I had a friend with megabuck gear (including Sus) email me just to say how much he hated Amir's Sus review.
"Did you read Amir’s Susvara review? Can’t stand him. He has some objective tests but never gets the whole picture. Misses the subjective ear. Also I feel his tests are sometimes flawed. Compares the Susvara to a $20 IEM lol."
What do you mean, you get distortion at a perfectly normal listening volume of 114dB. Truly indicative of the average Susvara listening for Amir.
Haven't we seen references to very high-volume listening levels before? If he wasn't deaf previously, he must be now. "Somwhat flawed..." Outside of his cult circle, this is probably one of nicer things that has been said about Amir and his modus thingami.
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