Sennheiser HD660S Speculation

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by Junki, Oct 8, 2017.

  1. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    The most disappointing cases are the ones who used to get it, but then suddenly hit upon a wall and they get super discouraged.
  2. Ringingears

    Ringingears Honorary BFF

    Sep 26, 2015
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    My experience has been that middle school can be a really rough time for some students. It seems to be a time when a lot hit that wall. Grades go down and then effort falls off.

    Next thing their selling their HD650's for Dr. Dre's. ;) Had to add a little levity. Getting kind of heavy for a Saturday. Damn Sennheiser. If they had only sent Tyll and Marv samples of the HD660's this thread, well, you know. |\/|
  3. Skyline

    Skyline Double-blindly done with this hobby

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Waiting to see how the 660 pans out, first.
  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    LOL! That is literally what was in the third grade workbook. No additional context was included.

    I don't know if some sentences got omitted that the editor didn't catch, but I doubt it since these strange questions were more the norm than not. Maybe there was a teachers' edition that explained how the problem should have been taught. But I cannot blame the teachers because the class sizes have been creeping up. I can see Common Core being effective, but not with 1:30-33 teacher to student ratios.
  5. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend

    Sep 29, 2015
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    Marv, can you clarify this statement?

    It seems I just can't find the measurement for this.
  6. Ringingears

    Ringingears Honorary BFF

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Northern Californium Valley
    Wish my classes were that size. I have 41, 39 and 38 students this quarter. Last year I had a chem class with 42. Labs were interesting to say the least. CC has good points to it. Implementation has always been an issue with every new program. Never enough resources spent for training or pilot programs etc. Just about the time we get it figured out and working, it gets dumped for something else. At least that's my experience in California. Still, we do get a lot of students into the UC's and some of the elite private colleges. I have to say it is great to get an email from a former student with M.D. after their name. Makes it all worth it. And despite rumors and press reports, most of the people I have worked with over the last 32 years have been well educated, hard working, dedicated professionals who are very good at what they do. Yeah have seen some "turkeys", but very few last long. At least where I work. A lot of it is everyone has been a student, so a lot of people feel they know what being a teacher is like. I felt that way before I got into the profession. Then I realized good teachers just make it look easy. It's not. Those of you that are teachers know it takes a lot of work and trial and error to really become good at this job. Like most jobs. Experience, and a willingness to improve are the keys to excellence.

    I will now return to my SBAF persona. Whatever that means. As to the bass on the HD660S. It will have some. Possibly.
  7. Skyline

    Skyline Double-blindly done with this hobby

    Sep 28, 2015
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    This cracks me up. Here in TN we usually try new initiatives 10 years after CA tries them. And by that time, CA has already deemed it a failure and is moving onto something else.

    And so the cycle continues.
  8. Ringingears

    Ringingears Honorary BFF

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Could not have been said better. I always tell my student teachers that the only constant in education is that it will be constantly changing. I'm to the point in my career where the "new" ideas are just repackaged programs from the mid 80's. With a new name of course. And the inevitable experts (who have not been in a classroom for at least 10 years) who charge a few grand to spend the day showing the staff how to implement the latest and greatest strategies. (I actually had a guy tell me years ago that if you want to make real money in education, go into consulting). One day of training for an entire new program. Enough said.

    I wonder how the HD660S will take to the Loki mini? Anyone care to speculate?
  9. Bill-P

    Bill-P Level 42 Mad Wizard

    Sep 25, 2015
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    I'd say HE60 is more like an upgraded HD600. HE90 could indeed be an upgraded HD650, but then it also has some elements of the HD580. Probably best to say it sits somewhere in between (and I have been waiting in vain for someone to make the same ear pads as HE90 for HD6xx headphones).

    At this point in the game, I guess a headphone with HE90 ear pads and HD800 drivers would be a reasonable DIY project then.
  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Let me find them.
  11. Mngnt

    Mngnt New

    Jul 22, 2017
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    My kid is too young for me to have first hand knowledge of this curriculum discussion, but if we can get the "continuous learning" mentality started in school so that it continues into adulthood, that'd be a huge step forward regardless of anything else.
  12. Skyline

    Skyline Double-blindly done with this hobby

    Sep 28, 2015
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    My 2nd grader is being taught growth/fixed mindset in her classroom. I high-fived her teacher when I found out. I'm worried about how she's applying it, though.

    She overheard a story about a burglar who tried to break into a house but gave up and went away. She looked at me thoughtfully and said, "Daddy, that villain really had a fixed mindset. When his first attempt didn't work he should have tried to think of another way to break in instead of just giving up."

    Oh well. If she pursues a life of crime, then at least I know she'll be good at it.
  13. 93EXCivic

    93EXCivic New

    Oct 10, 2017
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    Regarding Common core: My wife was an elementary school teacher now a pre-school teacher. She actually thinks common core is a good idea as it should help students who have different learning styles other then just memorizing things learn better. The problem is that they havent done a very good helping to teach teachers how to use it and also a lot of teachers like most people dont like change so it isnt being properly implemented
  14. Ringingears

    Ringingears Honorary BFF

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I just have to say that to see so many of you on here take a serious interest in your child's education is uplifting. Especially after the week a couple of my hard working talented colleagues had with some "interesting" parents. ;) I'm certain that you would take a different approach with your children than they did.
  15. Mngnt

    Mngnt New

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Not knowing a single one of you personally, if I had to guess I'd say the vast majority here wound up on the the "right" side of whatever educational process was in place at the time of upbringing... Funny how these things have a positive feedback loop
  16. Solrighal

    Solrighal Facebook Friend

    Nov 26, 2015
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    I am so wasted.
  17. Ringingears

    Ringingears Honorary BFF

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Northern Californium Valley
    So what are you listening to?

    Edit: Might I suggest some Shpongle? A good friend recommended them to me a while back. :D
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
  18. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    Sep 25, 2015
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    I think I understand what you mean. But I personally believe the HE60 and the HE90, both, are upgrades to an HD580, an HD600, and an HD650. As a matter of fact, the entire HD6xx and HD5x8/9 lines. Not sure about the HE90 relative to the HE60. I did not hear the two side by side. But I feel they were close. The HE90 was more of a luxury item considering all the infrastructure around it and the build. I like black better than brown though.

    I am not sure the HD800 drivers are an upgrade to the HD6x0 drivers. But is very possible mainly given their size. Possible, though not certain, that the HD800 drivers present better inherent bass response with workable treble extension and no mids narrow band suck outs. The measurements by @Tyll Hertsens still show significant distortion in the bass areas for the HD800s, but not as much as the HD6x0 line. There is indeed potential there.

    That said, I don't think HE90 pads are sufficient to fix an HD800. IMO the HD800 require a full cup redesign, but others may disagree and feel the HD800 is alright the way it is. I honestly don't. I think its an analytic aberration and an example of how more money down does not always bring better performance. In other words, the HD800 needs to be born again. That is my opinion.

    You do have a great point. If the HD660S was build around the HD800 driver, I would likely be much more enthusiastic about the release, than this HD700 POS driver transplant.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
  19. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend

    Sep 29, 2015
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    I mean, none of us heard this HD700 POS driver transplant yet though. Sennheiser may have modified HD700 drivers for HD660S, or maybe they don't. Remember it is not just driver affecting the sound of the headphones. From housing to pad... everything matters.

    HD800 driver on HD660S would had been far more interesting however.
  20. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    Sep 25, 2015
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    You are correct, most of us including me have not heard the HD660S. But ...

    I'm confident the HD660S will sound much better than the HD700s based on the little information there is.

    I'm confident the driver in the HD700 is not a huge upgrade to the HD6x0 driver. I'm not sure it is an upgrade at all.

    I'm also confident the HD800 driver is more capable than the HD6x0 and the HD700 driver. But I don't think we will see an HD6x0S or SS or SSSSS with an HD800 driver, because the HD800 are probably selling better than the HD700. I feel Sennheiser was looking for some way of using those 150 ohm drivers that where just sitting on the shelves.

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