I don't accept any additional orders till I send all Verum 2 units that were ordered via Kickstarter. It would be simply unfair to people who...
Hello. Sure, I'll make it. And I'll post my rig. Please be beware it's a chinese copy of something that look like Gras from a distance of couple...
Hello. Final units are ~95 db/mw 9 ohm. I've increased a bit surface of membrane covered with silver and this decreased resistance.
First shipment of about 30-50 units will be made next week. Typical distortion at about 100db is here: [ATTACH]
Yes, I've made some. But they are subtle. Now Verum 2 imho sounding more balanced. Tad less bright, fuller and impactfull bass.
Hello! Happy to announce that first final several units are assembled yesterday. As any manufacturer I experienced different problems at various...
I do hope that first units as promised will be produced next month. But I have more then 1200 pcs in queue so I can't say exactly when Verum 2...
Multiverse in this movie looks like a deus ex machina instead of good script.
Sterile in the sense - schematic. Can't describe better because of my limited english. But companion app - something special.
I've tried powerdac 2 only with low impedance headphones and i can desribe it's sound I can desribe as sterile and etched at the treble. But e1da...
I have powerdac 2. Not 2.1 Also I have e1da 9038s. I'm a fan of those products and consider them to be one of the best portable solutions. I like...
@MisterRogers Sure. Just posted. Closer to release I'll post meausrements as an update also. Just need to make measurement rig more fancy...
Thanks. Yes, this is vented pads. You can see that from moderate bass shelf and drop below 25 hz. Imo very good trade for such boost.
Hello. Thanks to cummunity I'm finally able to purchase decent measurement equipment (of course Bruel Kjaer preamp is used and silicone ears are...
As I've understood forum tour is over. I'm thankful to all participants, but still waiting for imressions from some members. Gathering opinions is...
Separate names with a comma.