I'm not sure it's the amp or the DAC but it's one of the best synergy that I've ever heard. Very natural, resolving, no harshness and an enveloping spherical soundstage.
You’d have to check with some of the long time EC heads like @CEE TEE to confirm, but my understanding is that the Studio/Studio Jr./Studio B sound was an iterative development on the BA sound. As in, the BA seemed a bit more similar in sound to the Studio line of amps than something like the Aficianado.
Studio B and newer amps are more dry and analytical while the older EC house sound is wetter and more romantic. Both sound great how Craig implemented them.
@Vansen I just checked with my friend and the tubes were PX4. I think my friend said something similar, he preferred the older EC tuning, good balance between wetness and neutrality.
@purr1n bat-signal! Different parts (trafos/caps and driver tube) in Studio B but also some feedback to tighten up the bass control. This gets a slight bit drier in newer EC designs from what people say. I have been able to find older EC stuff but if I couldn't I would try Studio B.
With the new WE 300B, though, the Studio B I heard in Texas did have a glassy, engaging, slightly wet sound. With Studio B you might also be able to tune a bit with cap changes- Josh Schor put Duelunds in his Studio B which Rhythmdevils now has and I am very curious to hear. Hopefully we can compare them some day back-to-back. Studio B also has more current and power, with the ability to drive sensitive speakers.
In my BA (this is my second one), I am using some EML PX-4 and they are not as delicate and airy as the KR PX-4 which I will eventually rebuy (they were my favorites in my first BA that I should never have sold). Right now, though, I have been having fun with really cheap $200 Shuguang 300B-98 tubes as a wet and sweet match with Utopia.
So don't count out all the cheap tubes, some are a little soft and microphonic but might give you that tube-thing/synergy you are looking for. I rotate from time to time and enjoy both presentations.
@CEE TEE Thanks for the helpful guide, I tried searching for some comparisons between Studio B / Jr vs BA but I think you are one of the few persons who have posted their impressions. :)
My friend uses the EML mesh, I think it's the same as you?
@caute A bit warmer and wetter I think. The BA (with EML PX4 mesh output tube) seems to be slightly warm sounding to me. The owner told me he used to own 1st gen Zana Deux which is even warmer than the BA according to him.
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