Comments on Profile Post by purr1n

  1. Xecuter
    Self awareness is just so uncommon these days.
    Oct 22, 2017
    bengo and SoupRKnowva like this.
  2. Kunlun
    We're basically audio Socrates
    Oct 22, 2017
    bengo and BillOhio like this.
  3. Grahad2
    Then who be the audio Diogenes, who lives in a barrel and tells the Stax/Susvara mafia to get out of his peasant uncaring face?
    Oct 23, 2017
    Kunlun and Case like this.
  4. dark_energy
    I think this is the first step to 'enlightenment.' If i were to say, yes, but we are also biased..? This would creat a Catch-22 circle jerk paradox. Admitting that we are biased, but doing stuff anyway is a healthy way to go.
    Oct 26, 2017