Comments on Profile Post by YMO

  1. Jinxy245
    This country is fucked...hope it wan't anyone you know.
    Aug 26, 2018
    direstraitsfan98 and Case like this.
  2. YMO
    Thankfully it wasn't anyone that I know. However, the location of the shooting, GLHF, is a well known gaming tournament location for NE FL. Competitors from different games go to that location to compete for the bigger venues. GLHF will have a very hard time coming back from that incident. I will expect it to close in the future, which sucks since they did a lot for Jax.
    Aug 26, 2018
  3. drgumbybrain
    Holy Jesus. I thought this only happened in Rio de Janeiro
    Aug 27, 2018
  4. YMO
    David De Lucena, happens more than I want to think. Then again, we in the US are not even bad as Rio on a good day. Even if an ultra rare chance Jair obtains real power in Brazil, he won't do crap to fix it. Not even with the regilious support he is getting. :/ Sorry for off topic.
    Aug 27, 2018
    Jinxy245 and drgumbybrain like this.