Comments on Profile Post by msommers

  1. Biodegraded
    What's coming?
    Jun 1, 2020
    msommers likes this.
  2. msommers
    Morpheus and a new HAT from @Michael Kelly ! Apparently Mississauga is overloaded with packages and restricted staff......
    Jun 1, 2020
  3. Biodegraded
    Morpheus? They're giving you time to save up for the import duty :) I've got stuff incl. a Pi2AES waiting at a mailbox just across the border - not sure when I'll be able to retrieve any of that :(
    Jun 1, 2020
    Michael Kelly likes this.
  4. msommers
    You'll love the Pi. I sure do!
    Jun 1, 2020
    Biodegraded likes this.
  5. Biodegraded
    Just broke down and requested the mail service to forward everything here. That'll incur additional costs vs picking it up myself, but like you I'm impatient ;)
    Jun 2, 2020
    msommers likes this.