Yggdrasil MIB was: Jason+Marv Pyrate Edition 11001B

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by internethandle, Aug 29, 2023.


Anyone interested in Yggdrasil MIL-B Pyrate Edition

  1. Yes, I'd like to be in a limited run of a new DAC

  2. Yes, although I'd rather go the upgrade boards route

  1. Storytime

    Storytime Acquaintance Contributor

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Thanks so very much for the detailed write-up, gaspasser!

    It sounds like this could be my endgame DAC. I currently have the Yggdrasil A1 (which I like better than the A2, which sounds a little too warm for my tastes and slightly muddled/congested in dense passages). With the A1, I feel like I'm missing just a touch of clarity, detail, and black background, so the MIB might be just what I'm looking for. My only concern is that I would miss the SPEED of the A1. Did you find the MIB lacking in that regard?

  2. gaspasser

    gaspasser Flatulence Maestro Pyrate Contributor

    Jan 16, 2016
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    In my setup there is no dryness to the sound. For me, the bass in MIB is neutralish. I previously owned lots of EC gear and that may be what’s imparting the dryness to your setup. Maybe you should try a different preamp vs changing DACs?

    The SFD-1 has tubes in the output stage and it lended a nice holography to the presentation but smoothed the transients a little too much for my liking.
  3. gaspasser

    gaspasser Flatulence Maestro Pyrate Contributor

    Jan 16, 2016
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    No, I don’t feel any lack of speed or slowness, but sometimes people confuse fast speed with sharper, more square, transients. If you like that edge to the sound in your system then it might be better to keep your A1.
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  4. Storytime

    Storytime Acquaintance Contributor

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Actually, since I upgraded my streamer, I have been noticing a slight edge to the sound to the A1. I think my old streamer, which sounds “grayer” in comparison, was hiding this. (I know, I know, the obvious solution would be just to go back to the old streamer, but now I’ve become addicted to the additional musical information the new streamer is presenting.) So the MIB is looking more and more intriguing to me. I’m eagerly awaiting the availability of the upgrade boards.
  5. Empyah

    Empyah Facebook Friend Contributor

    Apr 22, 2020
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    Has anyone compared the MiB with a Holo May or Rockna Wavedream?
  6. JeremiahS

    JeremiahS Almost "Made" Contributor

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Haven't heard the MiB but compared to A1 or A2 both the Holo May and Rockna Wavedream (Signature SE) are less coloured, have blacker bakground, presentation a bit pushed back, more resolving especially in texture, much smoother in the treble and image more accurately. I don't think any Yggdrasil variant is in the same performance tier as either Holo or Rockna overall...
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  7. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made" Contributor

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Seriously? At 2.5 - 6+ times the price? Sheesh… well into ORFAS territory there, especially if one also applies similar maths to things like transports, cables, pre/power amps, and speakers.

    I’ll go out on a limb and say the differences are so diminishing as to be unimportant on MY rig…

    I ain’t payin more for a DAC than a decent car.
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  8. JeremiahS

    JeremiahS Almost "Made" Contributor

    Sep 30, 2015
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    I think the issue is whether the DAC fits into your system or not. Yggdrasil (at least A1 and A2) I find to be quite coloured and upfront / bright in the low treble so my feeling is it suits front end that need some energizing or if you like an upfront, energetic presentation.
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  9. rlow

    rlow A happy woofer Pyrate Contributor

    Jul 18, 2017
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    What you’re willing to pay, or can afford to pay, vs someone else is irrelevant. And your “going out on a limb” judgement of their performance is also irrelevant (and frankly BS since you haven’t heard them and you don’t have the same setup or priorities as everyone else).

    The question of are those DACs better performing, they definitely should be considering the cost differential. And from many accounts here, they are. However, whether the performance difference/improvement is worth the $$$$, that is up to the individual.

    I too am not spending that kind of money on a DAC, but that’s because I ain’t no baller and I’ve got a family and like to spend my cash on things other than audio.
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    Last edited: Feb 13, 2024
  10. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made" Contributor

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Apparently my qualifier “in MY system” for that “going out on a limb” went completely unread (by several), alas. (I understand this topic very well, the equipment I still have today was in/beyond those types of “price classes” of today’s high end DACs in inflation adjusted funds; I’m no longer “ballin and 30 years old with no kids”, as it were).

    Perhaps I should have been more obvious, but I did try with the appropriate disclaimer. I’ll do better next time.
  11. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy Pyrate Contributor

    Feb 23, 2016
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    We tend not to cock up review threads with personal opinions on the relative value of gear without audition, regardless of inflationary pressure on credit or savings... we're a bit more empirical 'round here. If you'd prefer to complain about inflation itself and "who's to blame," or the absurdity of pricing in audio, we already have a thread where that would be welcome. All that said, this thread might be worth a read.
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  12. crenca

    crenca Friend Pyrate

    May 26, 2017
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    A have not heard the May, but trialed the loaner Spring 3 "kitsune" (the maxed out one with that good usb input) and while I liked it, I thought it was (mostly) a side grade from the Yggdrasil A2 for my tastes. That said others with the May versions report it has more secret sauce. However if I had different tastes I can easily see how the Spring would trump Yggdrasil

    I did hear the Wavedream at the Austin show (mostly through a SW51 amp no less) and can confidently report it is on a Ho Notha Level:

    Value is a relative proposition - 99.9999% of the population would think $paying$ for a Yggdrasil (and DNA amp, Utopia, etc. etc.) is ORFAS and there is no small amount of truth to that. Let's be honest, 99.99% of the population think paying anything more than $40 or $50 for anything audio is a waste - they are actually 'ok' with their phone speakers.

    One of these days I am going to stretch for Wavedream ;)
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  13. internethandle

    internethandle Almost "Made" Contributor

    Sep 23, 2017
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    @rhythmdevils preferred A2 Yggdrasil to both Wavedream (unsure which version) and May. But yeah, otherwise other members seem to be more split on May (some think it’s a sidegrade), while there’s more consensus that Wavedream is an actual step up.
  14. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you Pyrate

    Jun 16, 2016
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    And yet alot of these people will pay several grand for a 98 inch TV when a 55-77 inch will do, overpriced VR headsets and gaming rigs, rims/spinners/boomy subs for their car, botox, hair implants, stomach staples, liposuction, BBLs and all other manner "stupid shit" to people who aren't interested. Whatever brings you joy, however misguided, is what people will pay loads of money for. I think there is a parable about a splinter and a log that belongs in there somewhere.
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  15. Storytime

    Storytime Acquaintance Contributor

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 16, 2024
  16. Pancakes

    Pancakes Friend Pyrate Contributor

    Aug 13, 2020
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    I'd love a board loaner.
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  17. Empyah

    Empyah Facebook Friend Contributor

    Apr 22, 2020
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    Uff, 1200€ is rough here in Germany, and I just shelled that out for the A2 boards...

    Would be reaaaly nice if Schiit would finally set up shop over on this side of the pond.:(
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2024
  18. roshambo123

    roshambo123 Friend Pyrate Contributor

    May 26, 2018
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    And they are the wise ones. The stupid 00.01% are here because they can't accept normal. Evil is whatever distracts and here distraction is a virtue.
  19. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    MiB has very similar sensibilities to Rockna Wavedream. Not as coloured as A1, A2, BF2, etc. Presentation is neutral and delicate (yet quite fast and slammin' - not slow or limpdick) and like the Rockna Wavedream doesn't do anything wrong - although some DACs so some things better.

    However, MiB not on same level of Wavedream. I prefer the MiB to the lower line Rockna Wavelight. It's funny because the MiB's more of a Wavedream junior or Wavedream lite than the Wavelight!

    I love the Rockna Wavedream and it's still my favorite DAC, but I'm back to my 500hp car phase now that my daughter does not live at home (she's the impatient speed demon - takes after her mom - her brother is the patient careful one).
  20. oceanrace

    oceanrace Acquaintance

    Apr 3, 2022
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    Much great info here on this topic like every thread on SBAF. Been really thinking about the synergy of my LiM with the incoming M3, is the upgrade currently offered by Schiit (LiM > MiB) for the conversion? I don't see it on the website. I do plan on extensive listening to the new amp with the LiM before I decide to upgrade but have to wait until April for the M3 to ship. I just want the best synergy with the M3, then I am done that will be endgame. Really.

    One referenced thread on here indicated that there was not a huge difference between the MiB and the LiM, but that there are differences in resolution and less of a dark tilt to the MiB, guess I will just have to listen to the M3 with my LiM first to see how I like that.

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