Small System Powerhouses

Discussion in 'General Audio Discussion' started by atomicbob, Jan 12, 2025.

  1. atomicbob

    atomicbob dScope Yoda

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    On planet
    Small Workstation Powerhouses

    00 dac1221_vali3_GE_5670W_small.jpg
    The system foundation are two very small components, Soekris dac1221 and Schiit Vali 3 with GE JAN 5670W tube. Impressive sound quality from such a tiny footprint. I am a fan of R2R DACs and the dac1221 lets me enjoy substantially similar impact to the higher end DACs in my lab including the dac2541. It is not a giant killer, but doesn’t drive me away after several hours of listening either.

    Vali 3 with the GE JAN 5670W also delivers the overall tonality I’ve come to enjoy on the high end amps in my collection. Again, not a giant killer but definitely provides fun listening. Most notable about this combination is the ability to keep me listening while working at my computer without interfering by being too absorbing which occurs with the higher end systems. I also am not worried about leaving the Vali 3 powered up all day given the low tube cost.

    Desktop space is usually at a premium for a workstation. This is one of the smallest systems I find fitting my preferences. There is nothing small about the sound. I have found myself using this system nearly every day with Ada, R70x or HD800-JAR while working at my computer. When operating as a transportable system I use the dac1221 digital volume control instead of my usual preference for a Goldpoint SA2 stepped attenuator. I have now appreciated hundreds of hours listening to this system.

    ETA Ada and Apos R70x headphones
    01 dac1221_vali3_ata_R70x_composite.jpg
    Two relatively inexpensive headphones which have impressed me for their tonal balance, clarity and ability to present the music to which I listen without incurring listening fatigue. However, they do sound quite different from each other. Later in this post I will use my EQ settings to give an overall impression of how they differ to me.

    02 dac1221_vali3_ata_small.jpg
    Ada is the only on-ear headphone I have ever found to be tolerable. My preference is over-ear headphones and the most comfortable in that type to me is the HD800 family. After acclimating to the feeling, the Ada doesn’t draw attention to itself. I like the very flexible cable supplied minimizing mechanical noise and neck loading.

    03 dac1221_vali3_R70x_small.jpg
    Above, Apos R70x is substituted for the ETA Ada. Being an over-ear headphone it feels quite comfortable on my head. The headband is a little unusual, but the combination is so light it does not distract. However the supplied proprietary cable is stiff. I am aware of mechanical noise and neck loading from the cable. I wish Apos could supply a cable similar to that used by ETA Ada.

    04 dac1221_vali3_R70x_small_v2.jpg
    When the lights go down for recreational dominant listening. 5670W gives off the familiar orange filament glow.

    HD800-JAR or HD800-Jmod with Sonarworks custom HD800 EQ serve as my reference for tonal balance. With some EQ, Ada and R70x can achieve a substantial portion of my reference without the Sonarworks plugin.

    05 20250110 Playback DSP chain.png
    Digital audio path volume adjusted -2 dB to avoid internal overshoot issues. 7 dB of attenuation is inserted before my favorite EQ plugin, Equick, for a total of 9 dB attenuation. This allows for significant boosts without internal clipping. When listening to Ada or R70x the Reference3_x86 is bypassed. Metaplugin lets me use Waves NX crossfeed as desired.

    06 20250107 ETA Ada EQ p1.png
    Above, EQ used for ETA Ada. Low bass boost and a small cut above 10k. Again, this is attempting to match overall tonality with my HD800 references.

    07 20250107 Apox R70x EQ 2 p1.png
    Apos R70x has significantly more bass than Ada and only a small boost at 15 Hz is used. Boosting 8K and above achieves a similar tonality to the reference system. I perceived the R70x to feel a little too much in the low mids and inserted a small cut at 225Hz to compensate.

    Again, the EQ applied to both headphones is for tonal balance, not a reflection of differences in transient response, bass clarity, feeling of space, etc. There are many posts in the respective threads on these two headphones where impressions on such attributes have been discussed.

    08 20250110 Headphone EQ.png
    Headphone EQ detailed description

    09 Spring 2 + Studio B with Genalex 300B.jpg
    My personal preference reference systems:

    Holo Audio KTE Spring 2 or 3 DAC
    Eddie Current Studio B amp
    Sennheiser HD800-JAR / HD800-Jmod headphones

    Studio B with Elrog, Linlai or Gold Lion 300B and GE JAN 5670W

    Schiit Yggdrasil A2 DAC
    Eddie Current ZDSE Amp
    Sennheiser HD800sdr headphones

    These are the systems to which I listen when I wish the ultimate magical experience for dedicated listening sessions given my preferences. Highly immersive, deeply satisfying. Too distracting for computer workstation use. Considerably more expensive than the small system suggestions above.

    At the end of the day, I am impressed with the small workstation powerhouses described above and will continue to employ and enjoy them on a nearly daily basis.

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    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
  2. ludoo

    ludoo New

    Jan 4, 2024
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    I really like your small system, I have a similar one on my desk with Vali 3, same tube, a Modi Multibit and a Kingsound M-03 for stats (space is really at a premium on my desk). My main stack sounds better, but I definitely enjoy the small one too.

    I have long been a fan of small rigs, but I have slightly different goals in mind from yours:

    - I mainly use electrostatics, but also want a regular hp out for the occasional planar/dynamic
    - I like to try and spend as little as possible while still maintaining good sound compared to my main system (modded Stax T1s, several Staxes on rotation, Soekris 1221, Lyr+ for dynamics/planars)

    My latest small system I am using in our mountain house:


    Total cost:

    - Stax SR-X mk2 and SRM-Xh from Yahoo! Japan, <100 euros including shipping/duties
    - Starting Point Systems DAC 3 from classifieds, around 100 euro
    - Vali 2 from classifieds, around 100 euros
    - Philips 7dj8 tube bought NOS years ago from a local repair shop surplus, 3 euros

    I am slightly cheating as the SRM-Xh was recapped, converted to normal bias, and fitted with a stepped pot. And it's powered by one of the "good" linear power supplies from Aliexpress. Still, total cost comes in at slightly more than half the cost of a Soekris 1221 (at least in Europe). And sounds better than a lot of really expensive new stuff out there. When I like a change from stats, I plug in a modded Amfiton TDS-15 planar, which does not excel from a technical PoV but has one of the best tuning/tonal balance I ever heard on a planar or dynamic (cost: around 70 euros from Ukraine).

    I would be super interested in seeing similar small and/or cheap systems from other members.
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