Comments on Profile Post by Koth Ganesh

  1. jexby
    same here. no complaints Yggdrasil SE into EC Uber Super7 amp.
    however the same Yggdrasil SE (or Gungnir Multibit SE) into BW1 has a lot of background fuzz and no quiet background without Iso-Max.
    Aug 14, 2016
  2. Koth Ganesh
    Koth Ganesh
    Jex, I used to have that problem with the BW1 and it seemed to disappear this evening (here in India). The one disadvantage to using the Iso-Max is that you have to crank up the BW1.
    Aug 14, 2016
  3. jexby
    the evening switch from hydro power to nuclear sources must be cleaner!
    Aug 14, 2016
  4. jexby
    Aug 14, 2016