus, Apr 8, 2020.

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  1. animus

    animus Almost "Made"

    Nov 9, 2019
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    If you have any issue with me (I’m not even sure who you are by the way) you’re free to talk me about it instead of airing your dirty laundry in public. But maybe before running your mouth you should have checked and realized that I haven’t been in Crin’s server since the end of last year.
  2. neomax

    neomax RobS / hinterlander

    Mar 29, 2020
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    ive been on crins server for a long time and not forgotten how toxic you were on it. surprised to see you registered on here and posting since the hundreds of hate messages about marv the owner of sbaf and this site. so you retract messages like this for example?

  3. neomax

    neomax RobS / hinterlander

    Mar 29, 2020
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    i do not like two faced phony cowards who hve a history of talking tonsof shit then try to post here in bad faith
  4. animus

    animus Almost "Made"

    Nov 9, 2019
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    No, I just found it funny how you acted like this was a common, currently occurring incidence. I also don’t think you realize that on Discord anyone and everyone gets shittalked. I have shittalked likely everyone I know and care (enough) about to some capacity, and the same applies to many other people. I get shittalked extremely often too, doubly so because there are plenty of Discord servers I'm not in, and I'm sure you know of my reputation on the platform considering you have chosen to try and rouse a witchhunt against me. Hell, I’d say someone who receives enough recognition in shittalk is either doing something pretty right or pretty wrong. Whichever one it is, is up social interpretation. That's how fast moving instant messaging services work, plenty of hyperbolic and exaggerated or sometimes straight up meaningless things are said. Of course, considering I have not a fraction of an idea of who you are and have been in the Discord circles long enough to recognize almost everyone of relevance, I'm not surprised you didn't get the memo on any of this.

    Oh yeah, and didn’t I tell you to air your dirty laundry elsewhere? This isn’t the thread for you to post out of context screenshots from a completely different platform, is it? Go find something better to do.

    Oh please, if you have a bone to pick with me man up and take it to PMs. Stop shitting up unrelated threads. You’re just being petty and trying to use drama as leverage right now.

    And now for something on topic... If this virtual meet is open to non-friends/contributors I'd be more than happy to show up. Getting to meet some of you people would be cool.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2020
  5. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    This reminds me of why I hardly ever use Discord anymore. I will verify that basically everything does get shittalked on at least the one server I used to follow, SBAF getting a fair bit of the love, so anima isn't wrong about that. It's like SBAF in that there are noobs and people with experience and strong opinions, but the language and atmosphere wasn't much for me so I stopped going by; it's a different perspective in the same way ASR, Head-Case, Reddit, and Audiophile Style are— maybe it works for you or maybe it doesn't, but either way it's hardly worth losing hair over.

    Not saying I agree with a lot of the opinions expressed about gear (mfw my favourite headphones get trash talked often, haha) or culture, mind, but opinions are opinions. Might as well start a flame war for how someone mounts their toilet paper.

    FWIW I agree that it's off-topic for this specific thread. I'm no one of consequence but as far as I'm concerned this discussion is about trying to bring people together for audio talk and good times, not to rub people's faces in dry cumstains.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2020
  6. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    If these claims are true, please do not mistake common occurrences of such as normal behavior to be swept under the rug as no big deal. Poor character, no matter how frequent or widespread, whether in public or very private spaces, or whether brought to light or kept secret, is still poor character.

    While this is not commentary on if I felt it appropriate for someone to bring up Discord chats in this thread, I might advise you reconsider how you've played off this whole scenario before joining. Nonetheless, and to be clear, I am not implying that I am trying to prevent you, or anyone else, from joining either way.
  7. animus

    animus Almost "Made"

    Nov 9, 2019
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    By no means am I sweeping anything under the rug. I am simply pointing out the context of such actions, that within their circles they would have been considered the norm or acceptable. Whether or not one would still consider them distasteful or lacking tact, is of course up to one's personal opinion.
  8. Beltrix

    Beltrix New

    Apr 10, 2020
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    OJ invited me to that discord way back when, said he thought I'd fit in. Proves he was a little nuts.
  9. Elnrik

    Elnrik Super Friendly

    Jan 10, 2017
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    Oh, well this makes it all ok then. Thanks for clearing that up.

    I'm gonna go find a discord and shit talk about you, because... that's what people do, right? You low character fucktard.
  10. OldDude04

    OldDude04 Friend

    May 17, 2018
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    You, I like you. I was sitting here contemplating weighing in on his quick dismissal of the bullshit but now I no longer need to. You said it perfectly.
  11. neomax

    neomax RobS / hinterlander

    Mar 29, 2020
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    im not sure what is worse. trying to sweep this under the rug like nothing happened or calling someone "f'ing stupid", "a retarded shill", a "f'ing jackass" (see below) is up to "personal opinion"?

    you dont even own up to what you said about marv and sbaf(how its a "gay circlejerk") you coward, but somehow made the weakest excuse to defend your shittalking.

    this is relevant to the thread because this is about a virtual meeting with the site owner you clearly hate. youve said you wanted to get in a "spitting contest" with him and ken ball. im just giving a warning to @purr1n that it may not be a good idea to invite you.

    these messages are on a public discord server for anyone to see. i publicly shame you for them because toxic trolls like you make the internet such an unpleasant place right now.

    you registered on sbaf in november and still continued to talk trash on discord. seems your only reason to join is to stir shit up.

  12. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    Is it me of some of the things @animus is saying is a caning offense in Singapore (which I remember him posting before that's where he is located)?

    On-Topic: Lets keep the Zoom meeting to Friends only at this time.
  13. neomax

    neomax RobS / hinterlander

    Mar 29, 2020
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    yes he is from singapore which he has now changed to "a special place"
  14. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson)

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    @animus, appropriate handle for the feelings you provoke, but that's the point, right? How's seventh grade treating you?
  15. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    I'm trying to avoid joining on dogpiles nowadays but this one made me laugh.
  16. animus

    animus Almost "Made"

    Nov 9, 2019
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    Feel free to. You wouldn't be the first.

    You gave a warning to someone that it may not be a good idea to invite me... when I hadn't shown a single speck of interest in joining and wasn't even aware of this until you decided to ping me? This is in bad faith at best.

    I registered on the site during the short period of time in November when registrations were opened and left the account unused. Just as a placeholder. My first post was sometime in January (or February?) after my opinion on the site had changed a bit. You can ask people who talk to me on a daily basis what I think of SBAF now, though of course you won't because your intent here is to smear me.

    This public discord server argument is a terrible excuse. I'm sure your personal information is available publicly if I dig hard enough, shall I find your address and every less than admirable thing you've said in an online space?

    If my only reason to join were to stir shit up I would have done so already. The fact that I have genuine conversations here in good faith (unlike you) should speak for itself.

    Yeah, saying naughty things online is a caning offense here. Definitely.

    Pretty awesome.

    Now, as heinous and disgraceful as it may seem, allow me to give some of these statements and screenshots context.

    For starters, I disliked SBAF and a lot of its collective opinions on things for a long time. Part of this is from Discord circlejerks, opinions on reddit putting them down, yadda yadda etc. The period I have genuinely interacted with the site and come to know it personally is very small. At the time many of these statements were made (all in November if you may notice), my opinion on SBAF still remained in the "Schiit/Campfire/Massdrop shill" category.

    Now bear in mind, this is an extremely common opinion on Discord, doubly so on Crin's server. Campfire's products are not liked in the slightest there, and many statements made by prominent members here are mocked there frequently. Not only that, but SBAF generally dislikes the IER-Z1R, no doubt singlehandedly the most popular IEM on the server. The two combine into the perfect punching bag for the community. You can see in the sole screenshot containing more than just me that I am not alone in trashtalking this website. I know reputable members of the community who have put down SBAF more than once in almost just as if not equally disparaging ways who also use this site that I will not name because though I am an asshole, I am not a filthy snitch. And bear in mind, this applies not just to SBAF, but to every website. Every single one., Head-fi, Head-case, reddit, 4chan all of them have been put down to some extent. SBAF (and next to it Head-fi) simply takes the brunt of the shit for the aforementioned reasons.

    It is only recently (when I started posting here and asking around for advice) that my opinion has turned around, for numerous reasons:
    1. Actually having tried stuff that is talked about here beyond portable gear, which was my primary domain for a very long time, and seeing where a lot of the impressions on them were coming from.
    2. Beginning to understand some of the tastes and preferences of this site, and how their impressions could be different from mine but still translatable
    3. Actually having left the Crinacle server. As mentioned I have not been there as of the end of last year. Part of this is because the place was setting me on edge more often than not and I had grown sick of the larger Discord audio community to an extent.

    At the end of the day, what was said has been said, and I will not cry over spoilt milk. I will point out, however, that I no longer hold any of these opinions, and that any accusations of coming here to "stir shit up" can be quickly disproven by reading through my post history.

    And if the community here decides I don't belong or deserve to continue to be publicly shamed and flogged, no hard feelings from me about it either. I recognize the gravitas of my statements and the offense taken from them, and will make no attempt to pretend elsewise.
  17. LetMeBeFrank

    LetMeBeFrank Won't tell anyone my name is actually Francis

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Can we move this BS with Animus to a separate thread?
  18. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

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    I am not a boomer. I am a 90-ties kid. This place is diverse.

    Never make enemies before you make more enemies. Make only one enemy at the time because there are only so many battles you can win. The worst enemies hold grudges for eternity.

    I now reserve the right to mock you. You call yourself "Animus" but I detect no soul. What is worse, the pretention to have a soul or to call yourself a soul? Maybe you are more a corpse pretending to be alive. So be it, maybe your brains already rotted away too much for you to have reason. How morbidly unreasonable.

    Now why do I bother? A friendly introduction, some sharing of music and friendly conversation would have done wonders. Lurk a bit, share a bit.

    Nope, your behaviour is most unpleasant. So unpleasant it reeks like the plague. Do you know what helps with dangerous corpses? Fire.
  19. animus

    animus Almost "Made"

    Nov 9, 2019
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    And I have recognized that, even before this conversation ever reared its ugly head. But that won't stop this site from being generalized and stereotyped as being a "boomer forum". Well, not from me, but from too many other people, more than I can count. This place has a reputation that precedes the individual members, as unfortunate as that may be.

    And I wouldn't have it any other way.

    Again, as mentioned in my previous post, you are free to look at my post history. I really don't want to toot my own horn, but I have had nothing but good will towards this site and a desire to sincerely converse in my posts. I fail to recognize how half a year old screenshots take precedence over my actual actions here. As much as I think the public stocking here is deserved, I don't think misconstruing my actual history on this site is.
  20. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    It's a Gen-X forum.

    The Kryptonian Council is mostly Gen-X. Some may be younger, but they have self identified more as Gen-X.
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