Comments on Profile Post by BioniclePhile

  1. lm4der
    Look, they're named Kansas. Everyone knows that nothing good ever came form Kansas. Unless a creationist school board is a good thing. No, we probably need some Pink Floyd to properly capture that sentiment - The worms definitely ate into my brain, this much I know.
    Apr 29, 2016
    BioniclePhile likes this.
  2. BioniclePhile
    Oh no no no you don't, Kansas slaps the shite out of almost every prog rock band there was and stands right up there with Yes. Also, we had Basie. So f**k ye. :p
    Apr 29, 2016
    lm4der likes this.
  3. lm4der
    Does anyone remember when Bill and Ted were "philosophising" with "So Crates", and Ted says "All we are is dust in the wind. Dude."
    Apr 29, 2016
  4. aufmerksam