Looking for a Windows RSS reader recommendation

Discussion in 'Geek Cave: Computers, Tablets, HT, Phones, Games' started by AllanMarcus, Dec 6, 2020.

  1. AllanMarcus

    AllanMarcus Friend

    Oct 23, 2015
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    After 35 years on the Mac, I'm thinking of switching to Windows. For my purposes, Windows my be better, but I have one tool I cannot life without: my news reader.

    I'm been looking at many news readers on Windows, and Fluent Reader looks pretty good. I currently use Bazqux to sync my feeds and read status, but I'm not married to Bazqux.

    What I am married to is Saved Searched. I use ReadKit on the Mac, and it's one of the best I've ever used. The feature lets me search a feed or a group of feeds, save the search criteria, and the resultant "smart folder" looks like its own feed, but only with the results of that search.

    So anyone have a recommendation for a reader on Windows that has a smart folder/saved search feature, and also syncs with some server based service so I can keep my iPhone, iPad, and desktop in sync? free or paid, but preferably not a subscription.


    Update: Yikes! It seems the only RSS news readers still under development for Windows 10 are Fluent Reader and (possibly) MyReader. This is disconcerting. I was always under the impression there was more software choices for Windows, but maybe that's not true anymore. I will keep looking.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020

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