Comments on Profile Post by landroni

  1. Smitty
    You gotta use it in a sentence, for documentation purposes. The OED won't accept it if you can't prove people use it.
    Mar 1, 2017
  2. landroni
    Mar 1, 2017
    Dino and Smitty like this.
  3. landroni
    ... "They, in the context of older tech linear amps, by and large, sound like hemorrhoidal ass. They creep in everywhere, championed as they are by the I Squared (Intellectual Idiots – more on those in a future post)." ...
    Mar 1, 2017
    Smitty likes this.
  4. landroni
    ... "It is increasingly difficult to attend a movie, a live musical event, or go anywhere where there exists a live audio system where freedom from these abominations exists. They are much like antibiotic resistant genital diseases – painful and nearly impossible to be rid of. Schiit will introduce a line of switching amps just after we have completed the anti-gravity enclosures for them, the “Schiit Floaters”."
    Mar 1, 2017
    Smitty likes this.