Comments on Profile Post by luckybaer

  1. wbass
    Why not the Humminguru?
    Feb 10, 2023
  2. luckybaer
    Reading up on that now. Just want to buy one and be done. Hoping to find the one that facilitates wash and rinse cycles.
    Feb 10, 2023
    yotacowboy likes this.
  3. brencho
    Degritter has worked great, and their support is also top notch fwiw. But yeah it’s a lot for a dishwasher… love the automation, means I can listen more and wash records less.
    Feb 10, 2023
    MellowVelo likes this.
  4. wbass
    I have one Humminguru (in storage with the rest of my stuff for a while), and I plan on adding a second for a rinse and dry cycle. Still way cheaper than the Degritter (which does look awesome).
    Feb 10, 2023
  5. wbass
    I also have, insanely, two Spin Cleans and a Pro-Ject VCS vacuum cleaner. I've found that it's useful to have multiple ways of cleaning records that have ground-in crud in the grooves. And that some of them really improve with multiple/many cleans. New records are much quicker.

    In other words, for me LP cleaning is sometimes a process for me, so the Degritter automation wouldn't be super helpful.
    Feb 10, 2023