Comments on Profile Post by purr1n

  1. OldDude04
    Newtoyitus (new·toy·i·tus)
    Inflammation of hype, most commonly from the purchase of a new piece of audio equipment, but can also be caused by purchasing a ticket on a hype train.
    Dec 9, 2018
    Jinxy245 likes this.
  2. brencho
    Perhaps he enjoys deep penetration. Deeper the better.
    Dec 9, 2018
  3. Riotvan
    Dec 9, 2018
    brencho likes this.
  4. Hrodulf
    You need to go deeper, if you're not feeling the etys by the back of your tongue.
    Dec 9, 2018
  5. jowls
    When you are doing deep insertion everyday it starts to mess with your head. You keep telling yourself that it satisfies your emotional needs, but after a while you realise that you are living a lie and that you actually need a little bit of romance in your life too.
    Dec 10, 2018
  6. atomicbob
    When I see subjective reviews include X destroys Y or some variant, my internal bullshit meter pegs. Reviewer is unable to distinguish between personal preferences and comparison attributes, let alone understand that their personal preferences probably don't extrapolate to the universe.
    Dec 12, 2018