Sennheiser HD650

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by Jeangenie, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. Koth Ganesh

    Koth Ganesh Friend Pyrate BWC

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Chennai, India
    Quarter mod and back foam removal. The first one actually take a bit more time than the second one. In my case, the back foam was one piece. Remember Marv saying he had like 3 pieces.

  2. Prydz

    Prydz Friend Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Removed the foam behind the driver today.
    It does indeed seem like there is a difference, like it breaths more, in a positive way!
  3. Ice-man

    Ice-man Friend Pyrate Banned

    Oct 12, 2015
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    I think that the 650 sound just great as is. I'd consider removing the foam from behind the driver but I'm concerned that it would be very difficult to put back if I didn't like the change.
  4. MA900

    MA900 New

    Feb 7, 2016
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    First post!

    I currently have the MA900 and RE-600 and enjoy them both, especially the latter. I really feel that the HD650 can be my end-game in terms of the kind of sound I like.

    I can finally afford to purchase a HD650 of my own - but, of course, the bigger part of the HD650 puzzle is the DAC/Amp combo, as it can scale up brilliantly to thousands of dollars worth of equipment.

    Unfortunately for me, I do not have that kind of budget. I currently have the Mircrostreamer which I plan to use as a DAC, and have around $150 to $200 to spend on an amp. Thus, I need help to pick out an amp in that price range, and would like to know how much of the HD650's potential can be unlocked for that price - keeping in mind I probably won't have money to add to my setup for at least another couple of years. As an alternative, and TH-X00 is available for about as much with no amps etc required in the near future (not too keen on the emphasized bass but it may better compliment what I have).

    Thanks guys!
  5. Ice-man

    Ice-man Friend Pyrate Banned

    Oct 12, 2015
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    @MA900 here are few budget contenders that I've owned with the 650 and enjoyed...

    Valhalla 2 stock tubes (around $250 used is a good deal)

    Lyr-orginal can be had for <$300

    Bottlehead Crack-no speedball, goes for $279 on sale DIY

    Magni 2 uber is $150 and within your budget.

    Almost forgot the Vali 2. A great choice in your price range.

    I you want to buy something in your price range, I say buy it used because you'll likely sell it later to get a better amp. That way you'll loose less when you upgrade.
  6. MA900

    MA900 New

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Hi Ice-Man,

    Thanks a lot for your great reply, it's exactly what I needed. I was leaning towards the used amps that you listed but upon inquiry none of them ship to where I live.

    I've spent the past few days combing the internet and looking at your suggestions and it seems the decision is between the Magni 2 Uber and the Vali 2. I need your advice again as, unfortunately, there's no way I can test them both out. Which one of the two synergises with the HD650 the best? Which one helps enhance soundstage and instrument separation? I've read that the Magni 2U tends to be slightly bright, while the Vali 2 a bit warm - ideally, the smooth and warmHD650 sound signature itself should suffice for me with minimal influence from the amp.

  7. Ice-man

    Ice-man Friend Pyrate Banned

    Oct 12, 2015
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    I thought the two amps were pretty close on performance and synergy with the 650. Magni 2u will give you a little cleaner sound and Vali 2 will add a dash of tube wetness. Personally, I like the Vali 2. ymmv
  8. MA900

    MA900 New

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Thanks for the feedback. Seems like I'll be going for the Vali 2 - I was tempted by the entire tube romance in the first place :)

    The Vali 2 seems to have no issues with speed and a high noise floor (relative to the magni 2u) as it's previous iteration, correct?
  9. spoony

    spoony Spooky Pyrate

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I connected a pair of Carbo Tenores to the Vali 2 in low gain with a EH6922 tube and noticed no objectionable hum or noise.
  10. Mikoss

    Mikoss Friend Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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    As someone who tried using the Microstreamer, and a bunch of tube amps... I would strongly recommend just getting the Geek Out v2 and buying a balanced TRRS cable for it, or make your own. It's really effing good with the 650's.

    You could also go with other tube amps, but I dare say you probably won't ever hear the clarity of the GOv2 with the Microstreamer.

    Just another opinion... I would take the GOv2 over the Crack, or the Woo WA2; notorious OTL tube amp pairings with the 650's. I've found the thing I love about tube amps is their ability to present tone and decay in a way that can lend itself to overall tone and resolution. I hear decay presented by the GOv2 in a way that is above/beyond what a cheap DAC feeding a nice tube amp ever got me with the 650's. At the very least, just give it an audition and see what you hear.
  11. MoZo1971

    MoZo1971 New

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Gents, I have the opportunity to purchase a second hand HD650 that is in mint condition but has the older driver version (black vs silver). Any feedback on objective and/or subjective differences? It represents an important saving vs a new pair so I am curious if there are any noticeable sonic differences
  12. evanft

    evanft Acquaintance

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Taylor, MI
    The HD800's brightness is starting to get on my nerves, so I decided to pick up an HD650 to see how I felt about it.

    DAC: Yggdrasil
    Amp: Mjolnir

    I don't want to go into a crazy long review, since I don't think I'm particularly great at describing sound, but what I'll say is that the HD650 has a much more cohesive sound than the HD800. My big problem is that the 800's wonky frequency response makes the transition from the mid range into the treble, and the treble itself, sound off and somehow removed from the rest of the sound. The HD650 doesn't have this problem. It's a much smoother presentation. The overall tonality is really fantastic.

    I'd honestly say at this point my ideal headphone may be a hypothetical HD850 that combines the presentation of the 650 with the technicalities of the 800.
  13. M3NTAL

    M3NTAL Friend Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Have you tried any of the mods on your HD800?
  14. evanft

    evanft Acquaintance

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Yes. I have the creatology foam, which helps. I might do the resonator and the SBAF liner mod as well down the line.
  15. M3NTAL

    M3NTAL Friend Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I would do the SBAF liner alone, but give it a shot with the foam in there still. I personally did not like the two combined. It went TOO far into making it a "normal" headphone. It took away some of the special sauce of the HD800. I have the Cork with old changstar liner in there now and I'm on the fence if it has gone too far also. It is very very close. I think that is why the resonator alone and possibly the rugliner added might be the key.
  16. Thomas Crown

    Thomas Crown New Contributor

    Sep 29, 2015
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    If you can you should give a try to planar magnetic HF , they may have what you're looking for.
  17. evanft

    evanft Acquaintance

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Taylor, MI
    I would, but the weight and QC issues typically associated with them scare me away. I used to have the HE-500 and hated the weight.
  18. Thomas Crown

    Thomas Crown New Contributor

    Sep 29, 2015
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    I hated everything of my old he 400 for the whole 30 mins I owned them and myself I don't like the hifimen brand at all, for what I can read the ethers should be uber comfy.
  19. evanft

    evanft Acquaintance

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Taylor, MI
    I looked at the ethers, but they seem to be called bright a lot and apparently don't resolve as well as the HD650.
  20. techboy

    techboy New

    Dec 21, 2015
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    What is the difference between

    HD 650

    Early 2013 Silver drivers

    Late 2014 White drivers

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