Why shooting with a prime lens will help you grow creatively

Discussion in 'Photography and Cameras' started by rhythmdevils, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. poohlikehoney

    poohlikehoney Facebook Friend

    Jun 14, 2018
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    Great thread.

    Starting out I use to shoot with zooms when going on holidays. I gloss over every angle and focal length for each scene to get the perfect shot and in the end spent most of my holiday looking thru my viewfinder. Changed my setup to just a 16mm prime lens for my fujifilm setup and I can say it's a hell of a lot more liberating and the shots I took are a lot more consistent. One lens limits my option but at the same time forces me to change my perspective and focus on framing rather than bursting a fair few with different length for each scene. Wound up getting me a lot more keepers and taking less shots. Also the option of having wider aperture is certainly useful especially for night shots.

    Great advise for starting photography. Find one focal length that works and stick with it. Learning how to frame with one lens is a lot more fun and refreshing. Gear is secondary especially so for photography. Learning the ins and outs of the camera will get more shots and land more keepers. Nowadays I just use a GR compact cam. Great fun to shoot with and less variables to worry about.
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