Comments on Profile Post by mediumroast

  1. Armaegis
    I'm curious to hear any impressions of the 4 vs the 2 or 3 which I both have.
    Jan 11, 2023
    mediumroast likes this.
  2. mediumroast
    I have the M4s only. I think they sound quite good driven from an external source. They got more "body" and better dynamics driven from my Jotunheim. The M4s internal power source is quite good, "non invasive" yet lack refinement when you comp. it to more powerful outside sources.
    Jan 11, 2023
  3. mediumroast
    With external source, the sound comes alive and is more refined. Compared to the Sony XM5s the M4s have blacker background.. the HPs tend to dissapear more in a good way. I am sold on the M4s for my portable and PC usage. I quite like these. 1 to 3 dB too much bass. Depends on the track.
    Jan 11, 2023
  4. mediumroast
    I can go and take a listen to the M3s when I visit the stores.
    Jan 11, 2023