"Baldrdash! The advantage of switching amps is efficiency. This means in a mains powered system, the power sucked out of the wall (per watt to the speaker) is less than any other amplifier type; efficiency. End of advantages – period; that’s it." ...
... "They, in the context of older tech linear amps, by and large, sound like hemorrhoidal ass. They creep in everywhere, championed as they are by the I Squared (Intellectual Idiots – more on those in a future post)." ...
... "It is increasingly difficult to attend a movie, a live musical event, or go anywhere where there exists a live audio system where freedom from these abominations exists. They are much like antibiotic resistant genital diseases – painful and nearly impossible to be rid of. Schiit will introduce a line of switching amps just after we have completed the anti-gravity enclosures for them, the “Schiit Floaters”."
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