Comments on Profile Post by luckybaer

  1. Gazny
    The Magic feature looks reeeally promising
    Dec 26, 2020
    luckybaer likes this.
  2. gaspasser
    What happened to your PS Audio phono?
    Dec 27, 2020
    luckybaer likes this.
  3. luckybaer
    @Gaspasser I still have it, and it is my primary phonostage. I just wanted something to tinker with.
    Dec 27, 2020
    gaspasser likes this.
  4. ogodei
    The Magic feature looks scary as hell ! Will have to hear this. How new is the 'Magic' feature? Looks like Puffins can be found used but the feature isnt mentioned.
    Dec 27, 2020
    luckybaer likes this.
  5. luckybaer
    @ogodei Parks Audio releases new features via firmware updates. Magic and the grading feature are relatively new.
    Dec 27, 2020
    Gazny and ogodei like this.
  6. gaspasser
    So you are going to have 2 phono stages that A-D-A?
    Dec 27, 2020
    luckybaer likes this.
  7. luckybaer
    @Gaspasser NPC is a traditional phono stage with the option of going analog to digital. Puffin only goes digital.
    Dec 27, 2020
    gaspasser likes this.
  8. luckybaer
    Amazon update: Puffin scheduled to be delivered 12/31. Earlier than originally expected! Yippee!!!
    Dec 28, 2020