Comments on Profile Post by famish99

  1. cskippy
    Is it stock or have any mods?
    Sep 19, 2018
  2. famish99
    I got it secondhand and it only came with Jupiter interstage caps. I was a little worried after I read how you liked it better after the feedback mod, but I'm enjoying it quite a lot and riding New Toy Syndrome pretty hard.
    Sep 19, 2018
  3. cskippy
    I thought Jupiter caps brought stock up an appreciable amount. Feedback mod just aligns closer to my preferences. I see you have HD800S. That combo is ridiculously good!
    Sep 19, 2018
  4. famish99
    Yah I think the no feedback synergizes well with the 800S since it has enough stage already and gives the bass a bit more oomph or flavor. Using it with the modded 6xx is amusing but feels like using a Ferrari for a grocery run.
    Sep 19, 2018
  5. pavi
    Sep 20, 2018
  6. famish99
    @pavi I wonder if you live nearby because I'm so curious how different the 300B + feedback sounds.
    Sep 20, 2018