Merv's Politically Incorrect Audio Blog

Discussion in 'SBAF Blogs' started by purr1n, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. edd

    edd Almost "Made"

    Nov 18, 2015
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    That's actually heartening to hear how the law enforcement folks handled things... a tangent, but the The Kids of Rutherford County podcast (4 part series by the Serial Productions people) covered a story of how they were illegally jailing kids (and putting some in solitary confinement) for petty crimes in Tennessee. It also goes along with what @Merrick had mentioned about some of these (many?) are driven by profit among other things. worth listen....
  2. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made"

    Jun 28, 2023
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    And even BETTER at IGNORING what the data says. And, that “ignorance” is very “convenient” on the part of the pols that don’t LIKE what the evidence shows. This is true no matter the topic: guns, healthcare, drug policy, immigration policy, climate, energy, foreign policy… you name it. It’s like half of them swallowed the moron-pill (and like half the populace wanted them to do it and joins cluelessly in).

    Not to mention those that only pay lip service to the facts, and then continue to steal US taxpayers blind (both R and D). Which is the real issue.

    For some who seem to misinterpret my posts (bias, perchance?), another datapoint. My son is married to a Mexican girl. My son’s and I have done multiple mission trips to Costa Rica to support an orphanage there (Roblealto, look it up, great outfit), since my first visit in 2004. My wife and I have supported two Guatemalan boys for the last 10+ years. After years living (starting in 1973) in Arizona, California, Colorado, and Texas I have LONG experience with LEGAL immigrants, to a person they are HARD working AND they also resent the illegals. This has been true since long before Obama, Clinton, or even back to Reagan.

    The problem isn’t IMMIGRANTS, it’s ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and the crime that naturally associates like an irresistible magnet to the corrupt drug lords, sex traffickers, and other such pond-scum. And, for those that don’t WANT to believe the Fentanyl crisis is driven by China’s corrupt party leaders; perhaps go check out the facts. (Unless you don’t want to because it doesn’t comport with your pre-defined narrative).

    Anyone that has LOST family or friends (as in dead/murdered) knows better. I lost my employee (former) and her husband in 2006; this has been a huge issue for a LONG time (as @purr1n points out). Why, because the left/dems see instant voters in not stopping it (hence automatic driver’s licenses AND automatic voter registration) and the r’s/chamber of commerce goons see cheap labor and undermining the average working American’s leverage.

    And, the globalist (statist) oligarch billionaires continue to play the POLITICAL sides against one another while stealing us blind and destroying liberty.

    And THAT is the issue across the board, topic-wise.

    And, for people who “ding” me for stating the fact that I have lost people to these pond scum; well, enjoy sleeping at night dreaming of what a “raaaaccciiissssss” I must be (in your universe) for stating such facts. Enjoy your surreality until factual reality bites YOU, or yours, big time.

    The age old maxim still applies: “If one is young, and not leftist, one doesn’t have a heart. If one is old, and not conservative, one doesn’t have a brain”. (Other flavors include: “Conservatives are leftists who’ve been mugged by reality”.

    Done here, the vitriol (from ignorance) is disturbing.
  3. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made"

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Mmmmmm, Stollen! (Ich bin auch Deutsche… Meinen Grossfamiliennamen waren: Holtz, Deutz, Wagner… ;)

    (Just back from München visit on November 12)… ;)
  4. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Exactly who are these globalist oligarchs you're referring to?
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  5. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend

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    Mar 13, 2018
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    nowhere and everywhere
    Here is a liberal take on America's oligarch's subverting democracy (although short on actual details)... I'm sure a similar article exists from a conservative viewpoint that points at people like Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Ellison, etc (I think 9 of the top 10 wealthiest American's are large democratic donors... the outlier is probably Musk, who plays both sides)
  6. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    I'm well aware of who the oligarchs are in America. I am curious who Bowmoreman thinks they are and how he defines globalist.
  7. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    I mean, given the context of this discussion, the Sackler family surely makes the cut. But they were eventually brought down by the government, so the cognitive dissonance must be explosive.
  8. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Yup. Like with everything, "it depends". For some people prison is better than the streets they come from. For some you actually get MORE street cred being locked up in "gladiator academies" . For those people, trying to scare them with four walled cells is a joke. They'd just laugh at you. They become "institutionalized". The prison industry knows what its doing.

    The people truly afraid of jail come from a different class of people (read: affluent, or middle class or just plain working class) and aren't built for prison and its class of prisoners (which is the real fear). It's an alien world to them and is scary enough to keep them in line.

    Habitual drug use is a solution to a problem. For the poor, it helps them cope with the agony of lack. For the rich it's fun, and/or helps them cope with the agony of excess.
  9. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

    Jun 16, 2016
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    To follow up, most of these prisons are filled with gangs. And many of these prisoners come from single mother households. They lack a male authority figure in their lives, so they substitute it with other gang members, who give them that masculine side they so desperately need. They are crying out for fathers in their lives. In some cases the prison guards and warden take on this role for them... so why leave? Psychologically they're getting their needs met.

    And a while back, the government very cleverly created incentives for "welfare queens" who could pop out babies, collect a check from the gub'mint and go about their lives without a man. Combine that with drugs that flooded the inner cities (80s crack epidemic) and with drugs, crime naturally follows, and you have a perfect recipe for the shit show prison complex we have today and absentee fathers. And then there's "no fault divorce" which turns marriage into a spin the bottle game you can opt out of any time. All this leads to the family unit being slowly eroded. The modern day incel movement and stupid "boss bitch" culture social media has fostered only adds fuel to the destruction and increases individualism... which is bad news for any functioning society. You cannot have a healthy society with broken family units.
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  10. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made"

    Jun 28, 2023
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    We even tried getting my sister jailed (she had embezzled over $30K from my crippled, arthritic mom to fund her “lifestyle”), but even that didn’t work). I know all too well the “shit that addicts lay on you” you speak of, @purr1n Sadly, all too well. Woulda, coulda, shoulda…
  11. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    Feb 23, 2016
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    Ausgezeichnet. Wir kommen aus Seifhennersdorf. Kretschman und Elsner sind unserer familiennamen. Fröhliche wundervolle Weinachten!

    That podcast had my jaw on the floor! Holy shit...
  12. Kernel Kurtz

    Kernel Kurtz Friend

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    May 19, 2018
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    I certainly won't argue against border security, but I will point out that here in Canada, while limited numbers of people cross the border going north (for good reason), there is no shortage of firearms coming north across the border, and drugs are certainly going both ways easily enough. As a gun owner myself I wish my government would be more concerned about smuggling than about me, but I digress. Also worth mentioning the other large developed nations in Europe also have plenty of problems of their own with illegal immigration and presumably with contraband as well. It is not a problem exclusive to the US at all.
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  13. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson)

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    Jul 31, 2016
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    Welfare Queens... Globalists...why not throw in 'Capitalist Imperialist Running Dogs' or 'Useless Mouths? Best to avoid the vocabulary of propaganda.
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  14. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    ... and the folks that brought liquor and smallpox to the indigenous people of North America.
  15. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    No fault divorce is not a sign of a crumbling society, it’s a sign of a healthy society.
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  16. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

    Jun 16, 2016
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    In isolation? You're right, it's not.

    I'm saying it cheapens marriage and creates an easier environment for broken homes.... which in turn creates.... well I already said it.

    BTW, this is coming from someone who doesn't want to get married and thinks the family court system is an accomplice in all this.
  17. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    • Super long 2000 mile US-Mexico border
    • Huge disparity between USA and underdeveloped nations south of the border, south of Mexico
    • We need (secretly want) immigration to fill jobs Americans won't take
    • Worsening conditions / political instability in some countries south of Mexico to the point were people are super desperate
    Border management cannot be effectively addressed until we agree on an sensible immigration policy.

    FWIW, Italy, being an entry point to the EU, is dealing with similar conditions, and Italy has a big moat!

    There are border patrol checkpoints and agents everywhere from Texas through NM, AZ, to California. Anyone who has taken long drives between Texas and California or regularly visits cities near the border (raises hand) would have noticed them. We literally have towers with cameras, radars, and laser beams at border hot spots, spent hundreds of millions.

    I dunno, maybe we should lay anti-personnel mines?
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    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
  18. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    How dare you be a traditionalist, insisting of the sanctity of marriage for stable homes and less fucked up kids! (FWIW, I wished my parents divorced because it was horrible as a child living in that situation - irreconcilable differences).

    I'd say we chop of the dicks of deadbeat dads.
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  19. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    Apr 1, 2018
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    Palms Of The Coasts, FL
    I lived in the Projects in Brooklyn. The same Projects Howard Schultz grew up in Brooklyn. It was in the 90s when the Projects and the area was changing from being majority white to majority minority. Starting in the early 90s it was still majority white, by 2000 it became majority minority.

    I remember all the stores from the WWII white vets who lived most of their lives in the Projects. They told me how nice the Projects was during the 50s-80s where people take care of their properties and people didn't vandalize or start crap. Even the black population back in those days were hard working folks with families and wonderful kids.

    I remember vividly when the minorities started to move in heavily. I remember the folks where mostly were from single family homes were up to no good (which I think most were getting Section 8 Housing). Then the folks started to sell drugs via hustling and starting to vandalize all the shit in the Projects. I still also vividly remember all the piss in the elevators, the stairs, and all the trash and shit all over the Projects. And people sadly started to steal from the elderly when they were coming home from Key Foods with their grocery carts. We got the f**k out because being the only Jews left in the project building was a giant risk where you hear gunshots every other night and you were an easy target since you weren't black.

    Years later, I found out that the last white WWII vet left in that Projects was protected by the few black residents in his building to ensure he doesn't get robbed and shit. Still miss that man.

    A few generations later the whole Projects went into deep shit. I don't recommend going if you aren't black or else you are an easy target.

    And all of this is why I am not a fan of Public Housing Projects and why I am not for the government to get involved in stuff like this. The majority of the population who would benefit Public Housing will not respect the property and it will go down to shit. But I do think it is also related to the social changes of American Society with regards to marriage/welfare/etc. One big domino effect.

    And of course in my backyard they are looking to make this type of crime harsher and easier to make it a felony:

    Rarely a problem in FL, but stuff like this is why people want to move here.
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    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
  20. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    I can fix that. The decline of the community is related to the decline of church attendance. Don't get me wrong, when I was a little kid, I hated Church service, I hated Sunday school study, but I loved the atmosphere, the people, the potlucks, playing with the other kids. Being chosen as a ring-bearer for a wedding was sweet!

    I propose that once a week, say Saturday, Wednesday, Sunday, or whatever day, people must attend a church, temple, mosque, religious service, government sponsored civil service (beach cleanup, roadside garbage cleanup, filing paperwork, skills training for incarcerated people) or non-profit service (Habitat for Humanity, rehab centers, soup kitchens, audiophile societies) for four hours. Rich people can get out of this by agreeing to pay 2% of their wealth (not income) annually to pay for real attempts to rehabilitate incarcerated people.

    Failure to comply will result in death penalty or being on the waitlist for their organs to be harvested.
    • Also, drug dealing (possession past certain thresholds) results in death penalty. SG shows that this, along with forced rehab, works.
    • Same with hiring illegal immigrants (past a certain number). Time to get serious. This will be much more effective than building any wall.
    • To repeat, chop off dicks of deadbeat dads.
    Death penalty will be done in the most humane manner. Firing squad. Or Logan's Run anti-grav arena to allow for hope of survival. Lethal injection is antiseptic, but hardly humane.
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    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023

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