1. drgumbybrain

    drgumbybrain Science Nut

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Hello folks, I can confirm that studio works great with omega speakers. Indeed those omega do need a lot of time to improve the sound. In the beginning they were too bright. I have tested several DACs with studio and had the impression that Yggdrasil and Metrum pavane with studio sound distorted in some music. There are reference in SBAF about a mismatch between Yggdrasil and studio, but due my knowledge limitation I could not understand. If some friend have the patient to explain me if pavane and Yggdrasil can be putting a distorted signal to studio, I will be very grateful. thanks
  2. bengo

    bengo Friend

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    This was solved with Yggdrasil Analog 2.
  3. drgumbybrain

    drgumbybrain Science Nut

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Lives in Fortaleza, Heart in Girona
    Mine its 01.
  4. jmcmasterj

    jmcmasterj Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Use the SE out for an analog 1 Yggdrasil with the studio. If you want to use balanced then upgrade to analog 2.
  5. Xecuter

    Xecuter Brush and floss your amp twice a day

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Curious to know who is still rocking the Studio-T. What did you move to?
    Anyone found a pairing with high efficiency speakers long term?
  6. archer88

    archer88 Friend

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    Still have the Studio-T and use it mainly with headphones.
    Tried the Stellaris briefly but stuck with the Studio.

    Amps that I have considered replacing the studio with have been the Egoista 845 or Trafomatic Primavera but both are 2x the cost and I haven't had the chance to hear them, so it's hard to justify the jump.
  7. archer88

    archer88 Friend

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    On that note has anyone modded the Studio-T? I know there are a few who have modded the 445 and the 2A4 MKIV
  8. bozebuttons

    bozebuttons Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I still use the Studio T as my main Headphone amp,I see no need to jump to another amp.
    I have heard the primavera & Egoista.
  9. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    There is no need to mod it. Modding it will 99% make it sound worse. This is based on my own experience and others' experience. The only way to significantly mod it is change the interstage and output transformers, but that would defeat the point of this amp. There are no interstage caps in the Studio T.

    The Studio T has a certain sound. Tonally it's like the Phonitor, with just a little dash of tube, which may not be everyone's expectation of tube amp. Resolving capability and clarity are unparalleled with the best bass articulation of any SET amp I have ever heard.

    Egoista 845 is a different sound. Maybe two steps backwards in technical ability. Studio B with a traditional 300B would probably the most similar sound, but Studio B is a step and a half above it. Egoista 845 would make more sense if you needed more power or gain. Also, I've never heard an 845 amp that I loved. Seems the smaller DHTs like 2A3 and 45s sound best. tl;dr: Egoista 845 is overpriced audiophool gear. I'm not afraid to spend tons on legit good gear (heck, I spent $6-7k on just a tonearm last year), but Egoista isn't one of them.
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    Last edited: Oct 13, 2023
  10. archer88

    archer88 Friend

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    Thanks for your thoughts Marv.

    This seemed to be the general advice from the modding community. Changing the cinemag output transformers, but not touch the Tribute ISTs. Adding cathode caps for the input tubes was also a suggestion.

    Yeah that was the reason I was looking at alternatives. A DHT amp that can drive the Raal headphones (and maybe the Susvara) more effortlessly.
  11. Polygonhell

    Polygonhell Acquaintance

    Nov 27, 2019
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    FWIW I actually have both an Egoista 845 and Studio T here.
    FWIW outside the cost of tubes, there wasn’t a huge price difference used between them. Though neither is available used often enough to have consistent used pricing,

    I have PSVane Acme’s in the StudioT. And Elrog 845’s in the Egoista.

    This is all personal preference, and I love the studio T, but the Egoista with the right tubes is neither technically less competent, nor less engaging. If I had to keep only one at this point it would be the Egoista.
    But I value dynamics over a lot of things, and big DHT’s are hard to beat there.
    I did think the stock tubes in the Egoista were a pretty dramatic step down from the Elrogs.
    And they do sound quite different to each other, with the Egoista having more body.

    The studio T though is what it is, for the most part, the only think I’d consider modding in mine is the Volume Pot, and only because I hear a small improvement maxing it out and using the analog volume on my DAC (which is an expensive relay based unit).
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2023
  12. GanGreinke

    GanGreinke Friend

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    Not to get too off topic, but have you used the TI-1b or TI-1c transformer interfaces with the Studio? The TI-1b is meant for the more powerful headphone amps (2-6 watts into 32 ohms), and the TI-1c is to allow for the use of SET amps with RAAL headphones. With the TI-1b, I've been able to use the Raal CA-1a with the EC Aficionado. I would think you would be able to drive SR-1a with the Studio using one of the transformer interfaces.
  13. archer88

    archer88 Friend

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    Yes I am using the TI-1C currently with CA-1A. I have to go to 11-12'o clock to get to the volume levels I need.
    It also depends on the track. In occasional tracks I feel they sound a bit thin and underpowered.
  14. Polygonhell

    Polygonhell Acquaintance

    Nov 27, 2019
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    11-12 o’clock is fine, remember it’s not a linear pot, so 1/2 volume is closer to 10% power than it is to 50%.
    But I would tend to agree, the Raal’s can be a bit thin on the EC Studio, but I think it’s more a function of the Raals generally sounding lean, and the EC not really adding any body.
  15. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I’d rather listen to Koss KSC-75 from my iPhone than Raal SR1a from Studio. Just bad synergy.

    Raal SR1a using the box actually needs about 6W into 6-ohms sustained, which probably means at least a 15W into 8-ohms rated amp. This will be hard for any SET amp. PP tube may be a better choice.

    Good luck finding OPTs with tertiary windings. I guess if people found the source for the transformers in the Studio B, that would work. (It’s a tweaked “Advanced” 300B OPT from Mable Audio with the tertiary windings). Putting in the cathode caps for the input tubes would make sense for an OPT without the tertiary winding for feedback.

    But seriously, why buys the Studio in the first place after all this effort. Just DIY or order a custom job.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2023
  16. archer88

    archer88 Friend

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    Nov 17, 2020
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    I love the Studio and it's traits. I miss some of the heft and body in the mids, but I understand it's a matter of synergy. Just got curious since I kept hearing about these mods.

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