Oct 1, 2015
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Jul 18, 1976 (Age: 48)
Anaheim, CA

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Key Lime Pie Infected Aberdeen Wings Spy, Male, 48, from Anaheim, CA


Are there any Mac specialists here? I have a three-week old Macbook Air and this happened... It went away when I restarted... Apr 14, 2024

    1. imackler
      Are there any Mac specialists here? I have a three-week old Macbook Air and this happened... It went away when I restarted...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JK47
        What did Apple say?
        Apr 15, 2024
      3. imackler
        @Gazny Interesting! So if I go into accessibilty>display>color filters (on)>and then turn to color tint and ratchet up intensity, I can reduplicate the effect... But I can't find a way to do that through shortcuts, etc.
        Apr 15, 2024
      4. imackler
        @JK47 Bought it at Costco but I may pop into the Apple Store and see what the say... @Gazny And "reduplicate"... because I wasn't doing any of those things when it turned red. @yotacowboy Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth
        Apr 15, 2024
        yotacowboy and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    2. imackler
      Between the comfort and the cost, KSC75 drivers once again making me wonder why everything else costs so much... Loving Mulligan Meets Monk
    3. imackler
      Anyone else had problems with a wonky lightning port on iphone? Anyone use a cover/plug to keep gunk out... Can't depend on it as a source.
      1. edd
        Mine fills with lint over time. I just use a paper clip to clean it out every so often.
        Feb 13, 2024
        zottel and imackler like this.
      2. imackler
        @edd that's good to hear. I used a toothpick.
        Feb 13, 2024
    4. imackler
      Going to Japan! Mostly Tokyo (staying in Matsudo) but also Morioka. Any must see/must do? Best travel site? And... audio stores, if time?
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245, bixby and 14 others like this.
      2. Tchoupitoulas
        Nov 4, 2023
      3. fraggler
        Japan is my favorite place to visit and I have waaay to much to say in a profile post. But, I will say that going to the Akihabara Yodobashi store is a blast (think uber Best buy) with electronics galore and a really good food court up top (like Wagyu beef sets good).
        Nov 4, 2023
        Cryptowolf and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      4. ColdsnapBry
        I've been going once a year. It really is an amazing place. I went to South Korea too this year and it was really awesome. The people there are a bit more chill than in Japan.
        Nov 4, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    5. imackler
      KSC75 w PE headband and Yaxi is enjoyable and comfortable... why has no one improved upon this basic idea? Clamp of most on-ears is brutal.
      1. DigMe
        KSC75 on headband with Yaxi is definitely my favorite flavor of all the variations of PortaPro and Sportapro drivers.
        Oct 13, 2023
        crazychile and ColdsnapBry like this.
    6. imackler
      Weird. Sony is buying Audeze.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. lithium
        I suspect audeze was the OEM manufacturer for the new wireless planar headphones for playstation. Perhaps Sony felt it was cheaper long term to buy the company than deal with patent royalties, contracting and depending on a small company for their scale and timeline of manufacture.
        Aug 24, 2023
        nishan99 likes this.
      3. nishan99
        Also don't forget it's less than a pocket change for Sony to buy Audeze. I wouldn't read too much into it tbh.
        Aug 25, 2023
        Huhnkopf likes this.
      4. Cspirou
        Best case scenario is probably like InBev with beer. They let them mostly run the same but it’s part of their portfolio
        Aug 25, 2023
        HotRatSalad likes this.
    7. imackler
      With a Piety and HD600/650, should I go with the Modi 3E or Modi Plus? Or does it not matter? Thanks!
      1. Cryptowolf and Case like this.
      2. YMO
        Maybe an OG MB Modi?
        Jul 12, 2023
        gsanger and Qildail like this.
      3. Lyander
        Haven't tried any of the new Modis but the Piety is very wide-stage, so maybe something that images deeper would help round things out. Also while I do think the Piety is more organic sounding in the highs than e.g. the Magni 3+, yeah there are moments when I wish for a bit more roundness even in low gain mode. The Modi MB seems like it ought work, I'm actually considering a BF2/64 in a couple years when feasible.
        Jul 12, 2023
        Jinxy245 and joch like this.
      4. StageOne
        I believe the difference from 3E to + is the change to Unison USB (and USB-C connectors). The DAC is the same ESS chip. So if you are not using USB as an input, I’d go the cheaper version. Since the Piety and HD6xx are on the warmer side of neutral, the Modi MB (OG) may be a bit too dark. If you can find one, an old Modi 2U (AKM 4390?) could be fun and relatively cheap.
        Jul 12, 2023
        Lyander, joch, FlySweep and 2 others like this.
    8. imackler
      I was wrong about Apple Classical (despite it not being formatted for an ipad yet.) This is incredible for learning and exploration.
      1. Sqveak, SoupRKnowva, zottel and 4 others like this.
      2. Gazny
        I very much enjoy "The Story of Classical" series for new comers such as myself.
        Apr 5, 2023
        Boops likes this.
    9. imackler
      I haven't downloaded it... but I'm excited to try the Apple Music classical ap! Prepared to be disappointed? Yes... But maybe it's awesome!
      1. Cryptowolf, Gazny and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. zottel
        @bixby How is that done technically? Is there any chance to get their content on a streamer without connecting a computer or tablet via USB?
        Mar 28, 2023
      4. Claritas
        @imackler I'm enjoying your hopeful attitude. It's reminiscent of "Little Bit of Luck" from "My Fair Lady." =D
        Mar 29, 2023
      5. bixby
        @zottel I don't think so. I looked into trying to get an app for my Android tv and they only do Apple via airplay or something.
        Mar 29, 2023
        zottel likes this.
    10. imackler
      Anyone into "flathead" earbuds? I picked up a pair of Fiio FF3 and enjoy them more than I thought I would...
      1. philipmorgan and Sqveak like this.
    11. imackler
      Anyone else's holiday upheaved by Southwest Airlines? Ours could have been much worse...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. tsd13
        sister had flights to and from our parents' cancelled. Ended up booking with another airline for return flight on the same day. Her husband was supposed to fly to visit his family afterward, took greyhound instead, arriving a day after original date. Still, could have been worse
        Dec 28, 2022
      3. luckybaer
        I read that on one particular day, SWA accounted for 50% of all cancellations - GLOBALLY. I’ve also read it is due to antiquated staffing software.
        Dec 29, 2022
        fraggler likes this.
      4. Qildail
        I managed to get out of Dallas a few days before the first wave came in thankfully, or I might still be stuck down there...
        Dec 30, 2022
    12. imackler
      The Final Audio E1000 makes me want a better iem that's pretty much the same. Ha.
      1. Claritas likes this.
      2. Claritas
        That's interesting. I kinda felt the same way, but I didn't put it in words. Thanks! What I'd really like is an upgraded Rockets.
        Dec 9, 2022
        imackler likes this.
      3. jnak00
        Try moving up the chain? I love my E5000s, although anyone who something close to neutral should stay far away.
        Dec 9, 2022
      4. Biodegraded
        Never heard any of the E-series myself, but here's a guy who's bought 5 and listened closely to the 6th; you might be able to triangulate vs E1000 from what he writes:
        TLDR (my interpretation): E3000 seems closest but might be too mid-bassy.
        Dec 10, 2022
        Lyander likes this.
    13. imackler
      Today, I hope to see the Red Wings beat the Ducks. The Wings have a better shot this year! (A fun perk of living in Anaheim.) Go Wings!
      1. Qildail and GanGreinke like this.
      2. Qildail
        Sorry for a Wings L tonight, but was a good game for what I saw on stream.
        Nov 15, 2022
        imackler likes this.
    14. imackler
      Just picked up a Grado RS2E. The new Grado F Cush or TTVJ Deluxe Flat Pads? Any consensus?
      1. Gazny likes this.
      2. purr1n
        Grado F cush is better. If you want to get more Grado, the Gerod pads are less bowly bowls that split the difference.
        Aug 1, 2022
        YMO and imackler like this.
      3. imackler
        Aug 1, 2022
    15. imackler
      My brother-in-law sent me a Katz's deli box for my birthday, both pastrami and corned beef. Wow.
      1. bixby
        Happy birthday, dine as a king of meats!
        Jul 23, 2022
        Qildail likes this.
      2. gixxerwimp
        Your sister married well ;)
        As did mine. My BIL gave me his old espresso setup when he upgraded.
        Jul 23, 2022
      3. yotacowboy
        HBDAY! Thru Goldbelly or straight from Katz's?
        Jul 24, 2022
    16. imackler
      Has anyone ever replaced the battery on the ALO RXmk3B+? I love my Leck but tempted... Seeing if its a sustainable option...
    17. imackler
      Who's curious about the IE600? Crinacle describes "spicey treble." Anyone started modding filters?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. imackler
        @shotgunshane I know... and yet the elusive one-ring-to-rule-them-all dynamic driver will be forged someday. Loving my FDX1 though!
        May 12, 2022
        shotgunshane likes this.
      3. YMO
        Moondrop Kato
        May 12, 2022
      4. imackler
        @YMO Not bad at all, I like the FDX1 more personally...
        May 12, 2022
        YMO likes this.
    18. imackler
      RIP iPod. 20 Years.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rhythmdevils
        Damnit I love my iPod touch, I was hoping they would make a new one. I don't want to stream with my big iPhone. I guess I'll have to look into an iPhone SE, though it looks like they're unlikely to make another one of those because it's not selling well. Bummer everything has to be so huge,
        May 10, 2022
        Cryptowolf, imackler and Deep Funk like this.
      3. Merrick
        The current iPhone SE has an A15 chip, it'll be good for many years. By then Apple will have some other option available I'm sure.
        May 10, 2022
      4. crazychile
        In 2004 I bought my first iPod, and then first Mac mini with external hard drives for a music server. I think hard drives cost about $1 per GB back then. Somewhere around 10 yrs ago I finally got pissed enough with iTunes file corruption tomfuckery to do podcasts on phone and reripped cds to FLAC and used Amarra or something. Now I just use streaming exclusively while I wait for Schiit transport to play CDs again
        May 11, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    19. imackler
      I have a desire for a Pico Power. It's not a strong desire but if you have one sitting around, shoot me a message.
    20. imackler
      Fyi. Modi 3E up at Schiit. $129. Unison. ESS ES9018
      1. Jinxy245, E_Schaaf and dematted like this.
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      3. rlow
        Now the real question can be answered: Are Mike and Dave bona fide Sabre Whisperers?
        Feb 3, 2022
      4. jexby
        maybe the delay is due to the state of the art micro-usb ports?
        Feb 3, 2022
      5. Merrick
        @rlow If Fulla e is anything to go by: Yes they are.
        Feb 3, 2022
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  • About

    Jul 18, 1976 (Age: 48)
    Anaheim, CA