Grado GS3000X Review and Measurements: Don't You (Forget About Me)

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by purr1n, Feb 12, 2024.

  1. NewEve

    NewEve aka: Empeiros Audio

    May 28, 2020
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    After having a "I need a pair of Grados NOW" episode, I went for the SR325x to limit the damages in case of major disappointment but ended-up smitten by them (here's my write-up, I don't do reviews per se) — I'd highly suggest you try them out if, unlike me, you can easily pop-up somewhere to give them a try.
  2. Ardacer

    Ardacer Friend

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    Fantastic mids. Grado's treble used to measure bad compared to the likes of lcd's or senns, if memory serves me, but it always sounded good to me, or at least interesting - for whatever reason. With a bit of wide EQ in the low end to make it extend a bit lower nad flatter, and if the treble isn't too harsh, and if there's not much variation between the units (maybe not to be expected due to relatively simple design) - these might be a real winner. Nice work grado!

    Ps female vocals probably sound very nice on these and I just like a good female. Hm.
  3. NewEve

    NewEve aka: Empeiros Audio

    May 28, 2020
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    When I read that:

    they’re a brash, lively-sounding headphone that leaves nothing on the table when it comes to detail and giving you a warts-and-all picture of what’s gone through the mixing desk at the studio

    The GS3000x is an unashamedly bright and vivid headphone thanks a decidedly forward upper register, and it simply shines in terms of clarity and treble information.

    everything sounds like it’s dialled-up to “11” in terms of definition and aggressiveness

    The GS3000x’s ability to layer, separate and magnify individual sounds can turn even the most laid-back listen into a rollicking roller-coaster ride - if that sounds like your kind of listening party.


    it clearly is not what I'm looking for in them, i.e. an open, eventually slightly more detailed, and more lightweight ZMF Bokeh.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2024
  4. NewEve

    NewEve aka: Empeiros Audio

    May 28, 2020
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    So, quick note for the record/future references as I'm now the happy owner of the GS3000x.

    Everything that follows is via a Schiit Jotunheim 2 with a True Multibit DAC. I will be testing the GS3000x on DAPs / Dongles later next week.

    Compared to my SR325x, the GS3000x, unsurprisingly, are in a different league but, for those like me who wanted an idea of how they sound compared to the SR325x, the GS3000x are more balanced, layered and mature from a timbre standpoint. The GS3000x have a bigger soundstag, breath more, have more details all the while remaining a smooth, musical listen. However, the SR325x are thicker, with a narrower soundstage, making them more visceral.

    Compared to the ZMF Bokeh, from — very recent — memory, the GS3000x are more open — crazy, I know right? — less meaty/thick yet remain a smooth, musical, tuning. Overall, the Bokeh have a more visceral tuning than the GS3000x which are more balanced/elegant/mature in that regard all the while retaining that Grado textured bite I appreciate so much.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2024
  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    In a nutshell:

    The GS3000X is truly a revelation, surprising and impressing with its evolution over time. While there may be a plethora of fancy pants headphones on the market today, the GS3000X should not be overlooked or forgotten. It's a rarity to encounter them at audio shows, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have experienced them at the high-end gear table at the Texas meet two years ago.

    For those in search of a tastefully crafted U-shaped response with punchy bass, an exceptionally accurate midrange, mellow upper highs, and remarkable transient behavior, the GS3000X is the perfect choice. The beauty of the GS3000X lies in its ability to reach 90% of its potential even with modest gear. While achieving optimal results may necessitate total system synergy, this is a common requirement for maximizing performance with nearly every piece of audio gear.
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  6. ChaChaRealSmooth

    ChaChaRealSmooth SBAF's Mr. Bean

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    @purr1n, question for you specifically; how well does it fit YOUR head (I can guess how it fits me based on how it fits you)? I tried the Grado Hemp and the headband just didn't work for me unless I sat there and bent the damn thing to mold with my head, THEN the cups almost sat comfortably on my ears with the yolks all the way out.

    I'm sorry to Grado, but their headphones to my head are just about the most un-ergonomic pieces of crap ever.
  7. HeyWaj10

    HeyWaj10 Almost "Made"

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Ok, so I just spent some time at my local hifi shop (where I was hoping to listen to some higher end Denons and Focals). They didn't have any Denons, but I did listen to Focal Clear Mg (nice session there) and then saw they had GS1000e on hand (not the new X version). Their only available gear for headphone listening was a Chord Qutest w/ Anni stack.

    Talk about a complete letdown of an experience, as I went into it really excited when I first put the GS1000e on my head. First thing I noticed was a possible incorrect seating of the headphones on my ears (G pads). Maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought the G pads still kept the drivers off the ears, but that wasn't the case. The drivers were literally pressing onto my ears, almost as if the pads were not doing anything at all. Maybe this was a fitment issue due to the age of the headphones - either way, it was off-putting to say the least. This was even after trying to re-position the pads on the cup slots, but nothing improved in the seating.

    Then the sound - just no. Zero bass presence and hyper treble response. Was there a nice natural timbre to instruments and an very open stage? Yep. But this was overshadowed by the overall tonal balance leaning heavily to the upper registers, pulling the attention away from anything in the bass and lower midrange areas of the tracks I was listening to. In total, I think I spent 15 minutes with these headphones and gave up.

    If the GS3000x is only slightly different in overall tonality and presentation of the GS1000e, then I think I'm calling quits with Grados, unfortunately. Maybe it was the synergy with the gear, but I have doubts, as that gear was fantastic with the Clear Mg (which sounded substantially better than a previous time I had heard them). I don't know, maybe I'm just not the right fit for Grados beyond my SR-80e, which I only listen to at low volumes and passively. Note: I've also spent substantial time with RS-2x and RS-1x in the past year - I liked them, but didn't love them.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2024
  8. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Bad pairing. Lower end Chord is tizzy and lean, the mid end has more bass, but is tizzy. Only the higher end Chord like DAVE sounds balanced, and even then it may be a bit too lean or lack body for some folks. The Clear Mg likely worked well with the Chord stuff because it's super laid-back headphone, almost an Audeze tuning. The GS1000 (non E) I owned back in the day, I used with mellower sources and tubbier (bass) sounding amps, and even then I applied a single ply of TP over the drivers. The big HeadRoom DAC/amp thing with the GS1000 was unbearable. Need to find synergy.

    I am curious is the tuning on the X series is slightly different from the past, even for the 1000 series.
  9. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I bend the headband out and then in on all Grados to fit my square wide head. Similarly I do the same on Sennheisers - extend the metal band all the way, and bend out.
  10. penguins

    penguins Friend, formerly known as fp627

    Sep 26, 2018
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    FWIW - these fit on my head OK when I tried them a few times in Austin. There did seem to be a little more than a half baked "just add more notches" but it doesn't seem like they completely redesigned to make it big head oriented or friendly. Memory is hazy but I think it was if I made them all the way big, I had to sit still so they wouldn't fall off. Anything less than almost max size and they wouldn't fit. Comfort was OK but not great either way I made them fit. Other Grados, including the hemp and their classic lineup (60, 80, etc), do not fit my head well at all and I wanted to take them off after less than 1 minute. (I don't remember how their "midpriced" headphones fit me though).
  11. goodvibes

    goodvibes Facebook Friend

    Jun 21, 2017
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    The GX is already quite different than the GS. I used to like the PS500e more that the higher models outside the PS2000e which is a different animal for Grado. Listening to different older models won't tell you much about the newer ones but also, Grado's aren't for everyone. I'm personally not a big fan of Focals outside their top model and that one still doesn't really stir my soul, especially for the cost. Viva la difference.:)
  12. chesebert

    chesebert Friend

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    How do they compare to HP1/2?
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  13. rfernand

    rfernand Almost "Made"

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    The flat mid is definitely the hallmark of the GS line. I have the 1000e and it seems the 3000x added some of the wood magic (like the rs1x) and kept all the good stuff. Loaner tour? >:)

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