Comments on Profile Post by Collusion

  1. joch
    Too “metallic” sounding? Too “fast”?
    Nov 7, 2023
  2. ColdsnapBry
    Utopia must be the only beryllium driver I've heard that sounded alright.
    Nov 7, 2023
  3. Collusion
    @joch Yep, I find the beryllium timbre unnatural. I kinda feel it always overshoots transients and masks some fine detail while doing so. I owned OG Utopias for a while, as well as ZMF Verite C's, never really got either of them to sound natural to my ears.
    Nov 8, 2023
  4. zonto
    What have been your favorite headphones instead?
    Nov 8, 2023
  5. Collusion
    @zonto i had Raal SR-1a's for a long time, but I was never completely enamored with them - I found them always a bit dry sounding. Tried a bunch of different amps as well. Been rocking with Sennheiser HD800S' for a while now and they tick most of the boxes I find important. But occasionally I find the treble too hot. Perhaps the perfect headphones do not exist?
    Nov 8, 2023
    Cryptowolf likes this.
  6. Collusion
    I did enjoy Sennheiser HD600's when I had a pair a while back, so I might try something similar in the near future - maybe a pair of ZMF Atrium's ?
    Nov 8, 2023
  7. Collusion
    Also I've yet to dwell into the world of Stax. My friend has currently a pair of the flagship X9000's and they are awesome indeed.
    Nov 8, 2023
  8. ilikebananafudge_
    A while ago I was using my Utopias with the HeadAmp Gilmore Lite and then the Mjolnir Pure Bipolar and those amps made the Utopias sound like you describe above, but the DSHA-3F solves those problems to my ears.
    Nov 8, 2023
    Collusion likes this.
  9. zonto
    Thanks for sharing, @Collusion. I have yet to find the synergy I want with Utopia, with the limitation of course that I can't fit and don't like the look of the large EC or DNA tube amps. I'm starting to think that the Yggdrasil Analog 2 may be the culprit, so may try the MIB variant soon to see. Tempted to just move to HD800S as well and get a Mjolnir 3.
    Nov 8, 2023
    Cryptowolf likes this.
  10. Collusion
    @zonto trying a different DAC might give you insight.... maybe something with a warmer/darker midrange? I had a chance to home demo the newer 2022 Utopias as well a while back. They were somewhat dialed back in the treble, but the timbral issues persisted from my POV. Even a darker/more romantic amplifier like the Raal HSA-1b didn't make me love them. Switching back to HD800S' was always a relief.
    Nov 8, 2023
    Cryptowolf likes this.