The Game of Thrones Thread (With Spoilers)

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by ultrabike, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. fraggler

    fraggler A Happy & Busy Life

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    Thematically, in the end, everything was fine. It's just that the writing wasn't good at all these last two seasons so getting there didn't feel very satisfying. Definitely a disappointing end to what started out as an excellent show.
  2. Stuff Jones

    Stuff Jones Friend

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    I only watched part of the first season before it bored me. The story telling and character development seemed flat and just filler between the various soft core porn and action scenes.

    Is this take wrong or is it correct and people just don't care? Obviously it was incredibly popular.
  3. Elnrik

    Elnrik Super Friendly

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    The character building took a while, but... it had to. The season 1 ending was pretty damn great, as I recall.
  4. MrTeaRex

    MrTeaRex His head's not fat, he's my brother!

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    I finished the first season and came to the same conclusion. I was pretty sure I was supposed to care when they lopped that dude's head off. The fact that I didn't care about any of the characters at that point told me the show wasn't for me.
  5. mscott58

    mscott58 Friend

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    Think I'll miss the memes the most...


    Last edited: May 20, 2019
  6. Jerry

    Jerry Friend

    Apr 8, 2017
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    Just watched the last episode. Good God. Were they smoking weed when they wrote this? They built up something so good...then suddenly they just dumped everything. Ridiculous.

    Sansa and Arya are great though. Jon is a disappointment, as I expected since 1st Season. Bring back Rob anytime.

    Overall, a very weak ending to a great series.
    Last edited: May 20, 2019
  7. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    My following theory explains the shit writing once they ran out of book material while tying it to theories about the story as a whole:

    The whole Hodor = hold the door thing is what solidified in my mind the show had become dumb. I know the books hadn't quite gotten there yet. It was the first major sign to me that no books = bad news for GoT. It was clumsy and weird at best.

    Coincidentally, this was the time Bran figured out he could meddle with timeline events and became the Three Eyed Birdman.

    Bran, now more the physical embodiment of a sort of god, higher power, or otherwise, has aspirations to take over the world (for good or bad)...aspirations that Bran-the-mostly-regular-boy never had.

    Good thing he can meddle with the past, yeah? So why not just silently orchestrate everything to get you to that point?

    Perhaps everything leading up to him becoming this powerful figure didn't need to change (except Hodor, which he already, inadvertently did). It brought him exactly to where he needed to be. No need to change it, i.e. all the events covered by the books already leading up to him obtaining neat powers.

    But he did need to change what happened after that point, the Sacrificing of Hodor, to become a ruler of the people.

    I think we often assume in stories that people are good are their jobs. In reality, people are anything but. They are sloppy, careless, get the job done with zero nuance and subtlety, or just lucky. Just getting the job done isn't necessarily anything done well enough to be worthy of a story.

    GoT was actually pretty good at showing that those in positions of power weren't necessarily good at it. Ned, for all his honor and likability, was too naive to realize the treachery of the world. He lost the 2nd most important part of his body for it.

    So, why do we have to assume that Bran/3EyeBirdman is any good at meddling with the timeline?

    Just because a car gets you from point A to B successfully doesn't mean it does it particularly well by any measure.

    My theory is that Bran manipulated events in the timeline so he could become king. Maybe he's a villain, maybe a savior, or maybe just another neutral dude that wants the throne. There may be implications here around the Night King too.

    On top of that, though, Bran just turned out to not be very good at his job. Sure, he manipulated events so that everything post-Hodor got him where he wanted to be, but carelessly. Life lost much of its complexity and nuance with his tinkering those last few years.

    And that's why everything became dumb in GoT. Because Bran is really powerful, wanted to be king, but kinda just ham-fisted it all together. Were he a regular guy, he's the sort of guy that would use duct tape to repair everything. Technically, it works, but it isn't pretty.
  8. neogeosnk

    neogeosnk Friend

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    It's fitting they're doing the next starwars movies. I expect the ending of the next trilogy to be lackluster and boring.
  9. elmoe

    elmoe Friend

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    Honestly that really bums me out.
  10. netforce

    netforce MOT:

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Sam introduced plastic into the world

    Ghost finally got headpat

    What is the point of the Night's Watch now with a big hole in the wall and John being super cool with the Free Folk.
  11. mscott58

    mscott58 Friend

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  12. Richgard

    Richgard Friend

    Feb 8, 2019
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    I feel the point was to give Jon a way out of KL without pissing Grey Worm of further and in so preventing another war.

    This was in my opinon point of the whole episode prefent war or violent conflict, if it is possible.

    And also to be callback to Jons purpose as by his Night Watch vows:

    "Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."
  13. Tachikoma

    Tachikoma Almost "Made"

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    The whole point of Jon being Aegon Targaryen was just to get on Dany's nerves, it seems.
  14. BillOhio

    BillOhio Friend

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    Yeah, I think Tyrion and the counsel pulled one over on the Unsullied by sending ('banishing') Jon to exactly where he would have wanted to be, which was passing through Castle Black on his way to live on the other side of the wall.

    The only thing that makes me unsure about that though was Sansa seeming to be truly apologetic towards Jon about his being sent up there.

    Otherwise, I thought that averting a war between the Dothraki/Unsullied against the North by sending Jon to where he probably would have ended up anyway was maybe one of the few smartly written aspects of the episode.
  15. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    There is no point in Jon going to the NW.
    There is no point in Grey Worm going to Naath.
    There is no point in Arya leaving to the West of Westeros.

    In how the events were setup, Dany should have died. And eventually or immediately ...

    Tyrion should have died.
    Jon should have died.
    Grey Worm should have died.
    Sansa should have died.

    I don't see how ...

    The Heads of Westeros would be OK with Sansa's independent Kingdom in the North.
    The Heads of Westeros would be OK with Bran being King.
    Bran would be OK with himself being King.

    Uncertain would be the fates of Arya, Bran, Brienne, and so forth.

    I would have loved to see Jon warg into Drogon, or fight against Grey Worm and die stopping the remaining Unsullied + Dothraki forces from causing more havoc. I would have loved to see the kingdoms reach a new stability point, and maybe even do what Sam suggested: have a sort of democratic republic of some sorts. I went crossed eyed when all the Heads of Westeros started making jokes about voting and compared people to animals.

    But a reasonable resolution would mean many more episodes and seasons. And D&D did not want to do it. HBO should have fired their asses and get writers willing and capable to take the show to a reasonable ending. For all I care George's book may also have some sort of a stupid ending. But that remains to be seen.

    Furthermore, given some of the comments from D&D about fan expectations and shit, those two fucks just didn't think much of their own work. Which means the successful parts of the book adaptation were not fully their work. It is rare to drop things like that when your work shows passion for detail and worksmanship. It sucks to be HBO, but that shows in some ways how a company screws itself up.

    Today, my HBO subscription ends. And on we go to other things.
    Last edited: May 20, 2019
  16. Elnrik

    Elnrik Super Friendly

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    It does handily remove any official northern influence with Bran being king.
  17. BillOhio

    BillOhio Friend

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    I think I'd have liked to have seen a Jon / Greyworm showdown to the death though, for Jon's freedom and to avoid a War between Greyworm and the North.
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  18. Elnrik

    Elnrik Super Friendly

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    That alone might have made the episode worth watching.
  19. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    Bran being King, given the show's background and direction, made no sense.

    Jon should have escaped and a showdown between Greyworm vs Jon Targaryen would have been the next step. But that would have meant yet another season.
  20. BillOhio

    BillOhio Friend

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    Jon's to noble to escape. Partly out of Honor in facing the consequences of his actions in killing Dany and partly out of not wanting Team Greyworm to go to war with the North if they didn't get their chance to punish Jon.

    Jon wouldn't have wanted to battle Greyworm, but Greyworm was out for blood and Jon would have reluctantly agreed to a fight if it meant saving the North from a war.

    Actually, I think a Jon vs. Greyworm showdown would have been plausible, cool, and pretty easy to work in to the plot instead of some of what we got.

    Jon wins his freedom, nominates Sansa as the new Queen, and Greyworm joins Missandei...

    Or maybe Jon was mortally wounded and nominates Sansa as he's dieing, with Arya agreeing to be her hand... or some shit. (Not Really) Last scene of the series, Bronn trying to explain to Sansa and Arya that he's entitled to a castle as Tyrion sits behind him pouring a glass of wine.
    Last edited: May 20, 2019

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