New Members - Introduce Yourself

Discussion in 'Tales from the Bully Pulpit' started by willc, Nov 15, 2021.

  1. Iggy

    Iggy New

    Mar 6, 2017
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    hello...way overdue introduction of myself....afraid of commitment have lurked off and on for a long time. i have been flipping between tube and solid state for 25 years. Been on a tube binge again for the last 4 years. Prefer R2R DACs, own 3 (2 are vintage) of them. love a lot of genre's of music. love live music especially. am a busy person with 3 teenage boys. currently am refurbishing my Audiomeca turntable with new springs, bearing, and rebuilding the power supply.
  2. Lunk_Wray

    Lunk_Wray Obsessed with Headstage

    Jul 1, 2022
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    I've been lurking off and on through the pandemic, and I guess finally catching Covid and going into isolation a few days ago has driven me to whatever combination of boredom and brain damage I required to start posting. (I'm fine. Probably.)

    Currently agonising over the replacement of an assortment of old 90's gear and thrift shop finds which are no longer doing it for me, or have given up (RIP mid-fi Marantz amp and Senn HD 520 II, you served me well).

    Zero expertise. About... anything really. More a music lover than a gear head. I toyed with the idea of building a BHC speedball, but I have the DIY skills of a crack addled monkey hurling shit at a fan, and death by electrocution doesn't appeal.

    Obsessive about:
    Guitar tone/ timbre. Electric or acoustic.

    Lively, articulate dynamics. But not seeking hyper-aggressive slam.
    Neutral-ish FR. But I can live with a bit of treble roll off.
    Layering/ separation

    Recessed mids. Because guitars.

    Curious about, but don't really understand:

    Don't care about, or understand:
    Soundstage/ headstage. This may change, given that so many of you seem to be obsessive about it.
  3. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

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    May 28, 2017
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    Vancouver BC
    But going by your username, I'd guess guitar distortion would be a 'like' ;)

    Anyway welcome aboard.
  4. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Try the Liquid Tension Experiment. Once you understand, everything you stated above will change...
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  5. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

    Apr 15, 2020
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    im not obsessive. Who’s obsessive? I’m obsessed with nothing.
  6. Lunk_Wray

    Lunk_Wray Obsessed with Headstage

    Jul 1, 2022
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    @Biodegraded : I am curious about the effects, if any, of stacking a little "good" audiophile tube H2 distortion on top of a mountain of ugly/ glorious source material guitar distortion. But this isn't the thread for that discussion.

    @Deep Funk : Liquid Tension Experiment the prog band? Or is this some 99th level audiophile technique I'm unfamiliar with? Either way, I doubt my current mediocre gear will change my mind about anything much. But thank you.

    @rhythmdevils : My lawyer advises me to unreservedly withdraw any unwarranted imputation. The strong impression I gained from a buncha posts must have been mistaken. So. Many. Posts.
  7. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    After the Liquid Tension Experiment, go back to colour. King Crimson is a very bright red. Prog, especially older Prog makes you appreciate how the energy of the music needs a capable transducer from source to eardrum.

    The AKG K500/K501 or HD600/HD650 get most of that very right. You just need some power and preferably a (manual) gain switch.
  8. tinker

    tinker New

    Jul 9, 2022
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    Northern CA
    Lao Tzu once famously stated that "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", and thusly my audio journey began many years ago, and upon which I remain steadfastly on. I began by reading British audio magazines such as What HiFi and HiFi News and Record Review to pass the time on my summer breaks and also I suppose as I am an optimizer of things. Also being a fan of Dr Who, what better than a hobby so like a time machine. Revisiting and reliving moments in time, moments which are transformed from the ephemeral to the permanent. Moments that bring joy or sorrow or simply a diversion from the everyday routine depending upon the song. I moved with the times, I bought one of the first 16 bit cd players when they came out, the Philips Magnavox CDB-650 which used the TDA-1541 DAC ladder dac, and currently have a Denafrips Terminator II, which is also a ladder DAC. I started with speakers but moved exclusively to headphones. I have tried and owned many DAPs, many headphones, many HP amps, etc. But always I am guided by Occam's Razor aka the Principle of Parsimony, does what I am using / listening to make me happy, does it have a unique perspective, does it stand the test of time, is what I am hearing / feeling repeatable, etc. In seeking perspective and input I consider both the objective and subjective. I don't know what being a member of SBAF will bring, but I hope with humility and time simply to walk with fellow travelers. I am located in Northern CA, "The Bay Area".

    Also I was introduced to SBAF by @rhythmdevils
  9. decompositions

    decompositions New

    Jun 4, 2022
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    hi, been lurking here on and off here for a couple years now but have just recently been getting more into the audio hobby swing again. I started off with akg k240s around 15 years ago when I was starting high school and have always been on and off with audio since then, ended up getting more into 2 channel gear while I was in college, starting with a pair of genesis physics 2 and other 70s gear and more recently been buying newer gear and messing around with room correction and trying to fix some modes/decay issues which has been an interesting learning experience. I tend to like stuff that's leaning just a bit dark but have been appreciating more resolving gear now that I have anything actually up to it, at the moment my setups are:

    yggdrasil LiM > jotunheim 2 > hd6xx
    > dbx 223xs active xover > hypex nc252mp > ascend sierra-lx
    > rythmik L12

    singxer su-1 > gungnir multibit > benchmark LA4 > Schiit Vidar
    > Classe DR-9 configured as monoblocks > monitor audio silver 500 7g, mostly using the vidar single ended and turning on monoblocks once in a while until they make the room too hot

    went to a lot of diy label emo/punk type shows when I was younger in the early 2010s, and listen to rock stuff primarily still, but generally listen to a bit of everything and I live in the Madison WI area.
  10. DivineCurrent

    DivineCurrent New

    Jan 2, 2017
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    Hello, I'm not exactly new here but I realized I never actually properly introduced myself.

    I got the audio bug back in 2012, when I borrowed an old AKG K240 Monitor from my dad (600 Ohms version). I used that thing for a while, plugging it into every source I could find around the house. I discovered that I could boost the bass using a Nakamichi TA-2A receiver (also my dad's). Paired with the matching Nakamichi CDP-2A cd player, I was living my best life listening to 1980's gear. He then gifted me the newer version of the K240, which was far easier to drive and I could use directly with my laptop. I found Head-fi first, learned most of what I know now from there. Which lead to the greatest turning point in my life, I realized there might actually be something better sounding than the K240? No way!

    Being a poor college student, I tried stuff around the $200 price point like the Shure SRH-940 and the Beyer DT880. And then I saved up for the venerable HD650, which was the first headphone that truly sounded "natural" to my ears. I stupidly sold and bought the 650 a few times over the years. I now own a modded 6XX (Custom Cans copper mass load + ZMF suede 6XX pads) and a stock unmodded 650, which will never be sold.
    Anyway, skipping to now and I've been through dozens of headphones, and not surprisingly my modded HD6XX is a normal part of my listening rotation. I also regularly use the Focal Clear MG Pro, and the Hifiman HE-500. Though recently, I kind of prefer using IEMs mostly for the comfort and ease of use. I only really use 3 DAC/Amps depending on the use case, RME ADI-2 DAC for desktop, Qudelix 5k for portable, and a JDS Labs Element III for that wonderful knob.

    I regularly use EQ with all my headphones and IEMs, and for me it makes a huge difference in enjoying music. As far as music genres go, I listen to a lot of orchestral soundtracks for video games and movies. Also classical, classic rock, electronic, acoustic, and contemporary jazz.

    I learned about you guys from the legendary Tyll Hertsens. Hope he's doing well in that camper van.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
  11. Lickumms

    Lickumms Acquaintance

    Jul 11, 2022
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    Hi, I have spent way to much on audio equipment... Might as well join another forum about audio equipment to feed my addiction.
  12. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Find an old K240 DF or Sextett, feed it some serious power and then wonder why AKG gave up on that. AKG used to make headphones that kicked ass like Chuck Norris.

    The HD600/650 is one of the best things Sennheiser has ever made. Once you realise how good they are you become more focused on good sound instead of gear-fi or F.O.T.M.B.S.
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  13. Ken Tajalli

    Ken Tajalli New

    Jul 28, 2022
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    London, UK
    Hi everyone.
    New member here, hopefully will become an old member.
    Name is Ken, 62 year old , from London, UK.
    Been around Hifi since childhood, first sound system was a pair of car stereo speakers attached to sides of my bed headboard, and a car stereo/cassette player, connected to an old car battery, and a trickle charger!
    That was probably in the late 60s.
    I think I read a bit now, before I post anything.
  14. caute

    caute Lana Del Gayer than you

    Pyrate Contributor
    Jul 12, 2022
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    The Deep South
    My handle, @caute, named for the signet ring that Spinoza wore which read in Latin, "cautiously", and which I am anything but. Here is a short story of my audio adventures:

    I was a rando and inveterate lurker here in 2015 and 2016, when the Geek Out v2 was all the budget, portable rage, and when I experimented with and bought $50 NOS DACs off eBay with Philips TDA chips in them and poked at @Hands as to why they sounded like garbage.

    When I lusted after Eddie Current amps, but satisified myself with the Valhalla 2 with Russian tubes; when I felt the Gungnir Multibit was the pinnacle of D-A engineering (the Yggdrasil being purely too large for my desk), but instead purchased a 3D-printed resin dongle, the aforementioned second Geek Out, which made me think, what's so wrong with ESS DACs?

    When I looked down on the mighty HD650 after hearing it from under-powered warm poo tube amps, and went straight for the HD800 to SDR and SBAF mod, and a 3.5mm balanced cable adapter. When I had no idea what I liked, or what anything truly good sounded like.

    I moved to NYC and forgot about audio. I used bluetooth, I wore AirPods, I was happy. But then something changed. About two months ago, I went to a local hifi store on a whim. There I heard top dynamics, an electrostat and finally, the LCD-X, which I absolutely fell in love with. I knew I needed to come back, to love the nervosa, to embrace the OCD, to make again this bourgeois hobby mine.

    Not much has changed since those mid-decade years, except that I am now a member once again thanks to the venerable @CEE TEE, who I met at the Texas Audio Show this month. Hearing his amps was a revelation, just as the veil was torn back when I heard @rhythmdevils modded LCD-Xs out of a LauX and A1 Gungnir Multibit. I am humbly happy and appreciative to be back, hopefully with some listening impressions this time!
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2022
  15. XOtter

    XOtter New

    May 9, 2022
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    Greetings SBAF.

    I have been an engineer for over 45 years. My early training was all tubes. I have been involved in audio (some professional, some audiophile) for much of that time. I have had a handful of friends in the high end audio business over the years as well. I have been a lover of music much longer. Growing up my father has an eclectic music collection which I probably listened to more than he did. He had built stereo components from kits (Eico for those that remember that far back) which I used and maintained. He and I also built a HealthKit color TV which was the main household TV for many years.

    As an engineer, I focus on the reason I am putting a system together, rather than the specific components. I have oft quoted the engineer’s axiom that “the best is the enemy of the good.” Define your goal clearly and build a solution around it. I do not pursue equipment for technologies sake. My personal goal in this regard is to reproduce music so I can forget about the reproduction system and just engage with the music.

    My musical tastes run a wide gamut, classical music from 15th century polyphony through 21st century minimalism as well as Jazz and Rock from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.
  16. Hey Tuco

    Hey Tuco New

    Aug 3, 2022
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    Third Rock from the Sun
    Hey All - like you, I love listening to music live or played on a quality system. In the process of building a modern hifi including a few bucket list DIY builds, like a recently completed a set of GR Research X-LS Encores. In the process of learning about hires streaming and figuring when to go next in my sonic adventure.

    Richland, WA
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2022
  17. sup27606

    sup27606 New

    Aug 20, 2022
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    Hello everyone,
    I am from the LA area. I am in my mid 40s. Have been reading these forum posts for many months - lots of helpful stuff here - finally decided to join.

    My interest in high quality audio and headphones started about 10 years back, when I listened to a pair of Sennheiser HD280s at a local store. From then on, a journey started with low/mid-fi gear at first (all that I could afford), then graduating to higher end devices.

    In terms of audio rig, I try to keep it simple, with a Violectric V280 driving a pair of HD800, sourced from DAP (Hiby R6 pro) through Modi Multibit/Eitr. There is a Jotunheim elsewhere in the house, along with a La Figaro 339 with a bunch of tubes, but I don’t listen to those too much nowadays.

    Oh, forgot about the Chord Mojo/Andromedas.

    in terms of near-future goals, I don’t think I am going to go much farther with gear, probably upgrade to a higher end Schiit DAC and get a different flavor headphone than the HD8800, to enjoy rock and bass heavy music. My main interest is in discovering new music and build up my collection. I like jazz a lot and enjoy bluegrass, classical and live recordings, acoustic guitar (I.e. Rodrigo y Gabriela!).

    That’s all from me, and hoping to contribute to the club!
  18. bokonon

    bokonon New

    Mar 29, 2019
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    Czech Republic
    Hi everybody,
    I am sorry i did not introduce myself sooner. For a longer time i use SBAF as one of my best known source of audio informations. I read a lot but contribute very rarely. I feel i know this place quite well but nobody knows me, I am sorry. I very appreciate i can be here. My journey for better sound is mostly affected by opinions of SBAF members.

    To introduce myself, Iam from the Czech Republic and i live as an architect (in urban planning), I am 40y old and i am audiophile. I seek the best way to experience reproduced music, Iam mostly affected by Shiit stuff (especially their multibit DACs), tube amplifiers and high-impedance headphones. I listen mostly to JAZZ, classical music, progressive rock and other. I have limited experience with an audio equipment, I feel i do not have much to share than my subjective experience with my audio gear or music i listen. :) Thank you.
  19. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Did you read Kurt Vonnegut?

    What is your view on Bokononism?

    Why do you say "busy, busy, busy" all the time?
  20. bokonon

    bokonon New

    Mar 29, 2019
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    Czech Republic
    Ahh you belong to my karass probably... Yes i like Kurt Vonnegut, its a long time i read it (over 10y), but i bought a copy of Cats Cradle recently ang going to read it again. So much good thoughts in the book...

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