SuperBAF Can'tJam (Not CanJam / Changfest) 2016 Meet Impressions

Discussion in 'The Meeting Place' started by Draxcer, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. ibzrg1570

    ibzrg1570 Facebook Friend Contributor

    Mar 24, 2016
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    San Francisco, CA

  2. Ryu

    Ryu Friend Pyrate

    Oct 5, 2015
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    I think that these things are mainly about being there to experience it. If you weren't there you kinda have to wait until the product comes out.
  3. Mdkaler

    Mdkaler Friend Pyrate

    Jul 22, 2016
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    I checked the back, and the Bifrost Multibit has the MB sticker on it :cool:, but you might be at lunch so I didn't to get to meet you.
  4. sorrodje

    sorrodje Carla Bruni's other lover - Friend Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Dijon / Burgundy / France / EU
    It was nice to meet you as well @blubliss ! :)
  5. sphinxvc

    sphinxvc Gear Master (retired) Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 28, 2015
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    A big, big thank you to the guys who put this thing together. @Marvey particularly, but also @zerodeefex and whoever else made it possible. You know who you are. Thank you to @Boops too for doing our poster. I got this silly feeling of giddy excitement reading Super Best Audio Friends on the hotel's events ticker.

    To me, this was a different kind of "big" event. I've been to some big HF meets, audio shows and trade shows over the years, and I much prefer the relaxed atmosphere, real people and almost curated quality of the rigs at Saturday's meet. Clearly, everyone put a lot of thought and effort into what they brought, even the vendors. We had some pretty sick gear, from CA's IEMs, Donald's labor of love looking smurf blue Stellaris, Jason's 2-channel components and ECP's beautiful crafted wares. @n3rdling's DIY Orpheus (I so regret not listening to this.) @ohhgourami's next level HE-6 rig, @JK47 and @struggles Fostex speakers. I didn't listen as much as I would have liked to and missed out on the Mutec 1.3+ vs. Lynx AES comparison station, the EC BA and some other excellent tables. The guys who know me well know I can go an entire meet without listening to any headphone. Mainly because my interest is in the speakers, but also because there isn't typically much worth listening to. Not so here. I genuinely regret not making it to every table.

    So my trip out to LA for this was a bit different than most others. I had just 24 hours to make it in and out. Extraction was scheduled for 9:35pm on Saturday night. I came in at about the same time on Friday. Landing at quaint Burbank airport, @PTS scooped me up for a quick (but creatively navigated) drive out to Shaizada's house. Back when you all had that meet at @shaizada's place last year (or earlier this year), I was really green with envy. So @shaizada was gracious enough to oblige and let me come over and witness! **sprays chrome on teeth!** [Mad Max: Fury Road reference]

    @shaizada, I hope you don't have a problem with me posting this photo, but just let me know if you do. Or you could use your orbital Guaravidian energy beam too to inform me of your displeasure.


    Yeah, this is his EAR stack and Marten Coltrane speakers. We listened to a Benz cart, another cart that I've forgotten the name of (Jaerts or something), and an idler drive turntable. Every shift resulted in a slightly different take, kind of like changing F-stop or depth of field on a camera. I see why @shaizada keeps all these different "lenses" around, if you will. We also listened to the Blumenstein Nagas with Blumenstein subwoofers and Townsend super tweeters. The source was a Chord Mojo and Micro Seiki turntable downstairs (correct me if I'm wrong). I didn't grab a picture of that system but its sound was very good.

    @shaizada's main rig gave me a nice reference point to walk away with. That's basically what I'm trying to accomplish when I invite myself to your homes. The highlight was the Marten's ability to do timbral intonations, they're so very good at this. The articulation of the bass was really good as well. Super well controlled. Sense of weight on the system was superb. Dynamics were awesome. You truly don't know the relative loudness of different sounds, even in tracks you know well, until you hear it on a system like this one, capable of resolving them. Happened to me on Radiohead's Moon Shaped Pool.

    Before we knew it, it was 3am. We left, but not before stopping to admire Shaizada's top of the stair landing rig (or hallway rig? Nothing hooked up, but very impressive -- just kidding, there were a few components there being stored), and Jay's (A non-SBAF member) Tesla. I learned that Teslas are car-jack proof, because the door handles go into the body like the tubes on Sennheiser's dildonic HE-1 amplifier. Shaizada described the Tesla as so nice, yet so modest, while @PTS's Nissan sat beside in protest.

    I think @PTS thought he would be able to ditch me at a gas station, but things didn't go as planned, so he realized I really would end up staying over at his house. You and your wife were perfect hosts though, thanks! On the drive back to @PTS' house, I'm fairly certain we saw Jay float by on the highway, peacefully asleep, being driven home by his Tesla. Or not! At 4am we got back to his place and crashed.

    The next morning, we started off by listening to @PTS's Tekton Lores off a Dangerous Audio Source and ODL Stratos clone.


    This was a really nice rig, though we had to play a bit with placement first to get the center image right. Listening to the full range Nagas the night before made me realize the benefit of adding a sub to full range set ups. I think the Lores could do w. some added fullness in the bottom octaves. We switched the Blumenstein subs on and off repeatedly the night before, so the difference in fullness was clear to hear here. We also spent some time comparing the Dangerous Audio Source to a Woo 6SE, iCan Pro and Audeze Deckard. The Dangerous Audio Source with a linear supply is really good!


    Before leaving his place for the meet, we decided that SBAF already had sufficient coverage at Roscoe's, and so we headed to Pann's instead. Ate like the ravenous animals that we are. Gobs of French toast, endless dollops of syrup, whipped butter, fried chicken, a typically balanced American meal.

    We arrived late and overstuffed to the meet. I found my fellow NYers. @SteelCannon, delirious and sleepless, muttering impressions to some poor, cornered bastard, and then me about the Stellaris. I think he also asked me what a scanner sees, really see? Does it see clearly or darkly?

    He seemed manic and like he needed sleep so I wandered off to find @thegunner100, who was beaming next to a DNA Sonnet 2, but also tired from the long day. From there I went bouncing from conversation to conversation, meeting all you awesome dudes I've been interacting with online for years, but had never met in person. Sadly, I didn't have time to talk at length with Marvey, @zerodeefex, @ultrabike, @n3rdling, @Bill-P, @Chris F and others, but did get to at least hang out for bit. I'll just have to fly out again for the next meet!

    I spent a lot of time with @Marvey's Altec 511b horns mated with woofers in sub cabinets using the Altec's original x-over. Sourced by Gungnir Multibit, and powered by a Saga and Vidar. This was my favorite rig during the entire visit. As you listened you kept thinking, aren't we constantly told things this cheap shouldn't sound this good? And yet here everything was, physically present and thereby refuting all that bullshit.


    I know that by most standards, all this gear is still expensive. Median household income in the world is still just $10K a year. But some of us can afford to stretch a bit, and for them this is unapologetically good. I love it when equipment comes together like this. I would really love to see us put together a really good sub-$1K speaker rig recommendation eventually. (I liked the remote of the Saga, by the way. Black, sleek, simple.) At some point, @Marvey came in and cranked the volume way loud, just for laughs. The set up was still so clean, it was kind of ridiculous. Those Altec drivers are special. I played Louis and Ella, and Nirvana's Smells like Teen Spirit. They didn't break a sweat. I switched from the tube output on the pre to passive, and happened to prefer that (who knows though, with all my SYS comparisons, maybe I'm biased). Eventually I'll be able to compare the two pres at home.

    One thing I really liked about this system is how well it disappeared. When the music quietened, you couldn't hear the system anymore, almost as if it were off? It didn't try to create any kind of ambiance, which if something I appreciate and equate to neutrality.

    I know it is silly, but I took a short video. Not very hip to social media, so here it is from my OneDrive: :!Ah7t4MAbJhgZiyFM8-SBebzRqXT3

    Some quick impressions on other gear. Vega, the bass is tastefully done. Stellaris is very nice, but I really didn't get to listen as long as I wanted. It bought the Elear's closer to the Utopia. The Utopia, I wasn't floored by it, but then again, isn't that the point of it and also, don't I only listen to full size headphones when I'm made to anyway? I'm probably not the best person to opine on this. The Krell is superb with the HE-6, though it was a shame we couldn't hear it in the speaker room. It must be special with speakers.

    I really REALLY regret not listening to @n3rdling's Orpheus clone. I don't know what the hell was wrong with me. I just kept chatting around that table with Milos and others and never got around to it. Another reason to come visit again. Saw UB take the measurements, the results were impressive.

    It was so good to be able to hang with all you guys, even if it was just for a bit. Some truly good characters in this circle. Chatting with Jason, Doug, Ken and others was special too. I have such an appreciation for the work that goes behind audio. Big, big thank you again to @PTS and wife for putting me up and @shaizada for indulging me on Friday night.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
  6. sorrodje

    sorrodje Carla Bruni's other lover - Friend Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Dijon / Burgundy / France / EU
    Forgot to add the Tiny dac was a Geek Out V2. Really good value all-in-one dac/amp . Extremely convinient for transportable use and that kind of meeting. I love mine, especially in balanced mode with Sennheisers HDXXX . Larry Ho was there at the meet with new stuff and the new Geek Out but I didn"t take the time to visit his stand unfortunately.
  7. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 25, 2015
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    LOL! I almost didn't listen/measure Milos stuff. I spent a lot of time talking to @anetode whom I haven't seen or heard of in a long time. I also talked a lot with @No_One411 and @Bill-P. And it was the highlight of the meet (headphones or no headphones).

    In fact, had it not been for @Audio Zenith, I would have not brought anything but my Porta-Pros and my Sansa Clip. In fact, I almost didn't measure Milos cans because he was in another room. At the end I said f**k it, all of it is already here so might as well do it. And do it as best as I can with what I have.

    I already had listened to the Milo's cans, but I had no idea he improved them. I also had no idea the HE-60 was around (I missed that bit of info). @Marvey mentioned that they were the HD600s of stats and that picked my attention as well. And it went down from there.

    I could not hang out for dinner and after meet mini-meet, because my wife and kids where expecting me back. But you guys have no idea how much I wanted to attend and meet many of you: @TMoney, @sorrodje, @dsavitsk, @n3rdling, @SteelCannon, @HitmanFluffy, @insidious meme, @zerodeefex (first time we meet in person!), @Donald North, @blubliss (whom I saw but did not have a chance to talk to), @drfindley, @Ryu, @Audio Zenith, @Out Of Your Head, @Wfojas, @bazelio, @Draxcer, @Mikoss, @thegunner100, @JK47, @ohhgourami, @Hiyono, @shaizada, @schiit, @sphinxvc, and so on.

    Missed @OJneg and Voldemike. Would have love to see @MuppetFace.

    I listened to all the speakers except the Altecs. All great rigs.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  8. sorrodje

    sorrodje Carla Bruni's other lover - Friend Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Dijon / Burgundy / France / EU
  9. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson) Pyrate Contributor

    Jul 31, 2016
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    Ohio, USA. Home of the eclipse
    @sphinxvc , well-written post! So descriptive and full of gratitude. Post of the year.
  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Here is Ken's table. I wanted to be able to talk to Ken more, but his table was always busy. (I think his table was the busiest). As a host, I make sure I never place myself ahead of an attendee.
    Ken delivered to me Vega IEMs and a balanced cable for the Sony ZX2. He mentioned these Vega IEMs were well burned-in. Yes, they do sound different. I really could not believe it because I am generally not a huge burn-in believer. The stridency and sharp timbre were totally gone. See here for an update:
  11. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    I did not get a chance to listen to everything (so don't feel bad if I excluded you), but here are a couple of systems that I heard which I felt were worth commenting on. I'll be doing this piecemeal because I am currently suffering from food-poisoning.

    This is @ohhgourami's HE-6 setup. This is the finest HE-6 setup I have ever heard, and probably the most expensive headphone setup at the meet. I've known Jason for years now and I think he has finally achieved what he has set up to achieve. I've seen him replace component by component. Each meet I'd give him a ton of shit. Many many years ago, it was his AGD Sabre DAC. It wasn't bad - it was just Sabre. Then I gave him shit on this small Krell amp that a bunch of HF'ers said was the bees-knees for the HE-6... I showed him how a flea powered EC 4-45 amp had better bass quality than his small Krell amp that made fart fart fart noises on Daft Punk's Get Lucky. Jason promptly got rid of that POS. I gave him two weeks to sell it before I was going to tell HF'ers it was crap. Finally, the last offensive piece was this AGD Master 1 preamp. Oh gawd. That was the most horrible pre-amp ever and exactly what a pre-amp should NOT be.

    Jason's final piece to the puzzle is this magikal uber auto-former pre-amp. I forgot what kind it is - Jason can fill you guys in. A lot of switchable options and inputs in the back. For once, all of the pieces finally played well together. I can see some folks complaining that this setup might have been too lean or lacked warmth, but what was most important to me was how musical it sounded. The most plankton I've ever heard from a HE-6. High Gauravidian levels here - to the extent that perhaps even @OJneg, the "playnar hater", may have actually approved. To note, the RedNet Ethernet to AES to Yggdrasil also greatly contributed to the High Gauravidian levels. (I've heard the RedNet enough on different rigs to note that it definitely has a sound, like all other digital transports. It's kind of neat to recognize this.)

    I learned one thing about the HE-6 from Jason: The four screw version does sound better than six-screw version. (I don't if I got this right, maybe it's the other way around). The perforations on the screen for the worse sounding version (less lively, less open) are more coarse and fewer in number - probably a result of cost reduction. It is a total shame that HiFiMan killed off the HE-6.

    Finally, let this be a lesson to all of us. It's Jason's perseverance, sticking with something that he thought had great potential, the HE-6, that finally allowed him to achieve such great sound. And at no point did he ever side-grade. This is a reference system that betters anything that can be heard at HF CanJams. DSC_3063.JPG

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  12. thegunner100

    thegunner100 Hentai Master Chief Pyrate

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Big thanks to the meet organizers and donors for making this meet happen. I've been to many meets before but this one was special. It's like taking the great qualities of the NY SBAF meets, add in the wonderful vendors, and tacking on the pre and post meet hangouts. I spent most of the early hours of the meeting listening to the gear I was most interested in, and then the rest of the day hanging around and meeting people. So let's start off with the people behind the companies and their gear!

    Ken Ball / Campfire Audio
    it was a pleasure meeting the man behind CA. Ken is an enthusiast at heart and really cares for his products and customers. I spent probably close to 2.5hrs at his table demoing the three new CA iems and the Andromedas with my zx2. Sorry for hogging the seat!

    Vega - I first tried these with the spiral dots and found them to exaggerate sibilance. I swapped over to the stock foams and the sibilance disappeared! But with the foams, the bass was overwhelming. However, the bass was very well textures and doesn't bleed into the mids. I'd characterize the Vega as a bassy downward sloping iem. It has a decent soundstage but doesn't compare to the uerms or andromedas. I found them to pair best with instrumental music, jazz, bossa nova, and vocals. I did not like them with pop or electronic music.

    Dorado - The dorados were very interesting with their be drivers and two HF BAs from the Andros. I liked them overall more than the Vegas. They did have a bit of a V shaped response though. I enjoyed the treble the most from the Dorados. It was very well extended, smooth, but also sparkly. Bass was a toned down from the Vega, which I really appreciated. Fit was a little awkward because the nozzle was longer and didnt work well with the spiral dots. Foam is recommended once again. The BA and DD integration was very well done here and It didnt bother me until I heard the Lyra II, which uses the same be driver as the Dorado.

    Lyra II - I think the lyra II is overlooked for its low price but to me, it's probably the best value. It has a very well balanced sound signature with slightly elevated bass and a downward sloping treble. The bass quantity is less than the Vega but a little bit more than the Andros. It's kind of like an unmodded hd650 but with much better bass extension. Soundstaging was similar to the Vega but appeared to be better because of less bass getting in the way. I agree with Marv that these are the anti-Andromeda. The DDs have a much different presentation than the BAs and it's very noticeable in the bass decay and the fullness of notes. The lyra IIs make a great compliment for the andromedas/uerms and I'm really looking forward to listening to them more with the upcoming loaner.

    Andromedas - This is my third time hearing them and it reinforces my belief that they're my favorite BA iems. I wouldn't change a thing about how they sound with the zx2. Well extended bass with punch and slam. Even and smooth mids. Downward sloping treble with plenty of sparkle. Large soundstage but loses slightly to the uerms. Very resolving. I would have bought a pair at the meet, but I found my ears getting sore after 30m of using them, due to the large housing.

    Donald North / DNA Audio
    I'm glad I got to meet Donald in person and pick up the last Sonett 2 from him. He seems like a very humble guy who knows EXACTLY what he wants to do with his amps, and it shows in the sound quality. I wish I had more time to chat with him, but there was just so many things to do at the meet and there seemed to always be someone waiting to listen to the Stellaris.

    Stellaris - it's hard for me to give any real impressions of this amp, but I enjoyed listening to Emilie Claire Barlow out of the amp with my hd650s. I also tried the Utopias briefly but didnt care for them.

    Sonett 2 - I don't know if anyone actually listened to this amp while it was at the meet, but im loving this amp so far. I got home at 1am after missing two flights at LAX (aka Hotel California) and just stayed up listening to music through this amp. I think this amp has just my ideal sound: Slight warmth, tube wetness, big soundstage, smooth, non-fatiguing, yet still clear and resolving. Now I kind of understand why a lot of people preferred the ZDS to the Stratus at a previous Cali meet. The EC amps that I've heard all tend to be extremely clear and resolving (minus the BW), but especially dynamic. The dynamics from the EC tends to easily impress people over the smoother SET sound from Donald's amps. I'll be spending lots of time with this amp over the next few months and comparing it to some popular amps.

    Craig Uthus / Eddie Current
    Craig was there with his ancient moth dac and EC studio. It was my first time meeting him, and he was pretty much what I had expected him to be. Really laid back and chill.

    EC Studio - I did not like the studio at all, but I knew that before I even listened to it. It was very lean and bright even with the Moth's ultra analog dac and the hd650. However, the soundstaging, imaging, and realism was something else. The recorded sounds at the beginning of Pink Floyd's money just sounded so real! Craig urged me to try the studio with the hd800s and well... It was unbearable :p.

    Ravi / (not) LH Labs
    Darrin Wong / OOYH

    Sorry that I only got to introduce myself to you guys. I would have loved to try out your stuff and chat! Maybe next time?

    Doug / ECP Audio

    I've met Doug before at the previous head-fi meet. Cool guy, but a little bit crazy with the amp designs :p

    More impressions to come later!
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  13. thegunner100

    thegunner100 Hentai Master Chief Pyrate

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Schiit, how could I forget?

    Jason Stoddard / Schiit Audio
    Jason was pretty much what I had expected out of him as well. I loved his t-shirt with the power switch on the back xD. Jason has a really candid demeanor when talking about his own products or just about anything in general. Really chill guy. It was also very clear to me that Schiit knows what the market wants, and that's what we're going to see with their two new products. I won't be giving up my lynx aes16 anytime soon though! I didn't get to listen to Marv's speakers with the Vidar/Saga unfortunately but I got to see the units and they look very well done! Jason has said that he finally figured out what he wanted to do just last year, so I'm looking forward to seeing a true end game amp from Schiit in the future.
  14. TMoney

    TMoney Shits on SBAF over at Head-Case to be cool

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Sausalito, CA
    So many great impressions in this thread!
  15. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Zomg, I don't work for LH Labs :). @LarryHo was running the table.

    I did however enjoy finally getting to meet you!
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  16. Bill-P

    Bill-P Level 42 Mad Wizard Pyrate

    Sep 25, 2015
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    San Jose, CA
    Yeah, some tables were especially full. I had to wait until the very end to get in on Donald's table. Here are some impressions before I forget:

    1) Geek Out 2 Aluminum vs Infinity vs Signature: base version is pretty good. On high gain, it outputs some very respectable amount of power, and my HE-5 was screamingly loud! It'd probably be able to drive a lot of headphones then if it can do that to an HE-5. Infinity version sounded about the same, but with a bit cleaner blackground (okay, that's too much buzzword), or like... it's cleaner sounding overall? Both as a DAC and as an Amp/DAC. The middle never made sense to me before since I don't have headphones that would make use of it, but now I use it mainly for DAC functions and also to drive my easier headphones like HD580. Signature version? Even cleaner, and somewhat smoother. Oh em gee. I wonder if I can trade my GO2A Infinity in and pay the difference for the Signature edition. It was dangerously close to the smoothness of R2R, but still having the "edge" of D/S, which is much needed for orthos, I think. Overall a very solid (pun intended) device now. I miss R2R body, but aside from that, I can't complain! Honestly, at $250, I think choosing between Momby/Modi Multibit and GO2A will uite the dilemma for some of y' all. Am I being too positive? Well, no. I got shafted by LH customer service, and they sent me a regular non-Infi GO2A instead of the Infi. Isn't it just a firmware difference? Well... no. I have a method that you can use to verify that the Infi and Signature Edition actually indeed have better noise and power supply filtering than the regular model. The better power supply filtering makes a difference with the balanced output as well. Just connect your GO2A via balanced to your Jotunheim. Wih only balanced output/input, you'll hear noise in Jotunheim. To remedy this, you gotta connect SE output from GO2A to Jotunheim SE input as well, even though Jotunheim will be taking balanced input. This is because GO2A doesn't pass along ground with its balanced output, and so it'll create a ground loop problem with Jotunheim. Was able to confirm this with both Larry Ho and Jason Stoddard at this meet. The Infinity and Signature Edition GO2A are the real deal!

    2) Vi DAC NOS: right off the bat, it's got more of a sharpened/clean sound than I remembered. And yet it's also less annoying up top. What the f**k? That's weird. It was like stock Vi DAC was HD800 and NOS Vi DAC is Utopia. Not that extreme but that's how I heard it. Is it warm/rolled/lacking air? Well, no. It was actually like... uh... more textured than how I remembered. But blackground wasn't exactly as black as I remembered either. It sounded kind of like a clean vinyl sound, if you know what I mean. Meet conditions aside... I should note that at meets, I listen around 80-85dB, so unless someone is screaming right next to me, blackground stuffs would show up pretty fast. Also helps that tis meet was more quiet than all other meets I'd been to. It was awesome! :) Now I gotta decide whether the extra warmth/body was the DAC or the amp (Black Widow 2). I'm inclined to say DAC, but I also remember the Black Widow emphasizing a small part of the lower mid to make itself sounding a bit sweeter. So, anyway, conclusion? I think there should be a way to switch to NOS Vi DAC if indeed the differences are really as I heard them. If it was just Blakc Widow 2 because well, reasons, then... Larry should do it anyway. "Let me put my DAC on NOS" would be quite the conversation starter. @zerodeefex used magic on this setup and I was convinced to write these words. If you don't agree with what I wrote, he's the one you should beat up. :p

    3) Milos' clones: HD600 tonal balance, ortho bass, dynamic body, HD650 mid, HD650 treble smoothness, HD800 extension, HD800 soundstage, Utopia imaging. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Not sure how much of that was due to BHSE. TL;DR: it's awesome. @n3rdling needs to quote me a price.

    4) HE60 on BHSE: HD600 with HD800 technicality. Maybe not as shouty but the upper mid peak is also present. @sorrodje should consider recabling this thing permanently to Stax connector.

    5) @Audio Zenith lent me his improved PM-X, and I still remembered telling him how it had great tone but air was somewhat lacking. But... I take all of that back! Now it has air. Somehow he has perfected the art of crafting a headphone that has a smooth, almost blurry/cloudy sound but yet so very airy. There was notning that I could find in my music library that was even remotely bad with this headphone. It was the epitome of smoothness IMO. Even HD650 would have some trouble here and there, but this had none. I thnk some imaging and precision was traded off for the ultimate smoothness, but... honestly, I think that's a small price to pay for a headphone that can truly be considered problem-free. Congrats, Alex! You finally did it!

    6) @Donald North brought along an amp in Stratus casing, but it wasn't Stratus. I listened to it on Utopia, and modded HD580. I liked it. My good friend @No_One411 had this "how much money do I have in my bank account right now?" look on his face after listening to it. So, unless you wanna spend *glitched* dollars, don't listen to this amp. <- where have I heard that before? Hm...

    7) @ohhgourami brought his HE-6 system along. It was legit. Best HE-6 ever? Potentially so. It certainly did not annoy me in any way, and I was at a loss on what to nitpick. Well, I have one: the amp is too heavy. It's like... so heavy that I think Jason probably had the worst time out of everyone else, including the speakers folks, trying to lug his gears around. I guess the final frontier after this can only be speakers... Jason, my hat is off to you.

    8) There is no 8. I took a lot of photos, talked to a lot of folks, and got to know them better. That was the point of the meet for me. The gears were really just icing on the cake. I honestly mostly use my headphones for Youtube and such nowadays. Maybe an album or two here and there, but it's so rare. Speakers are the final frontier. But I still tune and mod headphones sometimes for fun, and I enjoy helping other people out on their journey as well, because... I realize that there are not a lot of information on this topic now. Modding and tuning a headphone is still such a "new thing" in 2016, and manufacturers have not exactly been good at tuning headphones in recent years. I mean... if you need evidence, the most popular headphones around are still HD600/650. Why? Because they were tuned well! And nothing else has ever been created that can rival them. In fact, the recently released HD6XX from Massdrop didn't even have any tuning change... and that's because it's not necessary! We need more headphones like that. And unfortunately, short of EQ, it's not easy to make any other headphone sound like those. And then we have the modded HD650. It was clear to me at this meet that people really care about and like the HD650, and it just reaffirmed to me that the HD650 is still a headphone worth investing time and effort into modding/tuning/matching with gears, because a lot of people are finding joy with it.

    So, even though I'm ready to move on, I think I can finally see why @Marvey, who has already moved on, is still having a website dedicated to headphones, and he's still organizing meets related to headphones: it's because he's passionate about the hobby, and he cares about those who will get into it, or are already in it and are climbing up the ladder. And guess what!? His work has been rewarded. SBAF is proof of that. We now have a vibrant community of close friends who are passionate about the hobby, and care enough to want to improve it, both for themselves and for others. On top of that, these friends took their time, and paid the expenses in order to cross lands, mountains and seas just in order to meet up with us for a few hours.

    So... I'd just like to say to all of you who took the time to come to the meet: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! It was great seeing and conversing with you guys in person. One of these days, I'll have to return the favor.

    I'm proud to be a part of this community, and I'm proud to call all of you "friends".
  17. thegunner100

    thegunner100 Hentai Master Chief Pyrate

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Haha yeah I know :p. Still, you're pretty much our liaison for LH Labs here.
  18. jowls

    jowls Never shitposts (please) - Friend Pyrate

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Thanks for the impressions. It seems like the meet was a resounding success that will serve as a milestone in the history of SBAF. Congratulations to @Marvey and anyone else who was involved in bringing the event together.
  19. thegunner100

    thegunner100 Hentai Master Chief Pyrate

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Did we ever invite Zach from ZMF to the meet? He's pretty much a CS/SBAF member in spirit. I would have liked to chat with him and try out his new headphones.
  20. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Padre Island CC TX
    We did, but he mentioned some other stuff going on. Alex Cavalli was missed too.

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