"Shortest Way" SW51 Amp Impressions (Simple SET Amp)

Discussion in 'Headphone Amplifiers and Combo (DAC/Amp) Units' started by Hands, Jul 12, 2019.

  1. ColdsnapBry

    ColdsnapBry Friend

    Feb 4, 2021
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    The SW51+ and HD 6XX is the real deal, no joke. I've listened to my Aeolus, my favorite headphone, about twice since I got my SW51+. I don't hear the 3k and 4k peaks that drove me nuts in the 6XX and also the super shouty and close stage now has layers to it.
  2. Mordy

    Mordy Acquaintance

    Nov 18, 2015
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    I have a Beyerdynamic T1, a Sennheiser HD250 and some other cheapie headphones, but just like you, I find that the SW51+ sounds the best with the Sennheiser HD650.
  3. TomNC

    TomNC Friend

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Hillsborough, NJ
    While I like the combo of SW51+ and HD650, I have found the amp driving Grado RS1i to be magic and the best among all amps that I have ever tried with these Grado headphones. SW51+ provides speed matching the RS1i and body/density to the mid frequencies while somehow mitigate the fatiguing tendency of treble inherent with the RS1i. I enjoy the stock tubes as they are: natural sounding, well balanced but still lively.

    In my chain (Cary CD 360 SACD to SW51+), Verum 1 headphones sound the least impressive. Looking forward to @Zampotech's new amp creation tailored to planar headphones.
  4. Mordy

    Mordy Acquaintance

    Nov 18, 2015
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    I should add that I am using the Telefunken EF805S tubes in the SW51+ with HD650. The TFK tubes require a very long burn in, but for me they now sound even better than the stock tubes.
  5. TomNC

    TomNC Friend

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Hillsborough, NJ
    @Mordy. Thanks for the note. As I have some EF805S tubes, I should try them. If it just that the stock tubes sound so good to me that I've not been motivated to try anything else.
  6. ColdsnapBry

    ColdsnapBry Friend

    Feb 4, 2021
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    Grados seem to do really well with SET amps.
  7. Insomnium

    Insomnium New

    Sep 28, 2015
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    The only problem with Telefunken tube to me is the amp run a bit hot compare to stock tube. Zampotech also briefly mentioned the amp is not designed to run with EF805S tubes so they should be used as complimentary tubes rather than your main. However my stock tubes had severe channel imbalance issue so I'm stuck with EF805S tube until my replacement tubes come ...
  8. Mordy

    Mordy Acquaintance

    Nov 18, 2015
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    I think that I have solved the heat problem by adding a 3" USB powered fan, lying on the front transformer housing. The amp runs very cool and the fan I use is very quiet.
  9. mdr30

    mdr30 Acquaintance

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Normally I run the HD800 on my balanced Dynahi, but when that needed some service I hooked it up to the SW51. The results are surprisingly good - full, nice and detailed sound. Will run it for some more days to confirm initial impressions. The 300 ohms drivers are probably a good match for the SW51. Mullard EF184 (Philips branded) in the amp right now.


    (Check my profile if you're looking for SW51 tubes.)
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2021
  10. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

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    May 28, 2017
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    The higher output impedance of the SW51, especially if you're using the H jack as in your photo, will make a big difference in itself: the SW51's 54 Ohms will interact with the HD800's ~100 Hz impedance bump to give a noticeable boost to the base vs the sub-1 Ohm output of the Dynahi.

    Edit: Miss-Information! See the two posts below.
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    Last edited: Nov 21, 2021
  11. mdr30

    mdr30 Acquaintance

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Reproduction of bass didn't even enter my mind when I listened to HD800 and SW51. And, even with the H output, elevation of bass would be 1 dB or less.

    What I appreciated are qualities difficult to describe (and also particular to the individual). It sounds like pieces are falling into their right place, with precision of details in space, and nothing (or very little) in the tonal balance that calls for attention. Also the dynamic aspect, when crescendos open up without being held back.

    I'm not saying this is the perfect combination, but it sure has admirable qualities. Would be very interesting to hear others' opinion about the HD800 & SW51.
  12. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

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    May 28, 2017
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    You're right - I didn't do the math until after I posted, and while the elevation is fairly broad, at max it's under 1 dB. The peak-to-trough difference in the HD800's impedance profile is under 2x and its lowest level is high compared even to the SW51's high output Z, so the effect is pretty small.
  13. Mordy

    Mordy Acquaintance

    Nov 18, 2015
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    "It sounds like pieces are falling into their right place, with precision of details in space, and nothing (or very little) in the tonal balance that calls for attention. Also the dynamic aspect, when crescendos open up without being held back."
    Excellent description of the sound of SW51+!
    What I enjoy is the the very clear instrument separation, tonal balance, dynamics and the bass. So far the best results have been with the TFK 805S that seems to expand the sound stage as well, compared to the stock tubes.
  14. mienk

    mienk New

    Oct 10, 2021
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    I bought some vacuum tubes while waiting for SW51+, and now I’m waiting for SW51+ to be sent to me.

  15. Erroneous

    Erroneous Friend

    May 15, 2016
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    Cool story, bro. Really adds to the conversation. I feel enlightened now. Appreciate the deep insight.
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  16. Mordy

    Mordy Acquaintance

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Tube rolling is always fun. My approach has been to try to find inexpensive lots of tubes and roll through them to find out what I like. Please note that rebranded tubes are very common wearing US labels - I have found Mullard, Japanese, RFT and Telefunken tubes etc with US names such as RCA, Raytheon and Zenith as examples.
    Here is a source - just a couple of dollars/tube:
    Very nice seller as well.
  17. mienk

    mienk New

    Oct 10, 2021
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    These vacuum tubes are bought from small stores in the area. The price is cheaper than eBay, and there is almost no shipping cost. The store can also match. I think my place is very suitable for playing audio. The only risk is to judge whether it is remak.:)
  18. atomicbob

    atomicbob dScope Yoda

    Pyrate BWC MZR
    Sep 27, 2015
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    On planet
    Instead of posting a picture of tubes awaiting auditioning in the intended amp it would be far more useful to hold off on posting until you have heard them and then comment on what auditory differences you experienced.

    For an example see this post
  19. Mordy

    Mordy Acquaintance

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Another thing I forgot to mention: It seems to me that these tubes are all long life tubes because they were made for TVs. Most people would just turn on the TV and leave it on the whole day or evening so the tubes had to stand up to prolonged use.
  20. Zampotech

    Zampotech Friend

    Oct 15, 2018
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    Dear friends

    The production of amplifiers has been going on for the third year and probably all the respected members of the community who wanted to purchase this amplifier have already purchased it, and it's time to send this amplifier to free swimming.
    During the delivery of batches 4 and 4+, I felt that I would face customs and tax problems due to the changed Russian legislation. Our fiscal authorities will be very happy to grab my ass if they find violations on my part. In addition, it is necessary to solve the problem of warranty and routine maintenance, since there are already a lot of amplifiers.
    In addition, customs restrictions do not allow me to quickly send a large number of amplifiers at the same time, which of course causes dissatisfaction with the recipients, I understand this completely.
    To solve the ongoing problems with shipping and tax authorities, I found a shipping and service in the USA that will process orders from North America, including the USA and Canada, starting from December 1 of this year. Deliveries will be arranged with registration of all taxes and customs duties.
    About the price of the amplifier. Almost all the Party 4 and 4+ amplifiers were made from mainly components that I purchased at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 at the old prices. Some missing components were purchased during 2021, and their prices were already several times higher. For new amplifiers, I will have to purchase components already at current prices. For example, high-quality transformer steel has risen in price by 3.5 times, and its delivery by about 1.5 times.

    All orders made before November 30 will be processed without changing the conditions, everything will be according to the old agreements.
    Orders made to users from North America from December 1 will be processed under the new conditions. The amps will be shipped and serviced in the USA.
    This will relieve my hands and I will be able to do other amplifiers, for example SW4, SW9, JLH Ge. Now I spend a lot of time fussing with the registration and sending of parcels.
    Of course, I will provide trial samples for testing on the forum, if there is such a wish.
    I want to remind you once again that all orders made before November 30 will be processed under the old conditions. Everyone who is waiting for their amplifier does not need to worry.
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    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021

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