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The Deep South

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Lana Del Gayer than you, Male, from The Deep South

Pyrate Contributor

@Merrick spiritually advanced...? what does that mean? Nov 13, 2023

caute was last seen:
Nov 23, 2023
    1. caute
      @Merrick spiritually advanced...? what does that mean?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. caute
        @roshambo123 it ain't religion, it's just lovin' Jesus Christ. f**k religion, all power to Master of the Universes.
        Nov 16, 2023
      3. roshambo123
        It's a unending source of interest to me how among a certain group of Christians it became unfashionable to describe their set of beliefs as a "religion." It's like if an animal said, "I'm a Golden Retriever." And you said "You're a type of dog." And they said, "f**k dogs. I'm a Golden Retriever."
        Nov 16, 2023
        Merrick likes this.
      4. Deep Funk
        Nov 19, 2023
        Merrick likes this.
    2. caute
      the bible is a bunch of bleep boop, except for Job, 1st Corinthians 13, and whatever the hell Jesus said, sometimes.
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      2. Merrick
        The planet is only a shithole because humans (many of whole believe they are “saved”) have recklessly exploited it without any thought to what their responsibility is to tend and maintain the planet for themselves and future generations.
        Nov 12, 2023
        Case, zottel, dasman66 and 3 others like this.
      3. Merrick
        As for Jesus, my thought is he was a very spiritually advanced individual whose message has been corrupted and twisted for two thousand years. This is especially prominent when you consider the books that failed to get canonized which paint a much deeper picture of Jesus’ religious vision.
        Nov 12, 2023
      4. atomicbob
        In God we trust. All others pay cash.
        This philosophy that has served me well for many years.
        There are many religious factions that have invoked the name of God to serve their own purposes of mass control.
        Nov 12, 2023
        zottel, RestoredSparda, caute and 3 others like this.
    3. caute
      Five Percent Tint So You Can't See Up In My Window
    4. caute
      Jesus is so gay.
      1. ilikebananafudge_ likes this.
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      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        It's either a traditional song, or a known-composer gospel song: I should google.

        I was aware that it had bee "quoted" by the Dead as well as by the String Band, but I couldn't recall when. I was going to google that!

        The wonderful (but some people can't stand them) Incredible String Band made it an integral part of that song. Which should be a part of every biology syllabus! ...
        Nov 12, 2023
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I don't need a wife,
        Living the timeless life,
        If I need a friend,
        I just give a wiggle,
        Split right down the middle,
        And when I look,
        There's two of me,
        Just as handsome as can be

        (off the top of my head)
        Nov 12, 2023
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Another of these "found" snippets that I love is Happy Trails, used to close off the album of the same name by Quicksilver Messenger Service.

        I've waxed lyrical about that album several times. It is pretty much my epitome of a perfectly-formed, symphonic, rock album.
        Nov 12, 2023
    5. caute
      Will be working on my otl next week! Finnnnnally
      1. caute
        any one have any recs on ec86/ec88 tubes?
        Nov 10, 2023
    6. caute
      move into new place w best friend [check] setup wifi [invariable trouble, do i need it?] (the answer is no, no i don’t...)
      1. Cryptowolf and bobboxbody like this.
      2. caute
        w all of beethovens late string quartets (won't say by whom tho bc i got a great bin deal on them), a This Mortal Coil record, The Trinity Session, the two Joy Division LPs they actually released, and the 3 most recent Big Thief records, I'm fuckin good.

        Just put in a disc and let it spin. Sometimes over and over. Idc, I'm happy.
        Oct 13, 2023
        Cryptowolf and ilikebananafudge_ like this.
    7. caute
      Radio. Live transmission. / Touching from a distance / further all the time
      1. Case, joch, Slade01 and 1 other person like this.
    8. caute
      RIP 800 hate. 2017-2023. they were hated w a great, burning passion.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I love them. But then, the treble spike is my hearing aid. Even though I've already boosted vocal frequencies (at least) in EQ.
        Sep 14, 2023
        caute likes this.
      3. Erroneous
        You can't hate this headphone if you have the right 800 in the right system. Unit to unit variance is a thing. There's also a reason that people say you have to build a system around it.
        Sep 14, 2023
        roshambo123 and caute like this.
      4. Erroneous
        When you are 800ing correctly, it's hard to beat. I choose it over Utopia even.
        Sep 14, 2023
        TamHo, roshambo123 and caute like this.
    9. caute
      someone named "marter mac" messaged me today ab a power supply, wanting me to email "georgie"—anyone else get this? img of convo in comments
      1. View previous comments...
      2. wbass
        Same. Figured it to be spam.
        Aug 29, 2023
        caute likes this.
      3. HotRatSalad
        Got it as well about a Mani 2 for sale and a George email to contact. Get fucked !
        Aug 29, 2023
        caute likes this.
      4. Azimuth
        Where are the mods to boot this fellow? Hello. Keep reporting him I guess.
        Aug 30, 2023
        caute likes this.
    10. caute
      Felt bad Friday night. Covid positive. Had this before 2x, but worried ab my sick days, how long until feel better/no longer pass on?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. bobboxbody
        I got it a bunch working in food service, was sick less long/severely each time, but check with a professional and get well soon
        Aug 27, 2023
        Cryptowolf, Thad E Ginathom and caute like this.
      3. caute
        Thanka guys :)

        Not sleeping much, not eating much. Feel p awful, like last time. Hopefully by mid-week at least the symptoms will be gone!
        Aug 28, 2023
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @yotacowboy There's definitely a hotnurse line joke in there.

        But caute probably wouldn't appreciate it right now. I'll get my coat.
        Aug 28, 2023
        yotacowboy likes this.
    11. caute
      holo red or hydra z w matching LPS? I've read thru dat thread on the new Lumin, but 5K no way lol.
      1. caute
        really want streaming capabilities, so that's why im leaning Red, but I found an Italian selling a Z w LPS for 550 euro...

        I need a $800-1.5K streamer-ddc recs. still goin the CD route, but will never give up streaming lol
        Aug 25, 2023
      2. RestoredSparda
        Still very happy with my Red. Won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
        Aug 25, 2023
        jexby likes this.
    12. caute
      welp, never doin that again.
      1. zottel, Qildail, JK47 and 7 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. caute
        I broke the rulez, hotrod--got a pass one time and then I did a #2 and got flushed for a week. never again lol.

        edit: tbf, I didn't know it was actually against the rules, just frowned upon, generally
        Aug 21, 2023
      4. Gazny
        Its against the rules on most websites because they can be shut down with a strike and it can be a real pain to get your site back...
        Aug 21, 2023
        Azimuth, jexby, JK47 and 3 others like this.
      5. Azimuth
        Yeah, you can't talk about Fight Club.
        Aug 21, 2023
        caute and gsanger like this.
    13. caute
      i don't mind choppin' wood / and i don't care if the money's no good
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. caute
        and all the people were singing / they went, "na, na, la, na, na, la"
        Aug 12, 2023
      3. Biodegraded
        If the money's no good just get a grip on yourself.
        Aug 12, 2023
        mitochondrium likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        They should never have taken the very best
        Aug 13, 2023
        caute likes this.
    14. caute
      anyone real ass pirates wanna DM me ab some settings i may have fukt up? any help would be appreciated.
      1. caute
        this is a one-off dl for a very, very hard to find film, btw. if im breaking rules, pls mods, feel free to remove
        Aug 12, 2023
      2. JK47
        Real classy
        Aug 12, 2023
      3. insidious meme
        insidious meme
        Lol, over under on being banned? I give it until Monday.
        Aug 12, 2023
    15. caute
      last bit of nervosa, choosing a vintage CDT. dis shit killin' me.
      1. bobboxbody likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. caute
        getting the Arcam bc cheapest & easiest to swap voltages & also rec'd by a bunch of ppl lol
        Aug 10, 2023
      4. caute
        dat 304mkII would be p sweet tho... lmao
        Aug 10, 2023
      5. philipmorgan
    16. caute
      can anyone recommend a good craft cola in the vein of Fentiman's Curiosity Cola? I want a coke analog that's cane and more botanical.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Claritas
        I have an sentimental fondness for Stewart's Key Lime.
        Jul 27, 2023
        Slade01 and caute like this.
      3. JK47
        RC Cola
        Jul 27, 2023
      4. Wilewarer
        You could try Q Kola, might be in the vein you're looking for.

        Japan has a lot of craft colas, but probably not too easy to get to the US.
        Jul 27, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    17. caute
      took the day off. at a local Arabic coffee shop. listening to JD from my new porta pros. direct from MBA '20 jack. i am happy.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. ColdsnapBry
        Mac house sound and Koss drivers are a recipe for sucess. Some of my favorite pairings in the whole hobby.
        Jul 25, 2023
        caute likes this.
      3. caute
        Btw I got these to test my abbas otl (will be done and here by winter hopefully) in case it kabooms my hp, I’m only out $25, but they’re imo better than APP1 so I’m diggin em too
        Jul 26, 2023
    18. caute
      PSA: Insure *all things* audio you send via PirateShip or whatever UPS service you use. Bad things can happen.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JK47
        Packing like a boss negates most tomfoolery of the shipping companies
        Jul 24, 2023
      3. Tachikoma
        @caute I have, its shit. Unless the package disappeared, you're getting nothing.
        Jul 24, 2023
        caute and RestoredSparda like this.
      4. Slade01
        FedEx / UPS / USPS - will easily take your money for "insurance" coverage, but will fight you tooth and nail to actually cut those checks for the BS that is their fault. Have gone through claims process a few times. Takes 1-3 months average for me, and if your buyer is cooperative in the process of (taking pictures, sending damaged items, etc.).
        Jul 25, 2023
        Cryptowolf, penguins and caute like this.
    19. caute
      1. View previous comments...
      2. caute
        Jul 22, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. caute
        Jul 22, 2023
      4. caute
        a big BIG thank you to our tireless, very thankless and savvy af mods here for doing this—i. fn. love. you.
        Jul 23, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    20. caute
      Will a mod please change my thing from friend to: Lana Del Gayer Than You
      1. caute
        for the bisexual clout (there is none)
        Jul 19, 2023
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    The Deep South
    Gear List:
    Pi2AES/Marantz CDT > [BJC coax] > Abbas .11SE > [Furutech OCC RCA] > HLF/Tommy modded Crack > LSN800
    4 years after n+1 magazine's Mark Grief autopsied the dead specter of the hipster, in Lana del Rey’s satirical-autobiographical “Brooklyn Baby” there’s an easy mondegreen when she sings “my jazz collections rare”—she could just as easily be singing “my jazz collections real” —either way, this liberal postmodern obsession with “authenticity” and nostalgia-as-radical-chic cred fetishizes and amasses cultural capital, bc that’s all it can do: see and be seen as countercultural, taking revolutionary symbols of the not-so-distant past as fashion icons, as totems, as fetish objects, all the while caching sprezzatura as reified capital. It’s the same move when the hippies turned into the pioneers of Silicon Valley.


    after all these years wrestlin' gators / i still feel like cryin' when i think of what you said to me