Comments on Profile Post by 9suns

  1. JayC
    you forgot the most important part of the saving plan - all that rice!
    Sep 15, 2017
    9suns likes this.
  2. HitmanFluffy
    Smart money says by the time you get all that you'll be distracted and lust after something else. Smarter money says you haven't even heard the headphone.
    Sep 15, 2017
    JK47 likes this.
  3. 9suns
    Of course I haven't heard the headphone, it doesn't exist yet lol. I have a clear idea of what I want, so don't worry :)
    Sep 15, 2017
    BillOhio likes this.
  4. MrTeaRex
    I didn't think the Jade was released yet. Did you get a special opportunity to hear one?
    Sep 15, 2017
    JK47 likes this.
  5. 9suns
    Nope, Jade will be released this month. I've heard Adagio and it was mind blowing, Jade is a baby Adagio. The big boy costs 7k € and Jade will cost less than half, so maybe in one year I can buy a second hand Jade for 1500€ aprox, which is a big load of cash but more than reasonable for what it offers (sota preamp and super nice dac)
    Sep 15, 2017
  6. 9suns
    One of the reasons because I want the SS Dynalo MK2, is because I can get one build with a bypass switch, that allows me to use Jade as a preamp, which is a massive gain in SQ compared to a regular cheap alps pot
    Sep 15, 2017
  7. JK47
    Sounds like you're betting the farm... I've got a bridge for sale, it's phenomenal, it gets you to the other side.
    Sep 15, 2017
  8. 9suns
    Sorry, my english is far from good and I'm a bit tired, didn't understand the " I've got a bridge for sale, it's phenomenal, it gets you to the other side." part
    Sep 15, 2017