Comments on Profile Post by Lyander

  1. Poleepkwa
    That sounds promising. I really like them from the waist up...
    Jan 28, 2019
    Jinxy245 likes this.
  2. Lyander
    Booooo headphone objectification.

    Kidding aside, They're not horrible for a ~$300 headphone except for the fact that the bottom end just about buries everything else underneath it.
    Jan 28, 2019
  3. Poleepkwa
    The worst things was that they sounded great with the original pads (those became "unglued"). The newer MKII and MKIII pads really pumped the bass. Made the V-Moda M100 sound like masters of restraint.
    Jan 28, 2019
    Jinxy245 likes this.
  4. Lyander
    EXACTLY. If these new pads are basically a rehash of the v1 tuning (which I didn't get to hear for myself but have heard many great things about) I'll probably hoard stock, haha. As it stands I can barely use the 99s now and not feel profoundly bleh.
    Jan 28, 2019
  5. Taverius
    They work great for my cousin and her husband because they both wear severe Italian thick frame glasses. If you want to hear the original tuning break the seal.
    Jan 28, 2019
    Jinxy245 and Lyander like this.
  6. Lyander
    Haha, I do actually wear glasses when listening to them, but the frames are so slim they barely make a difference. Besides, not everyone can be bothered to wear glasses when using headphones, so the redesign is still good news IMO
    Jan 28, 2019