Comments on Profile Post by BioniclePhile

  1. imackler
    Tell us more! You've piqued our curiosity.
    Dec 10, 2015
  2. BioniclePhile
    I've got a pile of mid-fi cans at home, and ALL I WANT IS MORE
    Dec 10, 2015
  3. imackler
    More mid-fi cans? You know I like mid-fi cans. I've never heard a "totl" one (maybe that's why) but when you get what you get for $100 (558) to $400 (HD650) and all those in between, there's just no reason for me to go totl. There is a lot of variety, comfort, less amping requirements and less worry of knicking, etc.
    Dec 10, 2015
  4. BioniclePhile
    True, and then you've got lots of different flavours to choose from. I'd like to hear 'better' cans someday, but I doubt I'll ever want em.
    Dec 10, 2015