Merv's Politically Incorrect Audio Blog

Discussion in 'SBAF Blogs' started by purr1n, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    Sep 25, 2015
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    Use common sense.

    Quarantining has precedent:
    How did history judge the above application of quarantining? As far as I can tell, justifiably in a positive light.

    As far as government controls, it's pretty simple. One enjoys a number of freedoms (w/o legal repercussions) as long as one does not infringe on the freedoms and well being of others.

    We have seen how targeted approaches work: They don't. The less vulnerable become carriers and infect the more vulnerable. I've seen it happen over and over again. Carriers regularly do not show signs of sickness and propagate the sickness w/o knowing they are carriers in the first place.

    This is not an easy situation. If it was, we wouldn't be where we are.

    So who would you target @Stuff Jones, when you don't know who is infected and who is? Are you not going to lock down kids because they are less vulnerable and let them become carriers? How about their parents? Tell me, what is your plan here.
  2. Stuff Jones

    Stuff Jones Friend

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Feel free to share these studies, rather than just blithely claiming their existence. Like most humans, Ive followed this pandemic fairly closely and I've not come across studies providing strong evidence for lockdowns.

    Regardless of the bias in inclusion of the list, these are published studies (by some prominent scientists eg that do not find strong evidence supporting the immensely costly (in human and economic terms) measure of lockdowns. The overwhelming burden of proof should be on advocating these incredibly costly measures. The fact that there are 25+ studies that do not support these measures means that to be justified, there must be a much larger body of evidence that supports lockdowns. I've not seen it - have you?
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
  3. Stuff Jones

    Stuff Jones Friend

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Thank you. Given the limited sample sizes involved in cross country comparisons and inherent endogeneity concerns, it would be good to see more evidence. This is especially true with the abundance of studies that fail to find an effect.
  4. Stuff Jones

    Stuff Jones Friend

    Feb 3, 2016
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    You're right about it being implemented in the middle ages. There was however in the modern era huge skepticism about them that was only overcome now.

    I think a targeted approach that better protect homes for the aging would have been a huge start. They've been the site of a vastly outsized portion of the deaths.

    My plan would have been to provide the following for the elderly or those with preexisting conditions making them especially vulnerable: voluntary socially isolated accommodation for those exposed to other family members, regularly tested and trained social workers to run errands and provide social support, a mandate for businesses to have a special window of operation exclusively for the elderly.

    I would also restrict ban high population, high density indoor gatherings.

    I would also like to see us have honest debates about difficult topics like how much should we give up to save one life? Policy makes these tradeoffs all the time. For example we could save lives by banning alcohol or making the speed limit 20, but those costs are not seen as worth the lives saved. In 2006 the EPA used the value of 7.4 million for the value of a statistical life ( We should have that kind of difficult cost benefit discussion publicly about the pandemic and lockdown measures. How much should we all give up to save a life?

    I agree this is a very difficult situation (obviously). What concerns me is the stigma against dissent from the orthodox approach. We really don't know the best way to handle this and therefore should be encouraging debate, not stunting it. And given the uncertainty, we should weight what we do know - lockdowns cause economic, social and psychological damage - quite heavily in this debate.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
  5. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    Sep 25, 2015
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    The overwhelming cost of COVID mismanagement is lives. Here are some studies:

    11) Evaluation of the lockdowns for the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Italy and Spain after one month follow up

    While no study is perfect, most articles suggest that social distancing is effective. Quarantine is not a feasible long term solution.

    In fact, I have only observed restricted forms of lockdowns. Here in California, I still see folks in Newport Beach getting drunk on the bars by the sea as if nothing happened.

    Per one of the studies above:
    "Among 32 583 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases, the median patient age was 56.7 years (range, 0-103; interquartile range, 43.4-66.8) and 16 817 (51.6%) were women"

    I'm 46 and my youngest is 10. Would you say, I'm vulnerable?

    All this said, my kids are going to school under the hybrid model. They go to school half the time, and do online classes the other half. My wife goes shopping as needed and as protected as possible. I go to work (my job demands it) and do so as protected as possible. I follow the protocols delineated by my company and do the best I can to stay safe and keep my coworkers safe.
  6. wormcycle

    wormcycle Friend

    Aug 13, 2016
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    Let's not confuse social distancing with lockdowns although lockdowns may be interpreted as an extreme case of social distancing.
    And I would reduce the list, there are some "studies" here particularly from The Lancet that are dated in in March, April 2020, in other you can find gems like: "As evidence from coronavirus outbreak control is scarce, we must turn to evidence for the benefits of school closures from influenza epidemics and pandemics."
    Why would you read any further? Flue spreads through schools like frigging hurricane, and kids get sick. After opening schools in Ontario, and almost everywhere else the evidence exists that the infection rate in schools is not even close to influenza. The province is on lockdown the schools started re-opening last week.

    In other study, dated in March 2020, I found the statement that statistical models should, at this stage be used as the evidence of how effective the non-medical measures are. Statistical model as an evidence, is this a sign of ignorance, deliberate lying or just poor peers review?
    Through the history of research mathematical models of any kind had to be confirmed by evidence no one ever confused them with evidence until it was politically useful.
    What is incredible to me is that the Imperial College models are on your list.
    We can discuss anything here but, if the studies based on models from March, April 2020 is what the governments are using now to guide their policies, than only God can help us.
  7. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    No need of studies to support this piece of common sense: If people don't mix they can't catch stuff off each other.

    Of course, if people stop mixing, but with this exception, that exception, the other exception etc etc etc then there isn't much hope, because the isolation/lockdown is in name only. And when people do have to mix, they should act as if they are in a dangerous situation, indeed, as if they are dangerous themselves.

    Watching the news out of UK, for the past year, and the performance of bumbling Boris and his three-word slogans, I have seen just one thing that has made me think about how I behave and what I do: "Act as if you've already got it." But there's no way that I or most of us are going to be able to act with the awareness of and respect for routes of infection of an intensive-care nurse, because we haven't been trained that way. Of course, I think I act clean, but frankly, I'd probably be thrown out of a professional kitchen, let alone an intensive care ward.

    What to do with people like me? What to do with people who score 5% against my level of awareness? Lock them up. err.... down. And if only we (me, you, us; all of us) could do the thing properly, it might not have to be for very long.
  8. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    I stop caring about the numbers from FL since I don't trust the FL Gov office once bit at all (since he is either lying on the numbers and using it for political gain). I also don't fully trust the #s from CDC or from the Federal Gov. I'm not saying that Covid-19 is a joke, which it is not. I'm just having a hard time believe in the #s on both sides of the argument.

    I have to give FL Gov credit for one thing, keep pushing back on lockdowns and focus on Freedom is getting a lot more people to move to FL during this time. Most places near me are open, but most require a mask to get in. My local cafe down the block from my apt is packed and barely anyone is wearing a mask. FL just overtaken NY as being the 3rd most populated state in the union and from reviewing the voting records here, they are GOP-leaning voters. Like it or not, people don't think collective here in FL.

    Americans don't like being told what to do, so they move/vote with their wallets/needs.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
  9. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    I appreciate this @Stuff Jones, I really do! It is an honest accounting - a right wing moral calculus laid open for all to see. What is your life $worth$, and how is this kind of worth (there are other kinds obviously) calculated? Turns out in a Adam Smith-esque moral universe a person's life is worth $7.4 million dollars (or something similar).

    With this figure in mind (or so the story goes) prudential and moral decisions in governance are relatively easy and straight forward. You just calculate the cost of anything, in this case lockdowns and other pandemic mitigation efforts in one column, and compare it to the column of the cost of each death by said pandemic (and here we will lay aside the unnecessary complication of trying to predict # of deaths in each iteration of differing procedure). Here is the math for today:

    417,538 deaths so far X $7.4mil = $3.09 trillion.

    See that, easy peasy. The complications of life boiled down to dollar and "sense" (though just what sort of "sense" is involved here I note is never actually stated ;) ). Who needs priests, philosophers, counselors, artists, and other such wise men and women when you can just boil life and death down to actuary science?

    You and @wormcycle should start a website calling it "Actuary Science Review for Life, the Universe, and Everything". ASR-LUE. Beauty, love, sacrifice for your neighbor and more turns out are quantifiable and measurable, just lines on a graph in the end...
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
  10. wormcycle

    wormcycle Friend

    Aug 13, 2016
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    We have not reached this point yet, but if you think about a dollar as something spend on headphones, or to invest BTC, you may be right.
    I think about a dollar that is needed for hospital equipment, for paying people who are out there working so we can eat, hospital workers, people on social assistance, those programs, some of them useless, some essential, that are run by government from our taxes etc etc..
    I you have not figured out that the economy is not only the economy of rich and comfortable, that economy at its core is to sustain life, life of the people and life of the social organisms, well I cannot help you.
    If you think we can live isolated and print money for the next two years well, I cannot help you either.
    And priests, philosophers, artists, they all live now on borrowed time, and we need them. Economy is to sustain them as well.
    EDIT: here are the dollars I am talking about:
    "Montreal researchers conclude colchicine tablet is effective at treating COVID-19 symptoms
    The results showed the medication helped reduce hospitalizations by a quarter, the need for mechanical ventilation by half and deaths by 44 per cent"
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
  11. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    Uh huh, I get it - your out for the little guy, the forgotten, those overlooked by The Man and his ham fisted and costly lockdowns. ASR-LUE is not a scientism, its a review site and critique of misused science...or something.

    I would be more apt to believe you if the little guys and their children were, I don't know, starving in the streets because the tattoo parlors and restaurants they used to work at were shut down. Turns out most of them are still open, and while these sorts of economic sectors have $contracted$ and real suffering has occurred (getting another job is a real bitch, psychologically and otherwise), those who are not ASR-LUE calculators see several other parts of the story. It's like @Stuff Jones says, there are "trade-offs" in any moral calculus. What is the value, not only in dollars, but in other terms, of a single human life? 7.4 million dollars is the easy answer...too easy.
  12. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    1. Buying votes
    2. "Republicans": many used to be southern Democrats = socially conservative / fiscally liberal. These are the kinds of Republicans that also call other Republicans RINOs.
    3. Economic "experts" say: faster effect if checks are given to everybody vs. people who actually need it. US apparatus is too slow / too much red tape to identify and deliver money to people who actually need it.
    I know, doesn't make sense since "Trump" round 2 stimulus less than month ago was $900B - $600 to each person including children. It would seem more prudent to monitor the situation before committing to a $2.0T stimulus. There's no sign of the shit hitting the fan, and with the vaccine rollout, we are just a few months outta this. However, Biden just won. He needs to show the people that he loves them.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
  13. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    Bolded above is the funniest part of everything IMO. No former Dem to GOP old school voter that I know will admit that they were ok with big spending government programs. I guess most got programed to the point that government program for helping people = bad.
  14. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    That's fine... if they get educated and become experts and make their own informed decision. Not so fine if it is just ignorant ego bullshit.

    It isn't just Americans. Nobody like being told what to do. Especially by a bumbling moron with orange hair. Not yours: the British one.

    I don't like being told what to do. But in this case, I sure as hell don't know what to do. The instructions and information I am getting may be wrong, but they are the best available.

    The country I now live in is emerging from lockdown and, unlike the European experience, it doesn't look like it is going bad on us again. I hate even saying this, in case I wake up tomorrow and find it has all changed again.

    But, dear America (and hey, I do like you a lot), please note that we stand second only to you in number of covid deaths --- with four times the population.

    Mind you, I suspect that our government has probably forgotten that they advised >60s to stay at home, back in March. Hello! Can we come out yet? lol.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
  15. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    Dear India, I have no idea how you're doing what you do with the size your population, but you guys get some things incredibly right through amazing complex emergent systems.
  16. gaspasser

    gaspasser Flatulence Maestro

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    Jan 16, 2016
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    Hi, we are the American Government, we don’t know how to actually do much lately other throw a bunch of money at problems and hope that it fixes it.

    Now we have a new government that was partly elected with the help of liberals, who demand now is the time to solve problems like childhood poverty. Like Marv said, this new round of stimulus is buying votes or paying the IOU.

    This part will garner some dislikes, but fuggit. These stimulus checks bother me to the extent that my tax money (e.g. over half of my hard-earned bonus) helps subsidize the purchasing of high end audio gear by people here and elsewhere. Not the midfi stuff either, but the gear that I deemed to extravagant for me to continue to own or buy on recent FS threads. Now I’m all for freedom to buy what you want, but I get grumpy when my taxes will go up even more to cover these giveaways. I’m fine with paying taxes as long as the government isn’t too stupid with how they spend the money.
  17. Phantaminum

    Phantaminum Friend

    Mar 13, 2018
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    The US should of had a month long
    I understand your point of view. I have no issues with helping people who lost their jobs because of Covid,or stimulus checks going out to people who really need them, or PPE loans to medium to small business to keep them going. But, the last round of stimulus checks went to people like me who really didn’t need it. Or big companies taking these interest free loans while smaller companies where having a hell of a time getting approved. My wife was laid off but she had a hell of a time trying to get approved for unemployment (and never did) while an acquaintance is at home playing games all day, streaming, because of unemployment. Not everyone is like him as I know people who where on unemployment and got contract jobs in the mean time.

    The way I read it is that Wallstreet looks good while our real economy is practically sputtering along. The infusion of cash it to keep spending going until our economy is back on its knees (I won’t say feet because that will take a while). I just wish the monetary infusion was targeted better. If we don’t infuse cash now then it’ll take much longer to get back to where we were. I hate blanket solutions as it’s lazy imho. So it looks like do we steal from ourselves to keep things above water or not and let the economy do its thing?
  18. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    Sep 25, 2015
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    By that logic I don't understand the complain.

    If the buy-your-vote check goes to everyone, those among everyone include you and me. So how are they taking my tax money to give to the poor, when I'm getting the money as well?

    This buy-your-vote check sounds almost like a tax break 4 all.

    BTW, I'm 100% financially on the conservatives side of things.

    EDIT: Although tax scales with wealth. Buy-your-vote checks maybe more appealing than a tax break across the board, but I like tax breaks better. Now, if folks somehow manage not to pay taxes, then buy-your-vote checks is the way to go I guess.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2021
  19. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    Big companies are taking interest free loans these days? (honest question)
  20. gaspasser

    gaspasser Flatulence Maestro

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    Jan 16, 2016
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    The problem is that it doesn’t go to everyone. It only goes to those who earn some arbitrary line of income and then gets phased out. I’m not complaining that I didn’t get any stimulus money. I’m just complaining that clearly some people received money that didn’t “need” it. Now, I’m happy to debate means of economic stimulus, however, just like the Covid-19 quarantine debate, there are academic and common sense arguments on both sides.

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