Comments on Profile Post by lm4der

  1. PacoTaco
    This is just me, but outside the HD6xx and THX00, the IEMs are probably their best selling audio stuff. They're easy to ship, and they have pretty damn good partners.
    Mar 15, 2018
    gaspasser likes this.
  2. Kunlun
    They have one iem for each clicky keyboard they offer
    Mar 15, 2018
    Merrick likes this.
  3. Azteca
    Because fools and their money demand to be quickly parted in as many ways as possible.
    Mar 15, 2018
    Cryptowolf likes this.
  4. Azteca
    No, more seriously, IEMs are very hot for one reason or another, and like others said, very cheap to ship and IEMs are niche enough that the manufacturers are probably much easier to work with than Senn or others who don't really need Massdrop.
    Mar 15, 2018